Animal Science Syllabus

Animal Science
Eastern Greene High School
Course Instructor:
Miss Shelby Britton
Building: Ag Building
School Phone: (812) 825-5621 Ext. 2017
Course Description:
Animal Science develops basic knowledge and skills pertaining to livestock identification, selection,
nutrition, reproduction and genetics, health management, and marketing of farm animals commonly
produced in Indiana. The latest production technologies, as well as, biotechnological applications will be
Course Objectives:
Students will…
 Demonstrate employability and social skills relative to a career in animal sciences
 Connect the benefits of animal agriculture to human kind; locally, nationally, and globally
 Interpret proper animal science terminology and terminology of the food animal industry
 Differentiate the common food animal species and their specific breeds
 Select & evaluate food animal livestock species according to current industry standards
 Apply principles of reproduction to food animal production.
 Apply principles of digestion to food animal production
 Formulate livestock feeding programs that meet nutritional requirements
 Identify common animal health problems & synthesize their prevention/solution
 Investigate biotechnology principles in relation to the livestock industry
Course Outline:
Careers within Animal Science
Introduction to Animal Science
Beef, Dairy, Swine, Sheep & Goat, Equine & Poultry Industries
Market Classes & Grades
Meat Science
Issues in Animal Science
Small Animal Science
Wildlife Animal science
* Note: Subject to change at the discretion of the instructor.
Grading Scale:
A 90 – 100%
B 80 – 89%
C 70 – 79%
D 60 – 69%
F 59% and Below
Class Expectations/Policies:
1. Be punctual and prepared.
2. Respect others and your environment.
3. Submit quality work.
4. Be engaged and participate!
School Expectations/Policies:
All school rules and expectations as outlined in the student handbook will be enforced.
 Make-Up Work: It is the students’ responsibility to get their make-up work on the first day back to class
after an absence. Students will be given up to 3 days to complete and turn in any make-up work. Failure to
do so will result in a zero for the assignment(s).
 Tardies: Students will be considered tardy if they are not inside the door when the tardy bell rings (unless a
note is presented).
 Hall Passes: Students are not permitted in the hallway during the first or last 15 minutes of class.
Students will be allowed 3 restroom passes per semester.
 Profanity: The use of vulgar language, inappropriate conversation, and disrespectful comments will NOT
be accepted. Student’s choosing to use profanity will experience appropriate consequences.
 Cell Phones: Students are not permitted to use their cell phone in the classroom unless the teacher has
given permission. The student will receive a warning for the first offense, second offense will result in
the cell phone being taken for the remainder of the class, third offense will result in the cell phone being
taken for the remainder of the school day, any offense after that will be turned into the office for further