PS121 - Test 2 Study Guide

1. What or how do political parties contribute to democracy and politics? Explain thoroughly and
don’t just describe.
2. How do political parties detract from democracy and politics? “”
3. What is the party-systems approach to American history?
4. What does “realignment” mean?
5. What are the characteristics of any party system? That is, describe how we would know that
we’re living in a particular party system period.
6. What are “critical elections”?
7. Describe the first party system. Its issues, actors, why it came about and why it went away
8. Describe the second party system. Its issues, actors, why it came about and why it went away
9. Describe the third party system. Its issues, actors, why it came about and why it went away
10. Describe the fourth party system. Its issues, actors, why it came about and why it went away
11. Describe the fifth party system. Its issues, actors, why it came about and why it went away
12. Describe the features contemporary party system.
13. Describe the decline and revival of political parties today.
14. Describe the structure of the state court system.
15. What are differences between the civil code and the criminal code?
16. How do state judges get their jobs? Why does that make it “political”? Why has the process of
becoming a judge become more political in recent years?
17. Interest groups and politicians place a lot of weight on the appointment of new federal
18. Describe the tenure and salary of federal judges. Why are these things that way?
19. What exactly is judicial review and who has this power?
20. What famous court case established this power and how?
21. Describe each of the 3 approaches to constitutional interpretation and then compare and
contrast them (strengths/weaknesses) with each other. Explain thoroughly.
22. Describe the three infamous cases of where judicial review led to a negative public
23. Describe the structure of the federal court system and the selection of fed judges
24. Supreme Court:
a. Describe and EXPLAIN some of the politics behind supreme court nomination
b. What is stare decisis?
c. Describe the steps in supreme court decision making
d. Describe how voting works on the SC
25. Compare and contrast judicial activism vs judicial restraint
26. Describe the 3 methods of checking the power of the courts
27. How and why has litigation been used as a political strategy. Give a pro and a con for this