Student Handbook - Kate Collins Middle School

Kate Collins Middle School
1625 Ivy Street
Waynesboro, VA 22980
Student Handbook 2014-2015
Janet Buchheit
Allen Jervey
Assistant Principal
Tammy Hipes
Assistant Principal
In partnership with home and community, Kate Collins Middle School
is committed to providing a safe, nurturing environment
that promotes respect and support for the individual,
fosters a spirit of cooperation, and challenges us
to develop to our fullest potential.
We acknowledge that all children can learn
and are entitled to the best education possible, enabling them
to become life-long learners and productive, successful citizens
within a changing, diverse society. We envision a climate
in which students want to learn, are inspired to do their best,
and recognize and develop their own self-worth.
This handbook belongs to:
Welcome to Kate Collins Middle School
Dear KCMS Badgers and parents/guardians,
We are beginning another school year and are very happy you are here. The new school year brings new
opportunities, new challenges, and new faces. Let us work together to make this a great experience and one in
which we can look back and appreciate all that was accomplished in such a positive way.
The guidelines within this handbook are expectations about how you can best contribute to your middle school
environment…which we expect to be safe, friendly and productive. It is about having an atmosphere here at
school that fosters strong academics, good feelings and good memories.
Respect for yourself, others and the property is probably the single most important thing students can learn as
a member of a school community of learners. As a community member, it is critical that you respect yourself,
your peers, the adults that work here and the building itself. When we do this together, we can accomplish
amazing things. Respect for yourself begins by reading this handbook and making plans for how you are going
to make this a great school year.
Remember…most of us know when we are doing the right thing. Do the right thing and you will be fulfilling a
big part of your obligation as a student here at Kate Collins Middle School – YOUR school.
Please pay careful attention to this handbook. Discuss it with your parents, teachers and classmates. If you
have any questions, please don’t hesitate to seek our assistance. Have a GREAT year!
Janet Buchheit
Janet Buchheit
Administration – 946-4635
Principal – Ms. Janet Buchheit
Assistant Principal – Mr. Allen Jervey
Assistant Principal – Ms. Tammy Hipes
Administrative Secretary & Bookkeeper – Mrs. Nancy Via
Secretary/Attendance Secretary – Mrs. Tammy McDaniel
Secretary – Mrs. Teresa Dudley
Counseling Center – 946-4635
Counselor – Mandy Chambers
Counselor – Mary Adams
Counselor Secretary – Mrs. Donna Wolke
School Nurse – 946-4635
Nurse Diane Meek
School Resource Officer – 946-4635
Officer Robert Girard
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
6to Grado
8vo Grado PERIODO 1
ELECTIVAS Planificacion
8vo grado
12:40-1:10 1:15-1:45
7mo grado
6to grado
School day BEGINS at 8:20
School day ENDS at 3:10
2014-2015 Delay and Early Release Schedules
1 Hour Delay
8th Grade
Block I
Block II
Block III
Block IV
9:20 to 10:35
10:40 to 11:40
11:45 to 12:15
12:20 to 12:50
12:55 to 1:55
2:00 to 3:10
6th Grade
Block I
Block II
Block III
Block IV
9:20 to 10:35
10:40 to 11:40
11:45 to 12:45
12:50 to 1:20
1:20 to 1:55
2:00 to 3:10
7th Grade
Block I
Block II
Block III
Block IV
9:20 to 10:35
10:40 to 11:40
11:45 to 12:15
12:20 to 12:50
12:55 to 1:55
2:00 to 3:10
2 Hour Delay
8th Grade
Block I
Block II
Block III
Block IV
10:20 to 11:25
11:30 to 12:00
12:05 to 1:05
1:10 to 2:10
2:15 to 3:10
6th Grade
Block I
Block II
Block III
Block III
Block IV
10:20 to 11:25
11:30 to 12:30
12:35 to 12:50
12:55 to 1:25
1:30 to 2:10
2:15 to 3:10
7th Grade
Block I
Block II
Block II
Block III
Block IV
10:20 to 11:25
11:30 to 12:00
12:05 to 12:35
12:40 to 1:05
1:10 to 2:10
2:15 to 3:10
8th Grade
Block I
Block II
Block III
Block IV
8:20 to 9:15
9:20 to 10:10
10:15 to 11:05
11:10 to 12:00
6th Grade
Block I
Block II
Block III
Block IV
8:20 to 9:15
9:20 to 10:10
10:15 to 11:05
11:10 to 12:00
7th Grade
Block I
Block II
Block III
Block IV
8:20 to 9:15
9:20 to 10:10
10:15 to 11:05
11:10 to 12:00
All students should be released at 12:00 and not sooner, please. If there is a change in that release time, an
announcement will be made.
This Student Handbook is issued to each student at Kate Collins Middle School. The purpose of the handbook is to clearly
communicate school information and expectations. If there is anything you do not understand, please ask a school adult.
Code Red: Lock-down. Halls cleared, all door windows and windows covered, students and faculty locked in classrooms,
lights off and classes quiet.
* For everyone’s safety, Code Red drills will be performed periodically throughout the school year.
Code Yellow: Limited Lock-down. Halls cleared, all students and teachers remain in classroom. Teaching may continue
in the classroom without interruption.
Code Green: “All clear.” This code will be heard over the intercom to indicate that all is clear and instruction may
Tornado Drill: This drill will be performed one to two times each school year. Teachers will discuss the procedure with all
of their students during the first two weeks of school. When the announcement is made, “may I have your attention
please, we will now perform a tornado drill,” students and faculty should move into the hall and get into position as
quickly and quietly as possible.
