Marine Biology Syllabus - Lake View Elementary School


Marine Science Ms. M. Wright

Conference Information: Parents are strongly encouraged to contact the teacher with any concerns they have about their child’s performance in this class. You may call the school at 342-2850 and leave a message or e-mail me at


Course Description: This course will provide and introduction to the flora and fauna of the marine environment. The course is designed for the introductory marine biology student and no previous knowledge of marine biology is assumed, however basic biology is. Selected groups of marine organisms will be used to develop an understanding of biological principles and processes that are basic to all forms of life in the sea. The ocean’s role in our climate and weather will also be discussed as well as the importance of ocean currents and upwelling.

Textbook: Introduction to Marine Biology 2 nd Edition (Each student will be issued his/her own book)

Required Materials: Three-ring binder, college ruled loose leaf paper, pen or pencil, colored pencils

Requested Materials: One ream of copy paper, Box of tissues, Can of Lysol, Bottle of hand sanitizer

Grading Policy: The final grade for each nine week grading period will be calculated through dividing the total points offered, by the student’s total accumulated points. The final exam will be worth 20% of the final grade. Students will be given a plethora of extra-credit opportunities throughout the course of the semester and should not wait to ask for such opportunities in the last week of any grading period.

Students will be graded on daily assignments and class participation, homework assignments, tests, quizzes and projects. Report cards will be issued in accordance with the Tuscaloosa County Board of

Education calendar. Progress reports are distributed at the midpoint of each grading period.

Make-Up Work: Students are responsible for obtaining any make-up assignments from the make-up work folder. Students should attempt to copy a classmate’s notes from the day of their absence. If they are unable to find someone with the notes then they should ask me. Students will need to see me in order to schedule a time for make-up tests. The school policy will be followed for timeliness in the completion of all make-up work. Refer any questions about this to your student handbook.

Class rules:

Students will be allowed three bathroom trips per 9 week grading period and must present their pass in order to go

Water is the only beverage permitted in the classroom- no food and beverages will be permitted in the lab (this is for your safety).

Cell phones will be confiscated if I see or hear them.

Cheating will result in a grade of 0 for the assignment.

Sharpen your pencils in the first 2 minutes of class.

Students are required to follow all other rules stated in the student hand book.

Parent Signature:__________________________________________________ Date: ______________

Student Signature:_________________________________________________ Date: ______________
