PGRADE Portal Extensions for UK NGS Users Tamas Kiss, Tamas Kukla, Gabor Terstyanszky 1st P-GRADE Portal User Community Workshop June 10-11, Zurich, Switzerland The UK National Grid Service (NGS) • The National Grid Service (NGS) aims to enable coherent electronic access for UK researchers to all computational and data based resources and facilities required to carry out their research, independent of resource or researcher location. Partner Sites: Affiliates: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Cardiff University University of Glasgow Computing Service University of Glasgow ScotGrid Lancaster University University of Manchester University of Oxford Queens University of Belfast STFC/RAL University of Westminster White Rose Grid (Leeds) University of Birmingham (GridPP) University of Bristol Brunel University (GridPP) Durham University (GridPP) University of Edinburgh (ECDF) Imperial College London (GridPP) Keele University University of Liverpool (GridPP) University of Manchester (GridPP) University Of Oxford (GridPP) University of Reading Royal Holloway, University of London (GridPP) University of Sheffield University Of Southampton STFC SCARF STFC Ceramics and Minerals Consortium (Mott) VO University of York University of Westminster as an NGS Partner Site • Resources and services offered: • 64 x IBM x3455 2xDual core AMD Opteron 2218 (256 Cores with 4GB memory) • 11TB of useable storage • Pre-WS and WS components of the Globus Toolkit (VDT 1.8.1) • NGS-P-GRADE portal • GEMLCA Application Repository NGS P-GRADE GEMLCA Portal • • • • • Operated by the University of Westminster as NGS Partner Site Interface for NGS GT2 sites Interface for GT4 Westminster site Interface for EGEE GILDA sites Connected to the NGS and the GILDA Resource Brokers Westminster Main Features of NGS P-GRADE GEMLCA Portal • Based on P-GRADE portal 2.4.1(no parameter study support) • Extensions: – – – – Full integration with the GEMLCA Application Repository Support for OGSA-DAI: browser portlet and workflow level integration Support for SRB: browser portlet and workflow level integration Support for executing and embedding non-native workflows (Triana, Taverna, Kepler) GEMLCA / P-GRADE Portal in a nutshell • P-GRADE Portal extended with GEMLCA back-end – Sharing jobs and legacy codes as workflow components – GEMLCA is a grid service implemented by UoW • A step towards collaborative e-Science • Support for Globus 4 grids (besides GT2 and EGEE) LCG / gLite VOs Globus 2 VOs P-GRADE Portal GEMLCA Legacy code repository Globus 4 VOs GEMLCA Legacy Code Repository Share your applications with authorised colleagues • Publish your codes in the GEMLCA repository - advanced users only • Browse the repository and simply select the application to include in your workflow – ports are defined automatically – command line parameters are displayed automatically Define value of input parameters or accept default The GEMLCA Concept Compute Submit Servers legacy code job Send custom input End-user: invoke legacy code Grid service Return result GEMLCA Grid service and code repository Produce result LCs Code owner: register legacy code as a Grid service Resource manager deploys GEMLCA LCs The GEMLCA Service A GT4 based Grid Service GT4 Resources GEMLCA Grid Service Grid service client Frontend GEMLCA Grid Services: GLCList SOAP XML Service Invocation GLCProcess GLCAdmin Core Management of internal GEMLCA concept and environment Back-end GT4/GRAM4 support GT2 Resources GT2/GRAM2 support LCG/g-Lite Resources LCG/gLite support EGEE Broker Extending the data handling capabilities of P-GRADE portal Grid infrastructure Portal server LOCAL INPUT FILES LOCAL OUTPUT FILES GridFTP servers User level storage LOCAL INPUT FILES LOCAL OUTPUT FILES Workflow level Interoperation of local, GridFTP, SRM and SRB file catalogues and databases exposed by OGSA-DAI REMOTE INPUT FILES REMOTE OUTPUT FILES Computing resources SRB servers Data manipulation Input to workflows Control of remote input/output Output from workflows EGEE Storage elements OGSADAI services SRB Extension to P-GRADE portal SRB: SDSC (San Diego SuperComputing) Storage Resource Broker • Access files (and database objects) seamlessly across a distributed environment • • • basically a distributed logical file system single global logical namespace or file hierarchy Physical location and the way the data is stored is abstracted from the user • • presents the user with a single file hierarchy for data distributed across multiple storage systems provides a way to access data sets and resources based on their logical names or attributes rather than their names and physical locations. SRB Extension to P-GRADE portal SRB Browser Portlet • • • Plug-in structure: generic (SRB, GridFTP, SRM) file browser can be easily implemented Basic file and directory operations (create, delete, copy etc.) Metadata handling • • SRB Extension to P-GRADE portal SRB Port Definition Select Mdas file – defines Grid 0 1 2 3 Click File Browser SRB and GridFTP ports can be mixed Executor site and SRB resource can be in different Grids Use selected Mdas to connect to resource and browse tree OGSA DAI Extension to P-GRADE portal • Open Grid Services Architecture Data Access and Integration project is concerned with constructing middleware to assist with access and integration of data from separate data sources via the grid. • An engineered extensible framework for data access and integration. • Expose heterogeneous data resources to a grid through web services. • Interaction with data resources: – – – • Customise for your project using – – – • Source: GGF 16, Feb 2006 by Neil Chue Hong Queries and updates. Data transformation / compression Data delivery. Additional Activities Client Toolkit APIs Data Resource handlers A base for higher-level services – federation, mining, visualisation,… OGSA DAI Extension to P-GRADE portal A set of browser portlets, e.g. Query Manager portlet Select OGSADAI resource Define query statement Define target location Data can be sliced up and compressed before delivery OGSA DAI Extension to P-GRADE portal OGSA-DAI integration to P-GRADE portal workflows via GEMLCA Workflow OGSA-DAI node Computational resources GEMLCA repository ... OGSA-DAI client OGSA-DAI service submit ... OGSA-DAI client Set custom parameter values Database The solution is generic as any workflow engine can be made capable to communicate with the GEMLCA service (GT4 based Grid service) OGSA DAI Extension to P-GRADE portal OGSA-DAI integration to P-GRADE portal workflows Executes the given OGSADAI query Generates sampler queries Selecting Grid Selecting legacy code exposing OGSA-DAI functionality Selecting executor site Analysis on the sample data Gathering results Setting OGSA-DAI service URL Setting Database Resource ID Setting query file: can be uploaded or produced by another job Heterogeneous workflow nesting Embedding non-native workflows via GEMLCA Host workflow system P-GRADE portal GEMLCA client User selects the required workflow engine, uploads the workflow, the input parameters and input files. NGS GEMLCA service Deployed apps WF Engine 1 WF Engine 2 WF Engine 3 Backends GT2 GT4 gLite EGEE Executable: WF engine (that will be submitted) WF to execute: an input parameter of the GEMLCA job Heterogeneous workflow nesting Executed on EGEE Embedding non-native workflows via GEMLCA Executed on EGEE Taverna workflow Triana workflow Submitted to EGEE Submitted to NGS Submitted to EGEE Kepler workflow P-GRADE workflow Executed on NGS Thank you for your attention! Any questions?