systems pre-test

1. What is the part of the blood that is responsible for fighting disease?____________________
2. Digestion begins in the ______________________________________.
3. Which system is responsible for movement, protection, cell making and storage? ___________________________
4. Which organ in the digestive system is approximately 7 meters long? _____________________________________
5. What is the largest gland in the body? ____________________________________
6. Which organ in the digestive system is responsible for storage, regulation, and mixing? ______________________
7. What is the elastic material that lines the bones at joints? ______________________________________________
8. What are the cords of tissue that join bones and keep organs in place? ___________________________________
9. What type of bone is the femur? __________________________________________________________
10. Which system of the body is referred to as the “framework of the body”? _________________________________
11. The tiny air sacs that fill the lungs are called the ______________________________________________________
12. What is the name of the disease in which the blood clots little or not at all? _______________________________
13. What type of blood is considered to be the “universal donor”? _________________________________________
14. Which system is referred to as the “transportation system of the body”? _________________________________
15. Which organs help to remove waste products that can be dissolved in water? ______________________________
16. Another name for the large intestine is the ________________________________________________
17. What is the name of the tube that food passes through before it enters the stomach? ______________________
18. What type of muscle helps your heart to work? ______________________________________________________
19. When the end of a bone is pushed out of it’s joint, that is called a _______________________________________
20. What type of muscles help your body to move? ______________________________________________________
21. A swelling of the joints caused by a breakdown of bones is called ________________________________________
22. The type of muscle in your digestive system is ________________________________________muscle.
23. The point where two bones meet is called a ___________________________________________________
24. The real name for our windpipe is the __________________________________________________
25. Hardening of the arteries is called _________________________________________________________
26. The solid that helps blood to clot is called _____________________________________
27. The liquid in blood that carries all other parts along is called _________________________________________
28. The blood vessels that take blood back to the heart are called _______________________________________
29. The blood vessels that take blood away from the heart are called ____________________________________
30. The smallest blood vessels in the circulatory system are the _______________________________________
31. The part of the nervous system that includes the brain and the spinal cord is called the ___________________
32. The _____________________________is made up of all the nerves in the body.
33. A brain disorder that is characterized by seizures is called ______________________________________
34. A condition in which the cerebrum of the brain is damaged is called ______________________________
35. A disease of both the bones and blood is called __________________________________________
36. All muscles have the ability to ______________________________ and _______________________________
37. What type of joint is the hip joint? _______________________________________________________
38. What type of bones are the ribs? _____________________________________________________
39. What type of joint is the elbow joint? ___________________________________________________
40. Which system is referred to as the “control center of the body”? ______________________________
41. Tissues that join bones or keep organs in place are called _____________________________________
42. ____________________________________ connect muscles to bones.
43. _______________________________________ is a wasting away of skeletal muscle.
44. What part of the brain is responsible for breathing and digestion? ______________________________
45. The ___________________ is the large muscle that separates the chest from the abdomen and aids in breathing.
46. What part of the brain controls muscle movement, our senses and thinking? ___________________________