Good Practices in Library Programming

Good Practices
in Library Programming
March 14, 2012
Different Activities for Different
Children 12 & under
Youth 12 +
A Sampling of the Possibilities…
1. Everyone
• Assisting patrons to find the right book:
- Lists of Recommended Books (by age group;
or by subject)
- Advising patrons with book suggestions
- Featuring or
new books
1. Everyone
• Offering Incentives:
- Provide cookies, fruit or other snacks during
scheduled activities or events
- Supply literacy kits to parents
- Give away backpacks or school supplies to
children who use the library
- Free classes, such as computer classes or
research classes
2. Children 12 & Under
• Story time:
- Reading stories to a group of children
- With or without parental accompaniment
- Engage the children:
use different voices for
different characters; ask
them questions about
the story; sound effects;
show illustrations
- Use a puppet show to
tell a story
2. Children 12 & Under
• Story writing/Book making:
- Have children imagine a story and provide them
with paper and markers to illustrate and write
their own book, with guidance from the librarian
- Children can present the books to other children
- Children can perform
plays they write or stories
they read in books
2. Children 12 & Under
• Music events:
- Singing nursery rhymes together
- Inviting a musician to perform for the children
2. Children 12 & Under
• Art
- Have children make illustrations and then put
them on display in
the library
- Craft hour
- Sponsor an art
- Display art books in
2. Children 12 & Under
• Outreach to Children
- Have a story reading hour in a local orphanage
- Have story readings in local schools
3. Youth 12 +
• Study Support:
- Homework help seminars
- Tutoring
- Workshops on research,
referencing, writing skills
and other academic skills
3. Youth 12 +
Reading Promotion:
Youth Book Club
Reading Competition
Book review
- Display photo essay on
a book made by youth
- Poetry reading
4. Adults
Book Clubs
Everyone in the club reads the same book
The club meets to discuss the book (i.e. monthly)
Members take turns selecting the book
4. Adults
• Job Skills Support:
- Resume writing workshop
- Vacancies information bulletin board in library
- Have an area with brochures
or fliers for training programs
and study opportunities
4. Adults
Offer Recreational Classes
Learn a foreign language
Kitchen gardening, horticulture
Literacy classes
Writing classes
5. Families
Activities for Families:
Family story hour
Mom & kid(s) story hour
Family literacy