
• Cell
• Tissue
• Organ
• Body System
 Your body is made up of billions of cells ( basic unit of
living things)
 Groups of cells working together are tissues
 A group of tissues working together are organs
 Organs all have specific jobs (heart is to pump blood,
but can the heart get blood to all other body parts by
 A group of organs working together to complete a task
is a body system
 Body systems play different roles in the body, but
work together to maintain homeostasis
 Homeostasis is the condition in which the body’s
internal conditions are at a stable state
 Example: Needing more oxygen during exercise.
Which two systems work together to provide it?
 Example: Running. Which two systems work
together to provide it?
• Perform a skit where characters
are different organs. Discuss and
demonstrate in your skit what
happens as a person begins to
 All of the body systems are IMPORTANT
 If one does not work properly, then it affects the
 Body systems are dependent on each other, so it is
important to take care/ protect each system
Bone Marrow
Skeletal System
• Skeletal system is an internal system made up of bones,
joints, and connective tissue
 A bone is an organ in the skeletal system
 There are 206 bones in the body
 Functions of bones:
o Bones are hard because they store minerals- Calcium and
phosphorus, for use when the body needs it- mineral that maker
bones strong and healthy
o They protect soft organs- Provide framework around internal
o Support the body- Vertebrae has 24 bones, supporting head,
neck, and protect spinal cord
o Allow movement- muscles pull on bones to move
o Form new blood cells- Inside the bones are bone marrow (soft
tissue) that makes blood cells for the body
 Joints are a place where two or more bones meet
 Bones are held together at joints by tissues called
ligaments- help hold bones in place
 Joints allow the body to move in controlled ways
 Tissues called tendons attach muscle to bones –
Achilles tendon
 When muscles move, they cause bones to move
 Hinge joints -One direction movement only
 Gliding joints - Enable bones to slide over one
 Pivot joint- Moves side to side, up and down, but
for limited rotation
 Ball and socket joint - Move in all directions,
allowing rotation
 Ligaments- connect bones to joints
 Tendons- attach muscle to bones
 Cartilage- strong, flexible tissue that
provides cushioning at your joints
Fractures- break in a bone
Dislocations- bone pushed out of joint
Sprains- stretching or twisting a ligament
Osteoarthritis- breakdown of cartilage, causing
stiffness and swelling
 Scoliosis- sideways curvature in spine
 Osteoporosis- condition of brittle and porous
bones (long term deficiencies in calcium,
Vitamin D and lack of exercise)
 Be physically active- walking and jogging increase bone
 Eat foods high in calcium and phosphorus- Dairy products,
liver, beans, and whole grains
 Sit, stand, and walk in straight posture- keeps spine
healthy and protects spinal cord
 Pay attention to your shoes- Should have correct arch
support and should be able to wiggle toes, this provides
support of bones in your feet
• List three parts of the skeletal system and
give a brief description of each.
• Group of structures that make your body
parts move
• Most important muscle: the heart
• Anyone ever worn a cast? How did your
muscles feel when you got your cast off?
Anyone started working out? How did your
muscles feel when you started working out?
DRAW a conclusion about muscle strength.
 Cardiac- muscle that forms the heart
 Smooth- forms some internal organs
 Skeletal- muscle attached to bones
 When muscles contract they pull two ends toward
 If the two ends are attached to bones, they are
pulled too
 Most body movements require effort from two
muscles or muscle groups
• Work in pairs to select a specific muscle that
might cramp and what are good stretches to
relive that cramp.
• Perform stretches on page 374 in book
 A pulled or torn muscle- torn away from bone or
 Muscle strain- soreness developed by overuse
 Cramped muscle- remains contracted instead of
 Muscular dystrophy-disorder inherited, causing
gradual weakening
 Engage in regular physical activity
 Warm up before physical activity
 Eat foods containing carbohydrates and protein
 Maintain a healthy weight
 Learn to lift properly
• Heart, blood vessels, stomach, intestines, and
toes. Identify the type of muscle tissue that is
associated with each one. Heart, blood
Vessels, stomach, intestines, toes.
 Digestion is the changing of food you can eat into
substances the body can use
 Digestive system- is an organ system that converts
food to a form useful for the body
 Digestion frees nutrients so they can be used by
the body
 Nutrients are substances that the body needs to
work properly
 Cells use nutrients to grow, repair themselves, and
get energy
Digestion begins in the mouth
Teeth cut and grind food while saliva moistens it
Saliva ( fluid produced by salivary glands) is 99% water
Passes through pharynx and esophagus
It enters the stomach- collected and churned like a
food processor
 Goes to small intestine- coiled 20 foot long tube,
where it absorbs most nutrients, which are used by
the body for growth, energy, and repair. Digestion is
completed here
 Food then enters large intestine and then excreted
through the anus
 Liver- a large gland where many digestive functions
occur. Produces bile to get rid of fats
 Gallbladder- small saclike organ that stores bile
 Pancreas- organ that produces enzymes that assist
in digestion. Releases enzymes directly into the
small intestine
 Kidneys- Blood carries waste to kidneys, who mix
it with water and excrete it as urine
 Sweat glands remove salt and water from body
 Lungs remove carbon dioxide from body
Find the surface area of clay.
