P-GRADE Portal and GEMLCA portlets Dr Thierry Delaitre Systems and Services Manager Centre for Parallel Computing Cavendish School of Computer Science University of Westminster London Presentation outline • GEMLCA objectives • Legacy codes in service-oriented Grids • Gemlca concept • GEMLCA client in a nutshell in the P-Grade portal • Different layers and modules of the P-Grade portal • Conclusions GEMLCA Objectives Grid Execution Management for Legacy Code Architecture • • • To deploy legacy code applications as Grid services without reengineering the original code and minimal user effort To create Grid workflows where components can also be legacy code applications To make these functions available from a Grid Portal GEMLCA GEMLCA & P-GRADE Portal Integration Legacy applications in service-oriented Grids Gemlca – PGrade portal approach: thin client 3rd generation Grids: Web browser (OGSA: GT3, WSRF, gLite) P-grade Portal server Desktop 1 Grid Site 1 Legacy applications in a serviceoriented Grid Grid Site 2 Web browser UK OGSA testbed Desktop N (8 sites) Legacy applications in a serviceoriented Grid GEMLCA Concept GEMLCA Resource Legacy Code Factory Legacy Code Process Legacy Code Job Client 2: to apply legacy code Grid service Use the integrated P-GRADE/GEMLCA Portal for both client cases Grid Hosting Environment Compute Servers OGSA Container MMJFS Job Manager (Condor/Fork) Client 1: to deploy legacy code Grid service The Gemlca enabled Pgrade portal • • • • • • Login to the portal Defining Grid resources and services Workflow support for Gemlca jobs Workflow visualisation Application specific visualisation Deploying or modifying Grid-enabled legacy codes GEMLCA Concept Resources in 2nd generation Grids (GT2) Services in 3rd generation Grids (OGSA: GT3, GT4, gLite) Manhattan road network generator Traffic simulators UoW SZTAKI Analyser UoR Manhattan road network generator Traffic simulators Analyser Different layers of the P-GRADE portal WF editor Web browser Applets Site boundary Servlets and back-end classes OGSA clients Servlets and back-end classes OGSA clients Portlets and back-end classes Mercury client libtrace2png Java Mercury client grp2c shell script C service provider GEMLCA Services CoG classes DAGMan OGSA CondorG clients site boundary GEMLCA Services GT2 GT2 GRAM GRAM Mercury Mercury MyProxy MyProxy Different modules of the P-GRADE portal WF editor site boundary Servlets and back-end classes OGSA clients WF editing GUI (Trace) high-level management VServlets isuali and Portlets and back-end classes back-end classes sations Mercury OGSA clients libtrace2png Java shell script C GEMLCA Services Web browser Applets Service provider site boundary client WF execution grp2c DAGMan OGSA CondorG clients GEMLCA Services GT2 GT2 GRAM GRAM CoG classes Mercury client WF Proxy moni- managetoring ment Mercury Mercury Main monitor Main monitor MyProxy MyProxy Conclusions Achievements: • P-Grade portal originally developed by SZTAKI and enhanced by UoW with Gemlca portlets for publishing and accessing legacy codes as Grid services. • All Portlets developed using GridSphere 1.0.1 (Gemlca portlets developed by Noam at Westminster) Future Work: • Upgrade P-Grade portal to GridSphere 2 ? • Develop a portlet for managing access control to Grid-enabled legacy codes based on the CAS authorisation framework. Thank you for your attention … Any questions? Email: gemlca-discuss@cpc.wmin.ac.uk Website: www.cpc.wmin.ac.uk/gemlca www.lpds.sztaki.hu/pgrade T.Delaitre@wmin.ac.uk noam@cpc.wmin.ac.uk