Fire Drills: Fire drills will be practiced regularly throughout the school year.
(We continue to address a variety of ways to practice code red drills at various times of the day so students get practice
outside of classroom time. Your teachers will discuss the procedures with you.)
Notice of Non-Discrimination
The Waynesboro Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in
its programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies:
Mrs. Vermell Grant
Title IX Compliance Officer
Waynesboro Public Schools
301 Pine Avenue
Waynesboro, VA 22980
540-946-4600 ext. 12
For further information on notice of non-discrimination, call 1-800-421-3481 for the address and phone number of the
Office of Civil Rights that serves your area.
Car riders and walkers enter the cafeteria once the duty teacher signals for them to enter the building at 8:00 a.m. Please
do not drop off or send your child to school before 8:00 without permission from the principal. Those that eat breakfast at
school will report to the cafeteria. Other walkers and car riders will report to the small gym upon entering the building.
Bus riders will enter the building at 8:05 a.m. and report to the main gymnasium. At 8:10 a.m., bus riders are dismissed
from the big gym to report to their hallways. Bus riders that eat breakfast may pick up a bagged breakfast near the main
gym as they walk to their locker. They should gather the materials needed from their locker and head to their first period
class. Students are to be seated in their homerooms right away. Each day at Kate Collins Middle School begins with the
salute to our United States flag and a short period of silence.
Students should not be in the school building before 8:00 a.m. or after 3:20 p.m. unless supervised by a teacher or coach.
Please note carefully: Once students arrive at school, they are to remain on school grounds. Students planning to ride the
late bus home need prior parent/teacher permission. Bus passes are teacher-issued. To ride a different bus home, a
student will need a signed note from a parent giving permission. Students leaving school early will only be released to a
parent or person designated on the Emergency Care Card.
Stay tuned to the local radio and TV channels or Channel 13 for information on school closings and delayed openings. You
may also call 946-4600 for a recorded announcement after 6:00 a.m. or check the Waynesboro Public Schools website for
the announcement.
As per code of Virginia section 22.1-254, students are required to be in class and on time every day. If a student is going to
be absent from school, a parent/guardian should call the school. Upon the student’s return to school, the parent/guardian
should provide a note explaining the absence. By law, the school must notify a student’s parent/guardian that his or her
child has missed five or more FULL days of school.
Students must be in attendance for at least three hours during the day to participate in extra-curricular activities, such as
club meetings, field trips, athletic practices or contests, musical rehearsals, etc. If a child leaves school early due to illness,
he/she may not return for after school/evening activities. The following outlines excused vs. unexcused absences and the
practice of KCMS regarding absences.
Excused Absences (labeled AEX in Power School):
 These are absences excused by a doctor’s note, professional counselor, school administrator or school nurse
Unexcused Absences (labeled AUX in Power School):
 These are absences in which the school has not received any communication from home about the absence.
 When a student reaches 5 or more unexcused absences for the year and 5% unexcused absences, a parent
conference will be called by the school to write an attendance plan. An attendance plan is the first step in taking
action before poor attendance becomes a court issue.
Parent excused Absences (labeled APX in Power School):
 These are absences in which the parent provided a written note or called the school regarding their child’s absence.
 When a student reaches 10% or more absences for the school year thus far (ex. If a child is absent 6 days within
the first 60 days of school = 10%), a parent conference will be called by the school to write an attendance plan.
Excused Absences: The student is requested to bring a note from home stating the reason and number of days absent and
give the note to his/her homeroom teacher.
Unexcused Absences: An unexcused absence is generally one that is avoidable but with the knowledge and consent of your
parent/guardian; however, the school has no authority to excuse you.
Illegal Absences (Truancy): Absence from school without the knowledge and consent of your parent/guardian is truancy,
an infraction of school regulations and Virginia State Law.
Tardiness: All students should be in their homeroom by 8:20 a.m. for attendance. Students are expected to be to all
classes on time. The following are consequences for tardies to all classes:
Tardy Policy:
a. All students who enter the building before 8:40 will report directly to class. Teacher will mark students tardy in
Power School
b. All students who enter the building after 8:40 will report to office to check in.
c. All students who are tardy to 2nd -4th blocks will report directly to class. Teacher will mark students tardy in
Power School
2. CONSEQUENCES (Start over each semester for 7th and 8th grades and each nine weeks for 6th grade)
a. 1st & 2nd tardies - warnings
b. 3rd tardy will result in ASD (after school detention). If a student does not attend ASD, an office referral will be
written as defiance and further consequences given.
c. 4th tardy – 2 ASDs and parent contact.
d. 5th tardy – 3 ASDs and parent contact
e. 6th tardy – 1 day of ISS and required parent conference
f. 7th tardy – Overnight suspension and required parent conference
g. 8th tardy – 3 days OSS for defiance – refusing to comply with this policy
Early Dismissal: Students are required to present documentation for early dismissal. Documentation for appointments
such as medical/dental visits, legal/court appointments will be excused and the student will be allowed to return for after
school/evening activities. Your parent/guardian is expected to meet you in the office and sign you out of the building. If
you return to school before the end of the day, report to the main office for a pass to return to class.