Cut the clay into 4 smaller pieces.
Measure the surface area of each of the cubes.
Compare the surface area of the smaller pieces to
the big piece.
• A system that removes waste from the body
 Excretion is the process of removing wastes from
the body
 Remains that cannot digest pass to the colon- large
 The lining of the colon absorbs most liquid forms
of undigested material
 The solids are deposited as feces
 When the colon is full it sends a message to the
brain to contract and push out the feces from the
• The small intestine is 20 ft long and spends about 4
hours there.
• How many feet does it travel an hour?
• The large intestine is about 5 feet long. Food
spends about 10-15 hours there.
• What speed does food move through the large
• How much faster does food travel through the
small intestine that through the large intestine?
• Why is it important to drink plenty of water?
 Indigestion- uncomfortable feeling in stomach from
eating to quickly or too much
 Diarrhea- watery feces-may be caused by bacteria in
 Ulcers- sores on interior stomach or small intestine
 Cirrhosis-destruction of liver
 Gallstones- mineral crystals on gallbladder, block
passage of bile
 Kidney stones-like gallstones but block passage of
 Appendicitis- inflammation of appendix
 Hemorrhoids-swelling of veins at the opening of the
 Colon cancer –growth of abnormal cells in the colon
 Eat a variety of foods- low-fat and high-fiber foods
 Eat complete meals- eating breakfast is extremely
 Do not rush meals
 Chew food thoroughly- do not wash big pieces
down with a drink
 Drink plenty of water- 6 to 8 glasses a day of 8
ounces of water
 See your dentist regularly
• What have you learned about the Digestive
and Excretory systems?
• Organs and tissues that transport essential
materials to the body cells and remove their
waste products
 Made up of plasma, platelets, white blood cells,
and red blood cells
 Plasma is liquid where the body cells absorb water
 Platelets help form clots where there is injury in a
blood vessel
 White blood cells fight off infection
 Red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the
 Blood moves through blood vessels
 Blood vessels that carry blood away from the
heart are arteries
 Blood vessels that carry blood to the heart are
 Capillaries carry blood between veins and
 Pulmonary circulation- flow of blood from the
heart to the lungs and back to the heart
 Systematic circulation- flow of blood to all the
body tissues except the lungs
 Contracts and pumps blood through blood vessels
 Heart (with 4 chambers)
 Right ventricle pumps blood to lungs, where it
exchanges carbon dioxide for oxygen
 Blood flows into the left atrium
 It pumps blood to the left ventricle
 The left ventricle pumps to the entire body
 The body absorbs oxygen and releases carbon
 Then it flows to the right atrium
 Right atrium pumps it to the right ventricle
• Squeeze a tennis ball 70 times in a minute.
This is the same force that heart needs to
pump blood, and it does it 70 times a minute.
• Act out the path of blood through the body. I
need seven volunteers ( right atrium, left
atrium, right ventricle, left ventricle, lungs,
body part, and blood). Students sitting down
need to tell me when oxygen is being gained
or lost.
• Act out the path of blood through the body. I
need seven volunteers. Students sitting down
need to tell me when oxygen is being gained
or lost.
 Hypertension- blood pressure is consistently
higher than normal
 Stroke- results from blood clots that block vessels
to brain or rupture of one
 Heart Attack- blockage of the flow of blood to the
 Arteriosclerosis- arteries harden, reducing the
amount of blood that can flow through them
 Anemia- abnormally low level of hemoglobin,
protein that binds to oxygen in red blood cells
 Leukemia- disease where extra white blood cells
are produced
 Hemophilia- disease where plasma does not
contain substances to block or clot
 Limit fat in your foods- can deposit on artery walls,
narrowing them and increasing blood pressure
 Get regular physical activity- strengthens heart
muscles, allowing it to pump more blood with
each beat
 Avoid tobacco- tobacco contains nicotine, which
narrows arteries, requiring higher blood pressure
 Manage stress- under stress the body secretes
adrenaline, which increases blood pressure
• A. Provide each student or group of students with a cup of
flour, one-fourth cup of salt, and one-half cup of hot tap
water. Stir these ingredients together with a spoon until a
ball forms. Check for desired consistency. If dough is too
sticky, add more flour. If dough is too dry and more hot tap
• B. With this ball of salt dough, the student(s) mold a human
heart shaped model. Complete with aorta, superior vena
cava, and inferior vena cava. Models will require several
hours to dry.
• C. After the model dries, the student(s) labels the four
chambers: right and left atria, and right and left ventricles,
and the major veins and artery.
• D. Have the students to explain their models.
• Draw the path of blood through the four
chambers, lungs, and body.
