The American Revolution

The American Revolution
Unit 4
8th Grade Social Studies
Sheridan Middle School
Mr. Morris
Causes of the American
1. Which
tax act was
the first to anger
2. What did the
Stamp Act put a
tax on?
IV. The American Revolution
A. The British Try to Raise Money
1. Sugar Act lowers taxes on molasses to
reduce smuggling.
2. The Stamp Act places a tax on all
printed materials in the colonies.
3. The colonists protest in Virginia by
saying they had the sole “exclusive
right” to tax their citizens.
4. Led by Samuel Adams, the Sons of
Liberty protest by burning houses of
the British and marching in Boston.
Causes of the American
IV. A. The British Try to Raise Money
5. In 1766 England repeals the Stamp Act.
6. In 1767 Parliament passes the Townshend Acts
to tax imports.
7. The colonists initiate a boycott against Britain.
8. Eventually Britain repeals the Townshend Acts
except for the tax on tea.
9. Although there was just one tax left the
colonists were still mad chanting “No
Taxation without Representation!”
10. King George & the Parliament believe that
Boston is the center of rebellion.
Causes of the American Revolution
Redcoats= British
How many
colonists were
killed in the
Intolerable (Am.) =
Coercive (BR)
B. Trouble in Boston
1.Parliament sends “redcoats” to Boston. Some of
these soldiers were rowdy.
2. On March 5, 1770 tension between the
redcoats and Bostonians leads to violence.
3. 5 colonists are killed in the Boston Massacre.
Colonists get mad & boycotts gain strength.
4. Parliament passes the Tea Act of 1773 giving
the East India Company all the profits.
5. Dec. 1773: In Boston Harbor, the Sons of
Liberty dressed up as Mohawks and
dumped 342 chests of tea overboard.
6. King George is furious. Parliament passes the
Coercive Acts against Boston.
7. The blockade prevents Boston from receiving
food and supplies.
The 1st Continental Congress
IV C. The 1st Continental Congress
1. Representatives from all 12 of the 13
colonies met to challenge the British.
2. Among the delegates are John Adams,
Samuel Adams, Patrick Henry and
George Washington.
3. The delegates called for the repeal of
13 acts of Parliament.
4. The 1st Continental Congress approves
a resolution to form militias to oppose
the British.
The First Battles
IV D. The First Battles
1. In Boston, British General Gage
is ordered to take away weapons
and arrest the militia leaders.
2. Paul Revere & William Daws
rode to Lexington & Concord to
warn Samuel Adams & John
3. The redcoats push the militia
back at Lexington but are
ambushed by the Minutemen at
The First Battles
IV D. The First Battles
4. The success of the Minutemen
causes many colonists to join the
5. At the Battle of Bunker Hill the
British charge, suffer heavy
losses but win the battle.
6. Americans choose sides. Those
who want to fight the British were
called Patriots. Loyalists want to
remain with Britain.
The Battle of Bunker Hill
John & Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams, wife of
John Adams writes to
her husband who is in
Philadelphia for the 2nd
Continental Congress.
The good news
encourages the
Congress to establish
an army.
The 2nd Continental Congress
Henry Knox
moves 14
cannon 500
miles & places
them above
the British
IV E. The 2nd Continental Congress
1. In 1775 the 2nd Congress meets
with Ben Franklin, John Hancock
& Thomas Jefferson as well.
2. The Congress prints money, sets
up the Continental Army and asks
King George for peace.
3. George Washington leads the
army and surrounds Boston.
4. General Gage & the British are
forced to retreat to Canada.
The 2nd Continental Congress
IV E. The 2nd Continental Congress
5. The Congress forms a committee
to draft a Declaration of
Independence (including John Adams,
Ben Franklin & Thomas Jefferson).
6. Jefferson writes the Declaration
and on July 2, 1776 twelve
colonies vote for the resolution.
7. On July 4, 1776 Congress
approves it with some changes.
8. John Hancock is the first to sign.
Declaring Independence
In a paragraph explain the importance of
the 2nd Continental Congress & how
and why the Declaration of
Independence was written, approved &
Declaration of Independence
When it becomes necessary to dissolve the
political bands, which have connected them,
it is required to declare the causes that
separate them.
When a people have to separate from others,
it is important to give the reasons why.