High School Credited Classes: In order to receive credit, you must pass the class and meet the high school attendance
requirement of missing no more than 10 days for the duration of the course. Students are asked to make up seat time to
earn the credit. Administration will communicate with parents about the reasons for the absences as well as the required
make up time, if necessary. If required seat time is not made up, the student will not receive credit for the class, even if
they are passing.
The Virginia Dept. of Education Annual Discipline, Crime, and Violence Report defines bullying as "repeated negative
behaviors intended to frighten or cause harm" that may include, but are not limited to, verbal or written threats or
physical harm. Non-criminal behavior associated with bullying includes intimidation, taunting, name-calling, and insults.
Another form of bullying occurs through the use of electronic means and is referred to as cyber bullying. Typically, cyber
bullying is defined as using information and communication technologies, such as cell phone text messages and pictures
and internet e-mail, social networking websites, defamatory personal websites, and defamatory online personal polling
websites, to support deliberate, hostile behavior intended to harm others.
Waynesboro Public Schools’ Policy under the student code of conduct states:
Bullying – A student, either individually or as a part of a group, shall not harass or bully others either in person or by
the use of any communication technology including computer systems, telephones, pagers, or instant messaging
systems. Prohibited conduct includes, but is not limited to, physical, verbal, or written intimidation, taunting, namecalling, and insults and any combination of prohibited activities.
“Bullying” means any aggressive and unwanted behavior that is intended to harm, intimidate, or humiliate the victim;
involves a real or perceived power imbalance between the aggressor or aggressors and victim; and is repeated over
time or causes severe emotional trauma. “Bullying” includes cyber bullying. “Bullying” does not include ordinary
teasing, horseplay, argument, or peer conflict.
Cyberbullying that occurs off campus is not monitored by or punished by the school. However, if the device where the
cyberbullying occurred is brought onto campus or if the cyberbullying has a significant impact on school, the school may
apply consequences. Teachers, counselors, and administrators encourage the students of Kate Collins to have the courage
to report all bullying related behaviors so they may be addressed in a timely manner. The practice of the administration is
to gather the details of an incident from all parties and then determine the best solution. Possible solutions are: peer
mediation, individual conversations, or applying consequences. Please know that administration cannot address issues if
they are unaware that there is an issue.
KCMS needs an open, honest, respectful and collaborative environment between students, teachers, staff, administrators
and parents in order to provide the most healthy, safe, and successful environment for all. In order to have this kind of
communication, we each need to agree to the following and put into practice:
1.) Speak calmly and respectfully
2.) Listen openly and intently
3.) Communicate honestly
4.) Once all concerns, questions, and issues are on the table, all present parties should work toward a solution.
Threats, cursing, and angry accusations by any member of the conversation will not be tolerated and discussions will not
continue without the ability to demonstrate the above expectations.
There are 3 categories of clubs: academic, social, and service. An example of an academic club is Jr. Beta or FCCLA. Our
social club is the FOR club. SCA is an example of a service club. You will learn about clubs and how to become involved in
the first few weeks of school.
Students are encouraged to become involved in the school community. All students will be allowed to attend dances unless
they are absent from school on the day of the dance or have been suspended on that day. Administration reserves the
right to exclude a student for chronic discipline issues. If this should occur, the administrator will notify the student and
parent prior to the night of the dance. Only Kate Collins students may attend school dances.
If dress is deemed detrimental to the educational process, a student will be asked to change. A parent will be notified when
self-provided alternate clothing is not available at school. Clothing concerns will be addressed on an individual basis. In
addition, students will be asked to wear appropriate protective gear in certain classes (i.e., home economics, technology
education, science, art and physical education). Students should not wear the following:
• Clothing, jewelry, or personal belongings with messages of tobacco, alcohol, drugs, and vulgarity, or which reflect
adversely upon persons because of their race, sex, color, creed, national origin, or ancestry.
• Headgear: hats, sunglasses, bandanas, do-rags, etc. during the school day.
• Clothing, jewelry or personal belongings that are gang related.
• Clothing that reveals undergarments or lack thereof (no spaghetti strap tops, halter tops, tube tops).
• Shorts or skirts which are shorter than where the longest finger touches on thigh.
 Leggings, stockings, or tights without shorts, skirts, or pants of above mentioned length worn over
• Tops that show the midriff, are inappropriately low, or are off the shoulders.
• Students must wear shoes.
• Any other attire or apparel that the administration deems as inappropriate, disruptive and unsafe to the school
All book bags, coats and outdoor clothing articles shall be placed in the locker before the student’s first class. Coats should
not be worn during the school day. Students may wear sweaters, sweatshirts, thin wind breaker jackets, and unlined pull
over style jackets.
A cell phone may be confiscated if a school employee sees or hears it, or is otherwise made aware of its presence. A
student’s refusal to give up a device upon teacher or administrator request will be considered insubordination.
Consequences for use of electronic devices are outlined in the offense chart and student discipline chart within this
document. Each time after the first time a phone is confiscated, a parent is required to pick it up from school.
I-pods and other electronic devices are NOT allowed at Kate Collins Middle School. Kate Collins and its staff will not be
held responsible for lost or stolen electronics. Cell phones should be off and out of sight from 8:20-3:10.
Students that fail Math, Science, English, Social Studies and/or PE for the year will be required to attend summer school.
