Early Greeks City-States Athens Sparta Persian Wars 1pt 1 pt 1 pt 1pt 1 pt 2 pt 2 pt 2pt 2pt 2 pt 3 pt 3 pt 3 pt 3 pt 3 pt 4 pt 4 pt 4pt 4 pt 4pt 5pt 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt Sea traders living on Crete, whose capital was at Knossos. Who are the Minoans? Minoan paintings on wet plaster walls. What are frescoes? Peninsula of Greece where the Mycenaeans were located. What is the Peloponnesus? They invaded and plunged Greece into their Dark Ages, of which we have no written records. Who are the Dorians? Blind bard Homer This was a unique sport the Minoans engaged in, displayed on their pottery . and paintings. What is bull-leaping? Fortified hilltop in a polis (city-state). What is the acropolis? The marketplace for a Greek polis. What is the agora? Hereditary rule by a few noble families. What is an aristocracy? Rule by a group of powerful individuals, not necessarily nobility (i.e. military rule). What is an oligarchy? The use of this type of weapon, making it less expensive, allowed more Greeks to become hoplites (foot-soldiers). What is iron? The Athenians were proud to be descendents of these people. Who were the Ionians? Athens is located in Attica. Reformer who outlawed debt slavery and divided Athenians into social classes based on wealth. Who was Solon? He is the father of Athenian democracy who divided Athens into ten tribes or “demes”. Who was Cleisthenes? Term for the banishment or exile from Athens, used for political purposes. What is ostracism? Ostracism ballot Athenians were chosen randomly to serve a year in this. What is the Assembly or Council of 500 (Boule)? Messenian slaves in Sparta. What are helots? He created strict laws for Sparta. Who was Lycurgus? The five overseers and advisors of the Spartan government. Who were ephors? Spartan ruling assembly made up of Spartiate males over the age of 60. What is the Council of Elders or Senate? Name for the disciplined, intense military training for Spartan boys. What was agoge? Athenian ship of three tiers of rowers; quick & maneuverable. What was a trireme? Xerxes built this in order to cross the Hellespont. What is a pontoonbridge? Greek messenger who ran 26 miles from Marathon to Athens to tell of victory. Who was Pheidippides? Athenian leader who encouraged the build-up of Athens’ navy. Who is Themistocles? Final decisive battle of the Persian Wars, in which the Greek army defeats Mardonius’ troops. What is Plataea?