CP environmental science

CP Environmental Science Syllabus
Rahway High School
Instructor- Mrs. Jessica Merrill-Carr
JMerrill@Rahway.net Room 222
Course Description: Environmental Science is a lab based course that is designed to examine ecological,
biological, chemical, physical and environmental concepts and interactions. A student of this course should be
familiar with local, regional and global concerns within their own environment. Environmental Science
combines concepts from all disciplines of science.
Textbook: Environmental Science, Your World Your Turn, J. Withgott, 2011
Course Overview
Unit 1: Introduction to Environmental Science
 Chapter 1: An Introduction to Environmental Science
 Chapter 3: Earth’s Environmental Systems
Unit 2: Populations
 Chapter 4: Population Ecology
 Chapter 8: Human Population
Unit 3: Ecology
 Chapter 5: Evolution and Community Ecology
 Chapter 6 Biomes and Aquatic ecosystems
 Chapter 7: Biodiversity and Conservation
Unit 4: Toward a Sustainable Future
 Chapter 16: Global Climate Change
 Chapter 17: Nonrenewable Energy
 Chapter 18: Renewable Energy Alternatives
Grading System
Your grade for this class will be based on tests, quizzes, labs, class participation, completion of class and homework
assignments as well as the maintenance of a notebook. Please see the grading policy information below for further details.
Class Participation and Class Assignments – 25% of Grade; as evidenced by completing the “Do Now” daily ,
completion of all class work assignments and, asking and responding to questions, offering relevant comments,
and respecting the teacher’s authority. Preparedness – a notebook, pen, pencil and agenda must be in class
Homework Assignments – 20% of Grade
Laboratory Assignments - 25% of Grade
Tests/Quizzes - 30% of Grade; includes all tests, quizzes, and projects. All projects and notebook checks will
count as test grades.
Summer Packets
Every student in the Rahway School system is required to obtain a summer science packet from the year prior. These
packets are due September 8th, 2015. Packets will not be accepted after September 8th, 2015.
EOC Biology State Test: The topic you will learn in Environmental Science will be on the End of Course NJ Biology
The following is a list of materials you will need for class EVERYDAY.
1. 2 inch three-ringed binder (kept in date order)
2. Pencil and pen
3. Brain
Classroom Expectations
1. Students must follow rules in the student handbook at all times. (Including cell phone use)
2. Coping work including homework, classwork (from others or the internet), and tests is taken
seriously and will be reported to Rahway High School Administration, guidance and guardians.
3. Be prepared every day by having your materials ready and open for discussion.
4. Actively engage in class discussion and ask questions. Your questions will only help you and other
students learn. Discussion and debates will aid in learning new material and critical thinking.
If you are absent you will have only the amount of days you were absent to complete missing work. If you miss
a test during the time you are absent, you will only have the amount of days you were absent to make up the
test. YOU ARE RESPOSIBLE FOR ALL OF THE MISSING WORK. Most labs are very difficult to repeat
independently, only miss lab days if it is absolutely necessary. If you do not make up work/ labs in the amount
of time given you will be given a ZERO for missing work.
Late Policy
Any assignment (except tests and quizzes) turned in 1 day will be marked down 50%. Assignments will not be accepted
after 24 hours from the due date.
Class Contract
I,_____________________________, agree to abide by the 2015-2016 syllabus and the current grading policy.
I will give my full attention during each class period and try my hardest regardless of how difficult the topic
may be. I will seek assistance if I start to struggle or begin accepting failure. I will be respectful, responsible,
cautious and hard working from this time forward.
Student Signature
Student Printed Name
Parent Signature
Parent Printed Name