Non-completion or not showing up for summer school will result in being placed in the GIANT Steps program in the fall of
the next school year. Summer school runs three hours, two weeks, Monday-Thursday for each class failed. Students will
work on targeted units on a computer completing work that should have been completed during the school year. Summer
school is not a time for one-on-one tutoring. Students need to be able to work pretty independently at the computer. Full
attendance and proper behavior are requirements. GIANT Steps means that a student will spend a portion of their school
day in a different grade classroom completing work on the computer that should have been completed during summer
school. Students are expected to work hard during this time and complete the work as quickly as possible. Refusal to
work in a timely manner will result in after school consequences until the work is completed.
If you are an athlete wishing to participate in sports, you must meet the following requirements:
KCMS Sports
 KCMS students eligible for KCMS sports (7th
and 8th graders) are enrolled in a minimum
of five classes in a semester at KCMS.
 Students enrolled in five classes have to pass
four of the five to be eligible to play in the
next semester.
Sports at KCMS: Fall – volleyball, cheerleading;
Winter – boys and girls basketball and wrestling
WHS Sports
 KCMS students eligible for WHS JV sports (8th
graders) are enrolled in a minimum of five classes in
a semester at KCMS.
 Students enrolled in five classes have to pass four of
the five to be eligible to play in the next semester.
Sports at WHS: Fall – football, volleyball, cheerleading;
Winter – boys and girls basketball, wrestling; Spring – boys
and girls soccer, baseball, softball, track; Summer - golf
For example:
In order to be eligible (by grades), a student must have passed four of the five courses they were enrolled in the
previous semester. The magic number is five. A student has to acquire five units to be eligible. Semester courses count as
two units. Science, Social Studies, and Spanish (if linked to Honors English) are semester courses. All other courses count
as one unit. Attendance and successful completion of summer school can help bring up failing grades and allow for
eligibility. A student entering WHS, at the end of this year, will have to meet the same requirements to be eligible to play
high school sports.
All food and drink must be consumed in the cafeteria. Eating in hallways is prohibited. In classrooms, only teachersanctioned snacks are appropriate. Students that arrive before 8:25 may have breakfast and eat it in their first block
classroom. So that class may get going without further interference of breakfast items/spills/eating, all breakfast items
must be consumed and/or properly disposed of by 8:30.
Lunch room expectations and procedures:
The purpose of these expectations and procedures is to provide a safe and orderly time for students and staff.
1.) Students will enter the cafeteria under the supervision of their teacher. They will sit at their designated tables
until their teacher dismisses them to get in the lunch lines.
2.) Grade level teachers will decide what class supplies students may bring to the cafeteria.
3.) Students will remain at their tables with their teachers until dismissed by teachers (get in the lunch lines, use of
bathroom, entire tables at a time dump trays, time to dismiss from cafeteria)
4.) Students may not move around the cafeteria on their own free will. Must have teacher permission.
5.) Students will clean up their tables and surrounding chairs and floor space of spills or messes of food before leaving
the cafeteria.
6.) Excessively loud talking or noises from students will result in consequences outlined on the offense chart.
7.) Other inappropriate behaviors (throwing food, defiance of adults, unkindness toward other students, etc.) will
result in consequences outlined on the offense chart.
Costs for school breakfast and lunch:
Bringing snacks to school: Waynesboro Public Schools are committed to providing a school environment that enhances
learning and development of lifelong wellness practices that promote student health, prevent childhood obesity, and
combat problems associated with poor nutrition and physical inactivity. Please consider this goal and effort when sending
your child to school with unhealthy snacks/treats/lunches. Also please know that some students suffer from allergies or
serious health conditions related to unhealthy snacks. We ask you to partner with us to provide healthy foods to our
students. Your child will begin to see changes this year in what is offered for breakfast and lunch as schools follow new
Federal guidelines around healthier foods.
Waynesboro Public Schools will utilize a 10-point grading scale beginning in the 2014-2015 school year. The grading scale will
include plusses and minuses as outlined below.
Counselors are specially trained to help students with a variety of issues. Your counselor can help you to improve your
study skills, choose classes and electives, work out personal problems and begin to look at the Waynesboro High School
Program of Studies and/or job opportunities that best match your interests and abilities. Appointment requests can be
obtained from the guidance secretary or from a teacher.
Students are required to purchase a gym uniform. The cost of the uniform is $15.00 and should be purchased before the
first day of school in the fall. If a student does not bring their uniform and proper shoes, they will lose some of their daily
participation points, but will still be expected to participate in the day’s class. These policies will be reviewed with all
physical education students during the first few days of school.
Waynesboro School Board Policy: Adopted: April 11, 1995: Homework can provide an essential communication link
between the school and the home. One measure of a program or course is the quality of the work done at home by the
student. A strong home-school partnership, with many lasting benefits for the individual student and his/her family, can
be greatly enhanced by a sound program of homework. In addition, homework should be an important tool in developing
independent thought, self-direction, and self-discipline. It can assist the student in developing good work habits and in the
wise use of time.
KCMS Homework General Guidelines: In order to avoid overload situations when assigning homework, teachers have
been advised to adhere to the following minimums and maximums:
Grade 6
30 – 60 minutes daily
Grade 7 & 8
60 – 120 minutes daily
Absentee Assignments: Upon a student’s return, it is his/her responsibility to obtain the make-up work and/or make
arrangement with the teacher to stay after school. The student has the number of days absent plus 1 to complete make-up
Published at the end of each nine weeks (Principals and Honor Roll) or by semester (Superintendent’s).
To achieve Superintendent’s Honor Roll status, a student must have all A’s with no GPA requirement by semester.
To achieve Honor Roll status a student must have a 3.0 GPA with no grade lower than a “C” each quarter.
