U.S. History Ms. Areces Chapter 3 Guided Notes The English Colonies Section 4: Life in the English Colonies Colonial Governments The colonies had their own governments o Given power by a _______________________ o The English monarch had ________________________________________ over all colonies o Royal advisors called the Privy Council set English colonial policies A ____________________________ served as the head of the government of each colony o They were assisted by an _____________________________________________ These officials were selected differently, based on the type of colony o ___________________________ colonies: the king and queen chose the governor and the council members o ________________________________________ colonies: proprietors chose the officials o Other colonies: officials were elected (ex: _______________________________) Some colonies also elected representatives to help make laws and set policy o They served on assemblies o The assembly would _______________________________ that had to be approved by the advisory council and the governor ___________________________________ had the first colonial legislature, est. in 1619 o It first met as a single body, but then split into two houses ________________________________________: members selected by advisory council and the London Company ________________________________________: members elected by the colonists New England’s politics centered around the ____________________________________ o People talked about and decided on issues of local interest, such as paying for schools Southern colonies used ___________________________ meetings because people lived farther away from each other Middle colonies used ______________________ county meetings and town meetings 1685: James II became king of England o He wanted more _________________________ over England and the colonies o 1686: he united the northern colonies into the Dominion of New England and placed Sir. Edmund Andros royal governor of the Dominion o Colonists did not like him because he _________________________________________________________________ U.S. History Ms. Areces 1689: English Parliament passed the _________________________________________, which reduced the powers of the English monarch and gave more power to Parliament o But colonists soon wanted the right to elect their own people to Parliament to decide local issues _________________________________________ were another part of colonial government The courts reflected the beliefs of their local communities o Ex: __________________ in Massachusetts usually enforced Puritans’ _____________________________________________________ Colonial courts also protected _______________________________________________ o Ex: they protected John Peter Zenger in court after he published something that would damage the reputation of New York’s governor English Trade Laws One of the main reason for setting up colonies was to __________________________________________________________ England used ____________________________________: a system of creating and maintaining wealth through carefully controlled trade o Countries make money if they have fewer imports than exports To support this system, Parliament passed the _______________________________________________ between 1650 and 1696 o Ex: Navigation Act of 1660 _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ They also had to use English ships to trade o Other acts required all goods to come through English ports, where duties (import taxes) were added to the items England claimed that these acts were good for the colonies o But some of the colonists _________________________________ because they wanted more freedom to buy and sell goods and to set their own prices But despite the colonial complaints, the restrictions continued into the 1700s o To deal with it, some traders turned to __________________________________ o They often smuggled sugar, molasses, and run into the colonies from non-English islands in the Caribbean o Parliament responded with the ________________________________________ Placed duties (import taxes) on these items Rarely enforced 1700s: English merchants were trading all over the world o American merchants traded with Great Britain and the West Indies Some of them became very wealthy by trading sugar and tobacco But trade between American colonies and Great Britain was usually not direct U.S. History Ms. Areces o It usually involved ___________________________________________: a system in which goods and slaves were traded among the Americas, Britain, and Africa o There were ___________________________ routes in the triangular trade o One route came from traders exchanging rum for West African slaves, and then selling them in the West Indies or the in the English colonies The slave trade brought millions of Africans across the Atlantic in a voyage called the _________________________________________________ o A terrible journey that could last up to 3 months o Slave traders fit as many slaves as possible on board so they could earn the most profit o Thousands of captives would die on slave trips during the Middle Passage o As farmers began to use fewer indentured servants, slaves became __________________________________________________ Great Awakening and the Enlightenment After population growth, religious leaders wanted to spread religious feeling throughout the colonies o Late 1730s: ministers began holding _____________________________— emotional gatherings where people came together to hear sermons This became known as the _____________________________________________: a religious movement that swept through the colonies in 1730s and 1740s o This changed ______________________________________________, and ___________________________________________________ life ________________________________________________________ of Massachusetts was the most important of these leaders o His dramatic sermons told sinners to seek forgiveness for their sins or face punishment in Hell forever The Great Awakening drew people from different regions, classes, and races o Women, members of minority groups, and poor people usually took part in many services o It helped people from different colonies to ________________________________________________________________ The religious sermons also promoted ideas that affected _________________________ o Ex: sermons that promoted spiritual equality led colonists to demand political equality Revivals allowed people to talk about political and social issues During the 1600s: scientists began to better understand the laws that govern nature o They sparked a Scientific Revolution that changed how people thought of the world called the __________________________________________—took place during the 1700s that spread the idea that reason and logic could improve society U.S. History Ms. Areces The Enlightenment also form ideas for _____________________________________________________________________ o Some thinkers thought that there was a ________________________________ between government and citizens o Philosophers like ___________________________________ thought people had ___________________________________________ such as equality and liberty French and Indian War 1670s: tensions had arisen between New England colonists and the Wampanoag tribe Metacomet (a.k.a. King Philip), a Wampanoag leader, opposed the colonists’ efforts to take his people’s lands 1675: King Philip’s War o Colonial militia fought Native American warriors o Both sides ____________________________ each other’s settlements, killing men, women, and children o The fighting ended in 1676 o 600 colonists died and 3,000 Natives died But some Natives had become __________________________ of the colonists because of ______________________________________________ o French and the Algonquian and Huron o English and the Iroquois League Many Natives trusted the ___________________ more than the ____________________ Until the mid-1700s: France and Great Britain struggled for North American territory— mostly in the ______________________________________________, where they could take advantage of the valuable fur trade o The French already had 3 forts set up there Fighting erupted in 1753 as the British moved to take over the region o ____________________________________________________ showed up to fight and set up Fort Necessity o But he failed miserably and retreated After, a convention met to talk about defense and they came up with the ______________________________________ o The Seven Years War also broke out in Europe between Britain and France 1759: ____________________________________________ of the war because British general James Wolfe captured Quebec, ______________________________________________________________ in the war o But the war continued for four more years 1763: Britain and France signed the __________________________________, officially ending the war o Canada now belonged to the British o Britain also received all French land west of the Mississippi o They even received Florida from Spain (France’s allies) U.S. History Ms. Areces o The treaty __________________________________________________________________ and British settlers began moving west British settlers set up forts as they moved west o Indian chief, Pontiac, opposed these new settlements and attacked British forts in May 1763 in Pontiac’s Rebellion In order to avoid more fighting, King George III issued the ________________________________________________________________________ o This banned British settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains o They also had to leave the upper Ohio River Valley