Greek alphabet

There was never a “Greek” Empire
too many mountains
• ACROPOLIS - Hilltops of city where temples
were built
• POLITICS – governing a city (a polis)
The Greeks had an entire
“family” of gods and
• Polytheistic
• Fights and jealousies of
gods used to “explain”
mysteries of the world.
• Gods & goddesses were
far from perfect. They
were mean, vengeful,
manipulating and unfair.
• Eventual men started to
explain events.
• Philosophy vs. Religion
• Greeks had little available farmland (too many
mountains) so they developed olive trees &
grape vines so they could export oil & wine.
• The Greek alphabet
is the script that has
been used to write
the Greek language
since the 8th
century BC. It was
derived from the
earlier Phoenician
Trojan War – (1250 BCE)
stories retold
by Homer 500
years later
Trojan War Video Clip
Achilles Heel - He's immortal !
• According to Legend
– Troy defeated & destroyed
– Helen returned to Sparta
– Odysseus takes 10 years to get home
– Aeneas takes 10 years to get to Latin coast of Italy
• According to History
– Greeks retained control of Mediterranean sea
trade and access to the Black Sea
– Rivalry with civilizations of Middle East remained.
Rule by ONE (mono)
• Monarchy – the “one” ruler usually inherits
power. He is considered a “legal” or
“legitimate” ruler.
• Tyranny – the “one” ruler seizes power
(usually from the landowners” and usually
promises land to the poor. He is usually
considered an “illegal” or “illegitimate” ruler.
Rule by a FEW
• Oligarchy – a few “privileged” members
of the community make the laws and
decisions for everyone.
–Council of Elders (like in Paleolithic times)
–Council of Experienced Military Generals
(like in Sparta)
–Members of a particular “political” group
(like the Communist Party in USSR)
• Aristocracy – most “common” form of
oligarchy. Rich landowners make all
• Draco was the 1st Law-Giver of Athens … BUT
• The people of Athens were upset by the
harshness of the laws …SO…
• They developed a new type of government
where all the citizens had a vote in the laws of
the land…
Any guesses ?
– Developed by the people of Athens
– All “citizens” MUST participate in the government/
attend the assembly / vote on laws
– CAVEAT (fancy way of saying… but) Very few
Athenians “qualified” for citizenship. Only Men
over 21 born in Athens of men born in Athens &
not Slaves.
• How many could not vote?
Women percentage of population
Percentage of Children
• How many could vote?
Military Training
Birthplace of Democracy
Military Life with
Slaves (helots)
No need for trade
Educated “Citizens” and
women with no status
Trade Vital for survival an
Are you kidding?
(OK good shields,
long spears
& buff abs)
Golden Age
Inland with no sea
access or colonies
of Art, Architecture,
Literature, Philosophy,
Use of Reason
Core of Western Civ.
Mediterranean Seaport
with colonies
Differences Between
Athens & Sparta
• Remember the Athenians humiliated Darius at the
battle of Marathon.
• Darius died before he could seek revenge.
• Xerxes (his son) sent army of 2,000,000 & 600 ships
• Spartans “lost” at Thermopylae
• Athenians won sea battle at Salamis
Impossible Result – “the world turned upside down”
So, which civilization was “better’ –
The Persians or the Greeks?
Crash Course - The Persians or the
We are in the middle of a Presidential
Campaign. Most of the TV and print
advertisements for the candidates are
negative. More than explaining why a
particular candidate is “the right choice”,
the ads try to show why the other guy is
“the wrong choice”.
Create a NEGATIVE print ad
supporting your “candidate”.
This ad was approved by Athenians for (name your candidate)
– Contain info on why at least one of the “candidates” is the “wrong
choice”. Mention why your “candidate” is the “right choice”.
– Make sure that the “font” for your handwritten / printed ad is
large enough that it can be read at least five feet away (by an old
teacher tired from getting back from a wedding).
– Include statement
This ad was approved by Athenians for …
– Use markers and pencils from the side of the room.
– If not finished in class make sure you have at your on the 19th /
Imagine that the citizens of Athens are going
to VOTE on what system of government will
be used in the polis. The “candidates” are
oligarchy of oldest Athenians
aristocracy of richest Athenians
theocracy run by the priests from Delphi