Enabling Grids for E-sciencE Supporting legacy code applications on EGEE VOs by GEMLCA and the P-GRADE portal P. Kacsuk*, G. Sipos* and T. Kiss** *MTA SZTAKI ** Univ. of Westminster www.eu-egee.org INFSO-RI-508833 Properties of the P-GRADE Porta Enabling Grids for E-sciencE • What is P-GRADE portal? – General purpose, graphical, workflow-oriented Grid portal – Supports the development and execution of workflow-based Grid applications – Components of the workflows can be Sequential jobs Parallel jobs (MPI, PVM) Legacy code (GEMLCA) services – Easy porting of legacy and other applications to the Grid – Enables the exploitation of two levels of parallelism intra-job inter-job – Enables to control and observe the execution of the workflow applications – Enables fault-tolerant workflow execution INFSO-RI-508833 Properties of the P-GRADE Porta Enabling Grids for E-sciencE • Enables application-specific extensions by new portlets (E-GRID, Traffic simulation Grid, etc.) • Hides the low-level Grid details • Enables the access of every important feature of the underlying Grid, e.g.: – brokering service – information service, etc. • Can serve as a bridge between different Grids to solve the Grid interoperability problem at the workflow level: – Enables easy porting of legacy and other applications between various Grids (e.g. from LCG to gLite, from GT2 to GT4, etc.) – Hides middleware changes for the end-user – Enables parallel execution of a workflow in several Grids INFSO-RI-508833 Properties of the P-GRADE Porta Enabling Grids for E-sciencE • Enables application-specific extensions by new portlets (E-GRID, Traffic simulation Grid, etc.) • Hides the low-level Grid details • Enables the access of every important feature of the underlying Grid, e.g.: – brokering service – information service, etc. • Can serve as a bridge between different Grids to solve the Grid interoperability problem at the workflow level: – Enables easy porting of legacy and other applications between various Grids (e.g. from LCG to gLite, from GT2 to GT4, etc.) – Hides middleware changes for the end-user – Enables parallel execution of a workflow in several Grids INFSO-RI-508833 P-GRADE portal in a nutshell Enabling Grids for E-sciencE Proxy management Grid resources management Workflow creation Job mapping to Grid resources Workflow management and execution visualization INFSO-RI-508833 Two levels of parallelism by the P-GRADE workflow Enabling Grids for E-sciencE • Semantics of the workflow enables two levels of parallelism: – Parallel execution inside a workflow node – Parallel execution among workflow nodes • The P-GRADE Portal workflow concept enables the efficient parallelization of complex problems Multiple jobs can run parallel INFSO-RI-508833 The job can be a parallel program OGSA-DAI Integration with P-GRADE Grid Execution Management for Legacy Code Applications Tamas Kukla and Tamas Kiss Centre for Parallel Computing University of Westminster T.Kukla@student.westminster.ac.uk, kisst@wmin.ac.uk www.cpc.wmin.ac.uk/GEMLCA OGSA-DAI portlets 4 portlets implemented 1. Data Service Manager 2. Database Browser 3. Query Manager 4. Data Manipulation www.cpc.wmin.ac.uk/GEMLCA Data Service Manager portlet Add/remove OGSADAI services List available resources of a service List available tables Select and describe tables www.cpc.wmin.ac.uk/GEMLCA Database Browser portlet Select service / resource / table Display the selected table or XML resource Order by the selected column www.cpc.wmin.ac.uk/GEMLCA Query Manager portlet Display results on screen Run query on selected database Display results See next slide www.cpc.wmin.ac.uk/GEMLCA Query Manager portlet Deliver results to file Define query statement Define target location www.cpc.wmin.ac.uk/GEMLCA Data can be sliced up and compressed before delivery Data Manipulation portlet Manipulate data of selected database Select database Define update statement www.cpc.wmin.ac.uk/GEMLCA Update See next slide Data Manipulation portlet Deliver results from file to database Select target service / resource Define target table Define files to be delivered www.cpc.wmin.ac.uk/GEMLCA Extracts and merges A possible user scenario • The new OGSA-DAI portlet allows to browse an OGSA-DAI database and deliver query results to a set of files. • These files can be used in normal or parameter study workflows as input ports. • The workflow output can be converted and transferred back to the database. 1. 2. 3. 4. Select the data service and resource Run a query and deliver results to a (set of) file(s) Run the (parameter study) workflow on the data-sets Transfer the results back into an OGSA-DAI database www.cpc.wmin.ac.uk/GEMLCA Step1: Select the OGSA-DAI service and DataBase resource with the DataBrowser User List of resources Storage resource (local or remote) Request eXist XML DataBase resource OGSA-DAI service Request Extended PG-Portal Workflow Oracle DataBase resource DataBrowser List of resources www.cpc.wmin.ac.uk/GEMLCA Step1: Select the OGSA-DAI service and DataBase resource with the DataBrowser Select service and resource www.cpc.wmin.ac.uk/GEMLCA Step2: Run a query and deliver results to a (set of) file(s) User Storage resource (local or remote) Query OGSA-DAI service Results Extended PG-Portal Workflow eXist XML DataBase resource Query Query Oracle DataBase resource DataBrowser Results Results www.cpc.wmin.ac.uk/GEMLCA Step2: Run a query and deliver results to a (set of) file(s) Define query statement Deliver results to a set of files www.cpc.wmin.ac.uk/GEMLCA Step3: Run (parameter study) workflow (this step does not use the OGSA-DAI portlets!) User Storage resource (local or remote) Input data Create workflow Workflow output OGSA-DAI service Extended PG-Portal Workflow eXist XML DataBase resource Oracle DataBase resource DataBrowser www.cpc.wmin.ac.uk/GEMLCA Step4: Transfer results back into an OGSA-DAI database Storage resource (local or remote) User Workflow output Confirmation eXist XML DataBase resource Request OGSA-DAI service Workflow output Confirmation Extended PG-Portal Workflow Workflow output Oracle DataBase resource DataBrowser Confirmation www.cpc.wmin.ac.uk/GEMLCA Step4: Transfer results back into an OGSA-DAI database Define target database Define target table Define files to be transferred and converted www.cpc.wmin.ac.uk/GEMLCA