Advanced Placement Physics C Chatsworth High School Mr. Bautista Course Description AP Physics C is a very difficult course and requires students to deliver their best effort in all components of the course. You will be expected to work at least 1-2 hours per night on homework problems. Your grades will be based on homework, laboratory experiments, quizzes and exams. This is college level physics and is difficult for most students. Do not get discouraged; rather continue to work harder at understanding the physical and mathematical concepts in the course. Colleges give up to 15 hours of credit for grades of 3, 4 and 5 on the AP exam. Chatsworth HS considers the AP program a very serious matter and we expect the students to be as serious about the work as we are. The primary purpose of AP Physics is to present to the student a course that is equivalent to the course one would ordinarily take during the first year of college. The course topics include mechanics and electricity/magnetism, and cover the following California State Science Content Standards: Physics 1a-m, 2a-h, 5a-o. The course topics will directly prepare students for the AP Physics C Exam, which all students are required to take. Class Policies The Chatsworth HS tardy policy will be strictly upheld. 3 tardies = “U” in Work Habits, 4 tardies = “U” in Work Habits and Cooperation, and 5 tardies = a referral to the Dean. Attendance is extremely important to a student’s success in this class. If a student is absent, they should get the assignment from a classmate. Makeup tests will only be given for excused absences, students have as many days as they were absent to make up the test. Students are to keep a separate notebook that will include class notes, and all returned homework, labs and tests. Any food or drink is not allowed in the classroom. Please consume or dispose of any food before entering class. The instructor and fellow students, regardless of race, creed or religious affiliation, will treat all students respectfully. Grading Policy Academic honesty is treated with the utmost respect in this class. Plagiarism of any kind will not be tolerated and will be reflected in your final letter grade. Students’ grades are based on their performances on tests, quizzes, homework problems, laboratory assignments, and final exam: Grading Scale 90-100% A 75-89% B 60-74% C 40-59% D Below 40% Fail Students are encouraged to keep a current assignment sheet to record their returned work. ---------------------------------Tear Off----------------------------------We have read the course syllabus for AP Physics and agree to abide by the policies outlined. ___________________________ Print Student Name ________________________ Date ___________________________ Student Signature ________________________ Parent Signature ___________________________ Home Phone