on orbitals and electron configuration Video

Orbitals Video
1. Electrons do not exist in orbitals around the nucleus, but rather in 3-D region of space called ________________
(which are probability functions of where electrons are likely to be found.)
2. Do electrons repel or attract each other?_______________
3. Energy Shells correspond to _____________ on the periodic table.
4. Are all orbital shapes spherical?___________
More on orbitals and electron configuration Video
1. The general principle is that electrons fill up lowest or highest energy orbitals first?
2. Which orbital is filled right after the 2s orbital?____________
3. Write the electron configuration for carbon:_________________________________
4. Where could we cut and paste Helium on the Periodic Tabl?________________________________________
Electron configuration Video
1. Clearly label the “s” “p” “d” and “f” blocks on the P.T.
2. What orbital is filled after 4s? 4d or 3s or 3d or 4p
3. Write the electron configuration for iron:
4. Why are the Lanthanides and Actinides placed below the periodic table?
Electron configuration 2 Video
1. Write the electron configuration for Nickel:________________________________________________________
2. How many valence electrons does Nickel have?___________
Valence Electrons Video
1. What is Lithium’s electron configuration?____________________________________
2. Write the alternative electron configuration of lithium using helium:________________________________
3. Atoms want to have _____ valence electrons because this is most stable.
4. How many outer (valence) electrons does sodium have?_______
5. How many outer (valence) electrons does Chlorine have?_______
6. What would most likely happen if I put a sodium atom next to a chlorine atom?___________________________