 Supply oxygen to blood
 Remove carbon dioxide from the blood and release it
outside the body
 Air enters through the mouth and nose
 Travels to pharynx
 Moves from the throat to the larynx or voice box
 Then to the trachea- a pipe that carries air deep into
the body
 Then it splits into two branches at the bronchi
 Carries to the lungs- sponge-like organ that allows
gases to pass between blood and air
 Your diaphragm separates the lungs from the
 The air you exhale contains more carbon
dioxide and less oxygen than what you inhale
 Air is exchanged at the alveoli, microscopic
air sacs in the lungs, to oxygen
Moving air in and out of the lungs- breathing
Air entering the lungs is inhalation
Air leaving the lungs is exhalation
Inhalation occurs when the diaphragm
contracts and rib cage expands
Influenza- colds caused by viruses
Bronchitis- swelling of the bronchi due to infection
Allergies- immune responses to foreign substances
Asthma-inflammatory disease causing the bronchi to
become narrowed or blocked
Pneumonia- lung infection caused by viruses or
Emphysema- disease where alveoli becomes damaged
or destroyed
Tuberculosis-bacterial lung infection
Lung Cancer- disease where lung tissue are destroyed
by the growth of a tumor
Stay active
Avoid smoking and second hand smoke
Avoid polluted air
Reduce your risk of respiratory infection- wash
hands regularly with soap and water and avoid
touching your nose and mouth
• Explain the breathing process.
 Specialized cells make up nervous system are
 Neurons carry information
 Controls all body activities
 Two types of neurons: sensory- send message to
spinal cord and motor- receive messages from the
brain and stimulate muscles to respond
 Major organ is the brain
 Movement, memory, learning, speaking, and the five
senses are controlled by the brain
 Brain is attached to the spinal cord-carries messages to and
from the brain
 Messages travel through nerves- bundles of cells that
conduct messages from one part of the body to another
 There are two main parts of the Nervous Systems:
o Central Nervous System (CNS)- brain and spinal cord
 Controls voluntary (walking) and involuntary (heart beating) actions
o Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)- nerves that connect the CNS
to all parts of the body
 Somatic system (actions controlled) and autonomic actions( actions don’t
control) breathing
 Head injury- caused by a blow to the head or
violent jarring of the head
 Spinal cord injury- can result from damage of
head, neck, or spine
 Nerve inflammation- follow a minor injury
Get enough sleep
Avoid alcohol and other drugs
Play safely
Wear a seat belt
Obey all traffic rules
• What are the parts of the Nervous System
and their functions?
 A chemical communication system that
regulates many body functions
 A gland is a group of cells, or an organ that
secretes a chemical substance
 They are secreted into the bloodstream
 Endocrine glands take signals from the brain
or other glands
 The brain receives chemical and electrical
messages from the body to the presence of
substances in the blood
 The pituitary gland signals other glands to produce
hormones when needed
 When you stress your palms get sweaty and heart
beats fast
 Your adrenal glands respond by releasing adrenalinewhich prepares your body to respond to stress
 Heart rate and blood flow increase
 Blood sugar levels and blood pressure rises
 Air passages expand and sweat production increases
 Other body parts slow to conserve energy ( digestive
 When the stressful stimulus withdraws, the body
returns to normal state
 Diabetes mellitus- caused by inadequate insulin
 Overactive thyroid- swelling in neck
 Underactive thyroid- dull facial expressions
 Growth extremes- abnormal amounts of growth
 Eat balanced meals
 Get enough sleep- period of reduced awareness
where body slows down
 Engage in regular physical activity
 Keep things in perspective
 Have regular medical check-ups
• “keeping things in perspective” Why is this
hard for teens? How can you help someone
from getting upset about minor issues? How
can adults help?
• Name a gland of the endocrine system and
tell its function.
 Male reproductive cells are called sperm
 Males produce sperm at puberty- age 12-15
 Sperm is produced in testes and mature in the
 Travel through vas deferens where they are
mixed with seminal fluid
 The mixture is called semen
 Muscular contractions force semen though the
urethra and out the body called ejaculation
 Sterility- inability to produce healthy sperm to
 Enlarged prostate gland- associated with aging
 Sexually transmitted Diseases- infections spread
during sexual contact
 Cancer- uncontrolled cell growth that destroys
healthy tissue
 Practice of self-examination- check for lumps
 Bathe regularly- ensure cleanliness
 Avoid wearing tight underwear- wear protective
 Practice Abstinence- until married
 The Menstrual Cycle
 As a female reaches puberty, hormones cause eggs to
mature in the ovary
 Ovulation is the release of one mature egg each month
 The uterus thickens in preparation to receive and begin to
nourish a fertilized egg
 If fertilization does not occur, then the lining is broken down
and expelled
 The flow of the lining out of the body is menstruation
 Most females begin menstruation between 9-16
 The times of ovulation may vary and degree of
cramps and fatigue may vary, NO CONCERN
• Premenstrual Cycle- physical and emotional
changes before and during menstruation
• Toxic Shock Syndrome- bacterial infection
associated with incorrect use of tampons
• Infertility-inability to reproduce
• Ovarian cysts- growths on the ovary
• Sexually Transmitted Diseases- diseases spread
through sexual contact
• Cancer-uncontrolled cell growth
 Examine your breasts- check for lumps
 Bathe regularly- change tampons and pads
frequently too
 Record your menstrual cycles
 Practice abstinence- until married
• Tell me what you have learned about your
reproductive system.