ATAR subject score

Dani Crew-Year 11 coordinator
Debra Icely – Year 12 coordinator
Grant Mc Murdo /Margaret Fry
- Pathways and VET coordinator
Some things learned along the way this year
Adult environment
Relevant curriculum
Student self discovery
Power of knowledge
Special occasions
Finishing off
Doing Assigned Tasks
Reading ahead
Reviewing day’s work
◦ Tidying up, checking for understanding
Setting own questions/tasks
Wider reading
Revision- note taking
Read Study Design & Review previous
exams: VCAA website
Recommended: 3-5 hours weeknights, full
day on Wednesday, One day of the weekend
Need to leave the “comfort zone”
◦ Class activities, relationships with teachers and
Personal Accountability
Increasingly complicated lifestyle
◦ Relationships, employment, sport, family conflict,
parties, financial pressures
Increased independence
◦ Inevitable mistakes, where to look for help
School appears to be a low priority
Leaving late for school
Home unexpectedly
Misuse of Wednesday
Failing to attend SACs
Minimal communication about school matters
◦ including notices, reports etc
◦ late subject changes
Things that help include
◦ Routine
◦ Wall planner, diary, Notes on Fridge etc.
◦ Clear goals for a particular study session
◦ Regular Breaks (5-10m mins per hour)
◦ A variety of tasks
◦ Minimal interruption\distraction
Phone, TV, Computer, Social Networking,
Facebook etc.
Regular and Punctual Attendance
Effective use of class time
Meeting deadlines
◦ Equipment, seating position, engagement with work,
intention to complete tasks, collaboration with teacher
◦ Homework, class work, out of class time
◦ Asking, telling, listening
◦ Acknowledging that success in VCE is a Team Effort
(student, students friends, parents and teachers,
coordinators etc)
◦ Be prepared to seek assistance
Reinforce the priority of education
Balancing demands
Encourage daily homework ritual
◦ time, location, conditions (e.g. TV off etc.)
◦ monitor a study timetable
Reinforce importance of punctuality and regular attendance
Find out what your child is doing in each subject and talk about it
Communicate with teachers
Keep an eye on child's lifestyle- diet, exercise, social activities, part
time work
◦ Balanced?, Healthy?
Students expected to attend all classes
Absences should be explained with a Medical
5 Unexplained absences permitted per
semester ( lateness of over 5 mins is an
Maximum of 12 absences with Medical
Certificates only
Medical Certs must be signed by subject
teachers & then given to coordinator
PHSC Policy: Min 8 Year 11 Units to
progress to Year 12
To gain a VCE :
◦ Total of 16 Units
◦ Must include 4 X 3 / 4 Unit sequences
◦ Must include 3 Units of English / Literature/EAL
over Units 1-4
Possible to do a 3 Year VCE without penalty.
Study Score : This is the score each student
gains for each subject based on SACs and
Exams. Max 50 marks
UNSCORED VCE- It is possible to gain a VCE
without attending exams. Students can meet
Outcomes to pass Units through completion
of class & homework & some SACS. This
means no ATAR is attained.
For some studies students need to have
completed Units 1 & 2 in order to enroll in
Units 3/4 e.g. LOTE, Music, Maths, Science
(see your teacher to confirm if you are
Info on subjects in the Senior School
Questions re Pathways, tertiary entrance,
prerequisites etc.
See Grant Mc Murdo/Margaret Fry
How is the ATAR calculated?
 VTAC uses VCE results issued by VCAA (Victorian
Curriculum and Assessment Authority)
 Subject to the restrictions outlined in VICTER the
ATAR is developed from an aggregate produced by
◦ ATAR subject score in English, Literature or EAL
◦ The next best three ATAR subject scores (permissible); and
◦ 10% of the fifth and sixth permissible ATAR subject scores
that are available.
An Extension Study can be used as a sixth study
Students may apply to study a first year University
subject in Year 12.