To achieve Principal’s Honor Roll status a student must have a GPA of 3.5 with all “A’s” and “B’s” each quarter.
Kate Collins Middle School provides an individual locker for your convenience in your hall; you will be assigned another in
the locker room for use during physical education class. To ensure its security, the locker combination must be kept
confidential and the locker should be closed securely when not in use.
It should be understood that the lockers are the property of the school and the administration reserves the right to
examine them and their contents at any time with reasonable suspicion. Each of you is encouraged to make sure your
lockers are kept locked at all times and to share your combinations with no one. The school or District is not responsible
for lost or stolen property.
Lockers will not be assigned to students until they have returned their completed emergency care card.
Found articles should be placed at the nearest Lost and Found location. Students are reminded to check the Lost and
Found when they lose items. Check the Main Office for books, folders and papers. Periodically clothing not claimed is
donated to area charities. The school will not attempt to find the owners of the many unclaimed items. Please mark all
articles of clothing that may be removed during the school day with your first and last name in permanent marker.
 Waynesboro Public School Policy for Administration of Prescription Medication requires a Medication
Administration Permission Form to be completed and signed by the child’s physician and parent/guardian before
any medication will be administered to the student.
 Telephone orders will not be accepted.
 The prescription medication, in its original container, must be brought to the school nurse by a parent/guardian
NOT by the student.
 Students may self carry Epi pens/inhalers with physician and parental written permission.
Students are allowed to bring a one-day dose (in the original container), non-prescription medication to self administer
according to the following criteria:
 The one-day dose medication must be in the original container.
 Student must carry with them a written note from the parent/guardian detailing how much and how often the
medication should be taken.
 The school bears no responsibility for assuring the medication is taken or that it is administered as directed by the
 It is the student/parent/guardian(s) responsibility to determine the need for non-prescription medication to be
taken at school. The school nurse will not call parent/guardian to ask for non-prescription medication every time a
request is made by the student.
 THE MEDICATION IS NOT TO BE SHARED WITH OTHERS. Distribution of medication is a serious offense
that could result in suspension/expulsion from school.
 Long-term, non-prescription medication to be administered by the nurse will be kept in the clinic along with a
written note from the parent/guardian on how to administer the medication.
Self-medication is a privilege that can be revoked at any time if medication policies are abused or ignored.
In the effort to maintain an appropriate educational environment and limit disruptions to student learning, students will
not be allowed to come to the office to accept phone calls. We also ask that parents avoid calling the school to leave
messages for their student. While we do our best to ensure that students get messages, it has become increasingly difficult
to deliver these messages in the afternoon and therefore may not always be delivered. The best plan is to plan ahead.
The Splash Party is an end-of-the-year event that should be enjoyed by all students; however, students may not be allowed
to attend for any of the following reasons:
1.) If a student has been suspended 10 or more days over the course of the year, he/she will not be allowed to attend.
2.) Students who have been suspended at the time of the Splash Party are not eligible to attend.
3.) If a student owes for library books, textbooks, cafeteria charges, or graphing calculators.
4.) If a student reached the OSS stage for tardies in their last recorded term.
5.) Administration reserves the right to exclude a student for chronic discipline issues. If this should occur, the
administrator will notify the student and parent prior to the day of the Splash party.
Waynesboro Public Schools is committed to providing a modern and rigorous education to our students. Kate Collins
Middle School begins a new stage using technology in a 1:1 type of environment. What that means is in the fall of 2014, all
6th graders will have access and use a KUNO tablet throughout their school day in their classes. The tablet will be used as
a research tool, in some cases a textbook, a place to complete assignments and assessments, and a tool for interacting with
each other and their teacher. The sixth graders will be the first to use these devices as a grade level. The plan of the
school division is to incorporate KUNOs into each incoming sixth grade classroom while allowing the use of the KUNOs to
move up with each class as they progress through the middle school. Policies and procedures for the use of the KUNOs
will be shared and outlined in different documents.
Teachers may distribute textbooks during the first week of school. In many classrooms, textbooks are not the main
resource and therefore used very little. If distributed, teachers will keep a record of the assignment of each textbook. The
student must return the same book at the end of the school year or pay for the replacement of
the book, which ranges from $20-$70. No textbooks will be issued until all school debts are paid from the previous year
(textbook fines, library fines, cafeteria charges, etc.).
Transportation to School Bus Rider Rules
1) A student shall not behave in a manner that interferes with the orderly transportation of pupils on a school bus.
2) A student may not stick his/her head and/or arms out of windows; throw items from window; throw items within the
bus; distract the driver; or eat or drink on the bus.
3) A student is expected to cooperate with the driver, stay in his/her seat and to help keep the bus clean.
4) Bus drivers are authorized to assign seats.
On Tuesdays and Thursdays (these days may change based on needs) a late bus will run from the middle school at 4:00
p.m. Students will not be allowed to ride the late bus unless they have stayed after school for a teacher or school activity.
Students may only stay with parent and teacher permission. Students require a bus pass completed by a teacher or
administrator to ride the late bus. Students may NOT ride the late bus if staying for after school detention (ASD).
Immediately upon entrance of the building, all visitors must obtain a visitor’s pass in the main office. All
parents/guardians are welcomed in the building and classrooms. We do require, if you plan to attend your child’s class,
that you make prior contact with the teacher, administrator or office staff to make this request. Generally, out-of-town
guests are not allowed to spend the day at Kate Collins Middle School. If special circumstances exist, arrangements should
be made with the principal prior to the visitation. If permitted, guests should check in with the office to receive a visitor's
pass. Students from other schools will not be permitted to visit on days when their schools are not in session.
