Answers: Questions: Using this review packet, textbook, your notes

Using this review packet, textbook, your notes, and/or your knowledge of Global I, make 5 questions on
the themes presented in this review packet. After you have made each question, provide the answer in
the section below. You must have at least one question from each section on the review sheet.
1) Which belief system is most closely associated with the terms Eightfold Path, Four Noble
Truths, and nirvana?
a. Buddhism
b. Christianity
c. Judaism
d. Shinto
2) One contribution of Ancient Roman culture was the development of:
a. The concept of zero
b. The process of making silk
c. A republican form of government
d. The printing press
3) Hammurabi’s Code, the Twelve Tables, the Napoleonic Code were all significant to their societies
because they established:
a. democratic governments
b. official religions
c. rules of behavior
d. economic systems
4) Which
statement most accurately describes a difference between Athens and Sparta
The population of Athens practiced Islam and Sparta practiced Christianity
Athenians used gunpowder in battle and the Spartans used spears
Athenians practiced direct democracy while Spartans organized their society around
military service
d. Athenians required all citizens to travel to Italy and Persia while the Spartans did not
5) The Golden Age of Muslim culture was best known for its:
a. Attempts to colonize North America
b. Frequent conflicts between Christians and Jews
c. Advances in mathematics, science, and medicine
d. Conquests of the Germanic tribes and trade along the Silk Road
6) The caste system in India and the Feudal System in Europe were similar in that both:
a. Provided structure for society
b. Developed concepts of natural rights
c. Established totalitarian governments
d. Promoted peace and prosperity