Only students with A+ average for the study area
and a B+ average overall should consider this
Application is to the University, after PHSC Principal
approval and the University makes the decision to
The study contributes as a 6th subject to the ATAR
Ms. Fry is the contact.
80% = 80 % places given from highest enter=
Clearly IN
20%= 20 %places
Selection officers choose according to Middle
Scores in particular subjects
Completion of non prerequisite studies
Personal Information
Special Consideration e.g. illness, trauma
Check you have the pre-requisites included in
your VCE program for any post secondary
study options that interest you
Check in VICTER 2016 or,
search for VICTER 2016
In each of the study areas of English, mathematics,
history, information technology, LOTE, music, at
most two results can contribute to the Primary Four
and at most three results can contribute to the
ATAR be they VCE results, Extension study results,
or VET results.
These subject groupings are listed at the beginning
of VICTER 2015.
Please check!!!
VET programs have Unit 1 - 4 sequences
 Must do 1/2 to enroll in 3/4
 Completed Units become part of the
VCE/VCAL Certificate
 VET programs contribute to the ATAR
study score (if scored assessment), or
block credit (if unscored assessment)*
*Important note: any unscored block credit VET cannot
be in the ATAR top 4.
Students who are doing a VET subject
this year can select to continue the
subject in 2015
 There is a cost for VET subjects in
addition to normal school fees
 Info on costs will de available once
determined by Vic govt.
Complete the enrolment form in the 2015 VET
 Submit enrolment form to with their Round 1Subject
Selection at Home group : August 20th
Apply online at IMVC website by 20th August
 Select the VET subject on the online PHSC Round 1
Subject Selection
 Pay materials fee by 28th November
 ( Last day of year 11- 12 Transition)
Allied Health
Animal studies
Applied Design in Industry
Applied Fashion Design and
Automotive Technology Studiesmechanical
Building and Construction- carpentry
Community Recreation ( AFL, aquatic
or basketball electives)
Community Services
Community Services- childcare
Creative Industries- Media
Creative Industries- Broadcasting
Equine studies
Furnishings – cabinet making
Integrated Technologies
Interior design
Media (run at PHSC)
Music Industry- performance
Music Industry- technical production
And more ……
VET- More information?
VET Handbook available at: and on the PHSC website
Curriculum/PHSC handbooks/
VET 2015 Handbook)
 Application Form in VCE Hub
Note all queries about VET must go via
Grant Mc Murdo not to IMVC.
May be applicable in special circumstances
Illness, trauma or ongoing learning or
physical disability
Extra reading or writing time, rest breaks, use
of a computer etc.
VCAA Special Exam arrangements application
Due in early March 2015
Must apply through the year level Leader
See VCE student Handbook for
more details & /or VCAA website
New in 2014
 Additional Recognition
VCE Programme must include:
3/4 English or Lit (score 30 +) EAL (33+)
3/4 Maths Methods or Specialist Maths
3/4 Language
At least 2 other 3/4 Sequences
Confirmation of the award will occur once
the student receives final moderated scores
Unclear about formal recognition of the
Baccalaureate by tertiary providers
Friday 1st August Subject Selection #1 online
Tues 12th August 12-8pm Parent Teacher
Interviews & Tertiary Expo in Gym
Wed 20th August Subject Selection #1 Due
Mon 1st Sept Subject Selection # 2 online
Fri 5th Sept Subject Selection # 2 due
Subjects confirmed week 4 Term 4 (approx.)
Compulsory Transition Classes for Year 12, 2015
24th – 28th November
Year 12 Performance & Oral Exams begin
6th October
 Year 12 Written Exam Period
29th October- 19th November
Year 11 classes end Fri 7th Nov
Year 11 Exams 12th Nov- 21st Nov
Year 12 Transition i.e. 1st week year 12 classes
24-28th November
Thanks for your attendance
this evening.
See you next year in your
final VCE year!!
Good luck for the
remainder of Year 11