Kate Collins Middle School is a high quality learning community where expectations are based on respect and
responsibility. Students are asked to be respectful of people and property and to take responsibility for their learning and
actions. All major behavior issues will come to the office to be handled by the administration.
The following are standards of student conduct established by the Waynesboro School Board for all students under its
jurisdiction. Consequences shall be determined on the basis of the facts presented in each instance of misconduct in the
reasonable discretion of the board and other appropriate school officials. This section of the handbook is subject to policy
revisions by the school board.
Students are subject to corrective disciplinary action for misconduct that occurs:
 In school
 On a school vehicle
 While participating in or attending any school sponsored activity or trip
 On the way to and from school and
 Off school property, when the acts lead to (1) an adjudication of delinquency or a conviction for an offense listed in
Code 16.1-305.1 of the Code of Virginia (2) a charge that would be a felony if committed by an adult.
1. Student dress – A student’s dress and appearance should not be such that it causes disruption, distracts others from
the educational process or creates a health or safety problem. Students must comply with specific building dress
regulations and of which students will be given prior notice.
2. Disruptive Conduct – Students shall not engage in conduct that is or is intended to be disruptive of any school activity,
function or process of the school or is dangerous to the health or safety of students or others.
3. Profane, Obscene or Abusive Language – Students shall not use language, a gesture, or engage in conduct that is
vulgar, profane, and obscene or disrupts the teaching and learning environment.
4. Threats of Intimidation – Students shall not make any verbal or physical threat of bodily injury or use of force directed
toward another person for the purpose of extortion or for any other reason.
5. Assault and Battery – A student shall not assault or commit battery upon another person. Voluntary fighting
resulting in physical injury to another person shall be considered assault and battery. Physical assault includes any
physical confrontation that may result in no injury, minor injury or serious injury that includes, but may not be
limited to kicking, shoving, pushing, hitting and fighting. Battery is the unlawful application of force to the person of
6. Bullying – A student, either individually or as a part of a group, shall not harass or bully others either in person or by
the use of any communication technology including computer systems, telephones, pagers, or instant messaging
systems. Prohibited conduct includes, but is not limited to, physical, verbal, or written intimidation, taunting, namecalling, and insults and any combination of prohibited activities.
“Bullying” means any aggressive and unwanted behavior that is intended to harm, intimidate, or humiliate the victim;
involves a real or perceived power imbalance between the aggressor or aggressors and victim; and is repeated over
time or causes severe emotional trauma. “Bullying” includes cyber bullying. “Bullying” does not include ordinary
teasing, horseplay, argument, or peer conflict.
7. Harassment – A student shall not harass another student or any school employee, volunteer, student teacher or any
other person present in school facilities, at school function, or use technology such as e-mail, text messages, and
websites to harass others in violation of Policy JFHA/GBA Sexual Harassment/Harassment based on Race, National
Origin, Disability or Religion.
8. Use and/or Possession of Alcohol, Tobacco, and other Drugs – A student shall not possess, use, and/or distribute
alcohol, tobacco products, or other drugs not prescribed for the students by a physician on school property, on school
buses, or during school activities, on or off school property. This includes, but may not be limited to, smokeless
tobacco, anabolic steroids, inhalants, look-alike drugs, drug paraphernalia, and any prescription or non-prescription
drug not possessed in accordance with Policy JHCD Administering Medicines to Students.
9. Distribution or Sale of Illegal Drugs or Possession or Distribution with Intent to Sell - Students shall not give, sell,
distribute or possess with intent to give, sell or distribute marijuana or other controlled substance as defined in the
Drug Control Act, Chapter 15.1 of Title 54 of the Code of Virginia.
10. Vandalism - Students shall not willfully or maliciously damage or deface any school building or other property owned
or under the control of the school board. In addition, students shall not willfully or maliciously damage or deface
property belonging to or under the control of any other person at school, on a school bus or at school-sponsored events.
11. Defiance of the Authority of School Personnel - Students shall comply with any oral or written instructions made by
school personnel within the scope of their authority as provided by board policies and regulations.
12. Possession or Use of Weapons or Other Dangerous Articles - Students shall not have in their possession any type of
unauthorized firearm, laser pointer, or other article which may be used as a weapon, regardless of whether it is
commonly accepted as such. This regulation incorporates Policy JFCD.
13. Theft - A student shall not intentionally take the personal property of another person without consent under duress,
threat or otherwise.
14. Behavior on School Bus - Students shall not behave in a disruptive manner or otherwise violate these Standards of
Conduct, while waiting for a school bus, while on a school bus or after being discharged from a school bus.
15. Cheating - Students shall not cheat, plagiarize or knowingly make false statements with respect to any assigned
schoolwork or tests.
16. Gang Activity - A student shall not engage in gang activities including any group activity that threatens, that is illegal
and/or violent, or that portends the development of gang activity, which may include inappropriate congregating,
bullying, and harassment. A student shall not engage in gang activities as defined in Policy JFCE, incorporated by
17. Sexual Harassment - A student shall not sexually harass another student or any school employee, volunteer, student
teacher or any other person present in school facilities or at school functions. Sexual harassment includes any
unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other inappropriate verbal or physical conduct of a sexual
nature that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment.