Declaration of Independence
Declaration of Natural Rights
We believe that all men are created equally and have
the right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
Governments only receive their powers from the
people themselves. It is the right of the people to
abolish this government only when it has been terribly
Declaration of Independence
List of Grievances
King George has done many things to make the colonists
mad. He has taxed us without representaion; he has
tried us without jury, cut off trade with the world and
quartered soldiers in our homes.
The King has refused our laws, appointed unfair judges
and officials, and quartered his soldiers amongst us in a
time of peace. He has repeatedly taken away our rights
while we have asked him to be fair. Instead he has
waged war against us.
Declaration of Independence
Resolution of Independence
As Representatives of the united States of
America, we declare that these colonies
are free and independent of Great
Britain. We pledge to each other our
lives, fortune and sacred honor.
The War for Independence
Where does
Wash think
the Brits will
3. Who wins the
Battle of LI?
4. Who is hanged
as a traitor?
IV F. The British Invasion
1. In Summer 1776 Washington believes
the British will attack New York.
2. 32,000 Redcoats invade New York.
3. The British defeat the Americans at the
Battle of Long Island.
4. Nathan Hale is hanged as a traitor.
“I regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.”
5. Washington leads the Continental
Army from New York to New Jersey &
then to Penn. in a series of retreats.
The War for Independence
8. Hessians are
hired by the
IV F. The British Invasion
6. The British chase the Americans to
New Jersey then stopped for the winter.
7. Washington boldly crosses the
Delaware and attacks the Hessians at
Trenton on Christmas Day, 1776.
8. The Hessians are surprised, defeated
and the Americans lose nothing.
9. The Continentals then attack and beat
the British at Princeton three days later.
Revolutionary Quotes.
• “As for me….Give me liberty or give
me death!”
• “I regret only that I have one life to
lose for my country!”
• “Remember the ladies!”
• “Gentlemen, either we all hang
together or most assuredly we will all
hang seeparately.”
• It is “common sense” to rise up
against the “royal brute”
• “I have not yet begun to fight!”
The War for Independence
IV G. The British Plan for Victory in 1777.
1. The British plan a 3 prong attack to
separate New England from the other
2. General Howe (British) captures
Philadelphia & the Continental
Congress has to flee.
3. Washington attacks at Germantown,
PA early in 1777 but his troops are
confused in the fog and retreats.
4. General Gates surrounds the British
force at Saratoga, NY. 5700 British
troops surrender on October 17, 1777.
The Continental Army at
Valley Forge
Based on the artwork above, what were the
living conditions for the Continental Army at
Valley Forge?
The War of Independence
IV H. The Winter at Valley Forge,
Pennsylvania 1777-1778
1. Washington’s army camps 30 miles
north of Philadelphia.
2. Many soldiers die of disease, the cold
or malnutrition.
3. Thanks to Ben Franklin, France joins
the American cause with money and
support of their navy.
4. After the winter Washington chases the
British across NJ and wins a battle at
Monmouth Court House. (Molly Pitcher
fights in the place of her husband).
The War of Independence
3. Who says “I
have not yet
begun to
IV I. The Final Battles of the Revolution.
1. In 1778 the British invade the southern
colonies hoping for loyalist support.
2. The British occupy Savannah, GA, an
important southern port.
3. In 1779 John Paul Jones, captain of
the Bonhomme Richard, captures
British ships.
4. The British win their final victory at
Camden, SC in 1780 but are far from
their port in Savannah.
The War of Independence
IV. J. The Siege of Yorktown
1. In early 1781 Washington plans to attack
New York but fails when the French fleet
doesn’t show up.
2. Washington plans a secret attack to
surround the British Gen. Cornwallis’ force at
3. This time the French fleet does show up and
on October 19, 1781 Cornwallis surrenders to
the Americans.
4. The surrender forces King George to
negotiate with Ben Franklin & John Adams.
5. After many months of compromises, The
Treaty of Paris in 1783 awards the United
States formal recognition as a nation.
The British Surrender at York
General Cornwallis surrenders his
sword to General Washington
The Revolutionary War
• Who wrote the “American Crisis”
• What battle in 1777 does the U.S.
capture a British Army?
• How/where did Washington trap
How did the United States win
• In one paragraph, using your Cornell
Notes, explain how the United States
won the War for Independence.