18. Racially Inappropriate Language - The Waynesboro School Board and Administration has taken a “no tolerance”
approach to the use of racially motivated inappropriate language.
19. Possession of Communications Devices – Students may possess a beeper, cellular telephone, smart phone, tablet,
Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) or other communications device on school property, including school buses, provided
that the device must remain OFF and out of sight during instructional time unless it is being used for instructional
purposes at the direction of the student’s teacher. The division is not liable for devices brought to school or school
activities. If a student possesses or uses such a device other than as permitted in this policy, in addition to other
disciplinary sanctions which may be imposed, the device may be confiscated from the student and returned only to the
student’s parent.
20. Acceptable Use of the Internet - Students shall abide by the Waynesboro Public School Division’s Acceptable computer
Use Policy and Regulation.
21. Hazing - Students shall not engage in hazing. Hazing means to recklessly or intentionally endanger the health or
safety of a student or students or to inflict bodily harm on a student or students in connection with or for the purpose
of initiation, admission into or affiliation with or as a condition for continued membership in a club, organization,
association, fraternity, sorority, or student body regardless of whether the student or students so endangered or
injured participated voluntarily in the relevant activity. The principal of any school at which hazing which causes
bodily injury occurs shall report the hazing to the local Commonwealth Attorney. Hazing, as defined above, is a Class 1
misdemeanor which may be punished by confinement in jail for up to 12 months and a fine of up to $2,500, or both, in
addition to any disciplinary consequences which may be imposed under this policy. In addition, any person receiving
bodily injury by hazing has a right to sue, civilly, the person or persons guilty thereof, whether adults or infants. See
Va. Code §18.2-56.
22. Other Conduct –
In addition to these specific standards, students shall not engage in any conduct which materially and substantially
disrupts the ongoing educational process or which is otherwise a violation of federal, state, or local law.
A student who acts as an accessory or accomplice to another in violation to any provision of the Student Code of
Conduct will be subject to corrective action.
Corrective Actions
The following corrective actions are among those available to the school administration for violation of the Student Code of
Conduct. Each offense will be considered fully in determining reasonable corrective actions.
1. Counseling
2. Admonition
3. Reprimand
4. Loss of Privileges, including access to the school division’s computer system
5. Parental conferences
6. Modification of student classroom assignment or schedule
7. Student behavior contract
8. Referral to student assistance services
9. Removal from class
10. Initiation of child study process
11. Referral to in-school intervention, mediation, or community service programs
12. Tasks or restrictions assigned by the principal or his/her designee
13. Detention after school or before school
14. Suspension from school-sponsored activities or events prior to, during, or after the regular school day
15. In-school suspension
Out-of-school suspension
Referral to an alternative education program
Notification of legal authority where appropriate
Recommendation for expulsion including recommendation for expulsion for possessing a firearm, destructive
device, firearm muffler, firearm silencer or pneumatic gun on school property or at a school-sponsored event
20. Recommendation for expulsion for having brought a controlled substance, imitation controlled substance or
marijuana, synthetic cannabinoids, onto school property or to a school sponsored activity
21. Evaluation for alcohol or drug abuse
22. Participation in a drug, alcohol or violence intervention, prevention or treatment program
Appeal Process
As a parent or guardian of a student at KCMS, you have a voice in the discipline process. Before appealing a disciplinary
action, parents and students are encouraged to discuss the matter with the Principal. An appeal beyond the building level
must be addressed in writing to the Superintendent of Schools. The Superintendent’s decision may be appealed to the
School Board. Corrective action may be delayed while an appeal is pending if the student does not pose a threat or
disruption to the operation of the school program.
Due Process
All pupils attending Waynesboro Public Schools shall be granted all due process procedures and rights according to law.
(Virginia School Laws 22.1-21.4) The Waynesboro Public School Board subscribes to the due process procedures for
handicapped children as specified in the Regulations Governing Special Education Programs for Handicapped Children
and Youth of Virginia as adopted by the State Board of Education.
Notice of Inspection
In accordance with Waynesboro School Board Policy on Search and Seizure (Policy JFG), school authorities (principal
and/or designees) may search a student’s locker, desk, or personal effects if there is “reasonable suspicion to believe that
the student is in possession of illegal or unauthorized materials or has violated or is about to violate the law or a school
rule.” Students are subject to a search under the following circumstances:
 When the students have been informed, in advance (this serves as this notice), that under school board regulation,
desks and lockers may be inspected if facts exist which give the administration reasonable belief that articles and
materials exist which would be injurious to anyone in the building.
 When the students have been informed, in advance(this serves as this notice), that under school board regulations,
desks and lockers may be inspected when facts exist which give the administration reasonable belief that articles
and materials exist which are likely to pose a threat to the maintenance of discipline and order in the school.
Disciplinary Action Chart - Kate Collins Middle School
(Revised July 2014)
PN = Parental Notification
RPC = Required Parent Conference
ISS = In-School Suspension
Category of Infraction
1. Tardiness to class
2. Skipping class or school more
than 5 minutes late to class
w/out a pass or leaves class
w/out teacher’s permission.
3. Fighting; assault and battery
Harassment (verbal, physical,
sexual, racial), intimidation, or
Vandalism, destruction of
Tobacco possession or use
Fireworks or stink bombs
4. Cell phones or other devices that
disrupt learning during the day.
5. Threatening school personnel
Substance Abuse
6. Possession or use of dangerous
weapons or drugs, gang
Bomb threat, false fire alarms
7. Internet acceptable use violation
OSS = Out-of School Suspension
1st Offense in
Same Category
See KCMS tardy
ISS, if miss whole
2 detentions, if miss
part of a class; PN
Suspension up to 10
2nd Offense in
Same Category
See KCMS tardy policy
3rd Offense in
Same Category
See KCMS tardy policy
Overnight suspension,
5 – 10 days OSS; PN
5 – 10 days OSS; PN
Offense, student may
pick up in office at end
of day, documented in
Suspension up to 10
days; RPC
Parent required to come
pick up from school,
documented in office,
5 – 10 days OSS; RPC;
referral to
10 days OSS; RPC;
referral to
possible expulsion
Limitation or denial of
access; PN
10 days OSS; RPC;
referral to
superintendent; possible
Limitation or denial of
access; PN
Parent required to come
pick up, student serves
ASD, ISS, or OSS as
applicable, PN
5 – 10 days OSS; RPC;
referral to
superintendent; possible
10 days OSS; RPC;
referral to
superintendent; possible
This chart is used by the administrators of KCMS. Teacher decisions for handling student misbehaviors occur before
sending students to the office. Once the student is sent to the office, consequences for student misbehaviors are at the
discretion of the administrative team.
This chart reflects actions leading directly to an office referral. Listed are actions to be taken by administrators.
Dear Parent/Guardian:
It is always important for students and parents to be well informed about our
programs, policies and expectations. To assist with this, we ask students and parents
to read the Kate Collins Middle School Student Handbook to become familiar with
school and District policies and other key information relative to student life. While
teachers review parts of the handbook with students, we feel that the contents serve as
a basis for answering many questions parents may have in understanding our
We ask that you discuss the contents of this handbook with your child and keep it for
further reference. Your familiarity with the contents can be a helpful resource in
discussions that you may have during the year with teachers and administrators as
well. While we are not able to address every possible situation or issue, we believe this
to be a helpful and evolving tool of information.
It is important for you to complete the form below and return it to your child’s
homeroom teacher indicating that this handbook has been reviewed. I ask that you
return the bottom portion of this letter no later than Wednesday, September 3, 2014.
Thank you in advance for working with us to provide the best possible educational
program for your child(ren).
Janet Buchheit
Janet Buchheit
Sign and Return to the Homeroom Teacher
I have reviewed and discussed the contents of the KCMS Student Handbook with my child.
Child’s Name (print)
Grade Level
Child’s Name (signature)
Parent/Guardian (signature)
Child’s Homeroom Teacher (print)
Kate Collins Middle School Offense/Student Success Policy 2014-15
Starts over each Grading Period for 6th grade
Starts over each Semester for 7th and 8th grades
Offenses: 3 Major Categories:
Distracting Behaviors: Unauthorized/Ongoing & Disruptive Talking or Noise Making; Inappropriate Display of Affection; Dress
Code Violation; etc.
Noncompliance/Disrespect: Refusal to do Work, Sleeping; Not following directives; Disrespect toward teachers, substitutes, self,
property, or other students; Inappropriate Language; Provoking Behaviors/Name Calling, Antagonizing Behaviors; Use of
electronics; etc.
Unsafe Behaviors: Horseplay; Running; Throwing Objects; Pushing, Shoving; Physical Contact (other than fighting); etc.
Steps 1-3 Consequences from teachers
1st Offense = Warning & Teacher Calls Home
2nd Offense = Silent Lunch & Teacher Calls Home
3rd Offense = 1 ASD (After School Detention with the teacher); Teacher Calls Home; Student must meet with teachers
“Three Strikes & You’re Out” (Office) – All Consequences below are assigned by an administrator.
4th Offense = 2 ASDs & Parent Contact
5th Offense = 3 ASDs & Parent Contact
6th Offense = 1 ISS & Parent Contact
7th Offense = Overnight Suspension (Student may not return until the student and at least one parent or guardian meets with an administrator.)
8th Offense & Beyond = OSS (Out of School Suspension – for defiance)
NOTE: Some offenses warrant a direct visit to the office or an immediate office referral without going through the Offense/Student Success Plan. Refer to
the student handbook Disciplinary Action Chart.
Offense consequences may change slightly at the discretion of the administrative team.
4th Grading Period: Any student in the OSS (Out of School Suspension) phase will not be allowed to:
attend the Splash (pool) party at the end of the school year.
attend any field trips during last grading period. Any field trip payments will be forfeited.
---------------------Please cut here– Top portion for refrigerator – Bottom Return to Homeroom teacher. -------------------------------Tardy Policy
I have read the 2014-2015 Student Success Plan/Offense Policy and the KCMS Tardy Policy
Print Parent Name ________________________ Print Student Name____________________
Sign Parent Name________________________
Sign Student Name _____________________
Kate Collins Middle School - Tardy Policy
Starts over each Grading Period for 6th grade
Starts over each Semester for 7th and 8th grades
Tardy Policy – Unexcused Tardies to School/Class:
1st = Warning
2nd = Warning
3rd = ASD (After School Detention)
4th = 2 ASDs
5th = 3 ASDs
6th = ISS
7th = Overnight Suspension (Must meet with parent and student before student may return to school.)
8th & Beyond = OSS (Out of School Suspension for defiance)
4th Grading Period: Any student in the OSS (Out of School Suspension) phase will not be allowed
 attend the Splash (pool) party at the end of the school year.
 attend any field trips during last grading period. Any field trip payments will be forfeited.