GEMLCA and P-GRADE Portal Experiences with developing GEMLCA portlets for the P-GRADE portal Thierry Delaitre (Westminster) Portals and Porlets 2006 - Edinburgh Presentation outline • P-GRADE Portal • Grid Execution Management for Legacy Code Applications: GEMLCA • The GEMLCA P-GRADE Portal • Experiences with developing GEMLCA Portlets for the P-GRADE portal • Workflow level Grid interoperability • Conclusions Motivation to the P-GRADE Portal • Fast evolution of Grid middleware technologies and tools: – GT2, OGSA, GT3 (OGSI), GT4 (WSRF), LCG-2, gLite, … • Many production Grids are now freely available for eScientists – EGEE (LCG-2 gLite), UK NGS (GT2), US Open Science Grid (GT2 GT4), NorduGrid (ARC), … • The same set of services are available everywhere, but implemented in different ways – Computation services, data services, security services, (brokers) Let’s provide a technology-neutral graphical interface for the most common Grid middleware services! P-GRADE Portal in a nutshell • General purpose, workflow-oriented computational Grid portal. Supports the development and execution of workflow-based Grid applications. • Based on standard portlet framework (Gridsphere) – Easy to expand with new portlets (e.g. application-specific portlets) – Easy to tailor to community needs • Grid services supported by the portal: Service Job execution File storage EGEE grids Globus grids Computing Element GRAM Storage Element GridFTP server Certificate management Information system Brokering MyProxy BDII MDS-2 Workload Management System --- Job monitoring Mercury Workflow & job visualization PROVE The P-GRADE Portal hides middleware technologies and solves Grid interoperability problem at the workflow level What is a P-GRADE Portal workflow? • a directed acyclic graph where – Nodes represent jobs (batch programs to be executed on a computing element) – Ports represent input/output files the jobs expect/produce – Arcs represent file transfer operations • semantics of the workflow: – A job can be executed if all of its input files are available Two levels of parallelism by a workflow • The workflow concept of the P-GRADE Portal enables the efficient parallelization of complex problems • Semantics of the workflow enables two levels of parallelism: – Parallel execution inside a workflow node – Parallel execution among workflow nodes Multiple jobs can run parallel The job can be a parallel program The P-GRADE Grid Portal Provides user-friendly access to the Grid Log in to the portal Visualise execution and download results Execute workflow Create application workflow Map execution to available resources Grid Enabling Legacy Applications • Code from the past, maintained because it works • Often supports business critical functions • Not Grid enabled What to do with legacy codes when utilising the Grid? • Bin them and implement Grid enabled applications • Reengineer them • Port them onto the Grid with minimum user effort GEMLCA Concept Code is Compute deployed Invoke Servers statically legacy code Custom input Client 2: to invoke result legacy codeInputReturn data is Grid service provided GEMLCA Grid service dynamically Client 1: to register legacy code as a Grid service Access to the code is controlled by the GEMLCA Grid service Legacy code Produce result Resource manager deploys: LC GEMLCA The GEMLCA-view of a legacy code • Any code that correspond to the following model can be exposed as Grid service by GEMLCA: Input data (files, command line params, env. vars) Legacy code Output data (files) ... Perform computation Communicate over the network Query databases Call shared libraries The GEMLCA P-GRADE Portal • To provide graphical clients to GEMLCA with a portal-based solution (Web-based GEMLCA client environment) • To enable the integration of legacy code grid services into workflows GEMLCA and the P-GRADE portal 3rd generation Grids Web browser Grid Site 1 Desktop 1 GEMLCA P-GRADE Portal LC 1 Legacy applications Grid Site 2 Web browser LC 2 Legacy applications Desktop N Combining legacy and non-legacy components Code invocation Combine legacy codes with new codes inside the same workflow! Code invocation Job submission Code invocation Job submission The GEMLCA-specific version of the P-GRADE Portal is different from the original P-GRADE Portal! • It contains a web page (portlet) to register legacy codes as grid services • It contains a web page (portlet) to monitor GEMLCA/Grid services • It contains a GEMLCA-specific workflow editor – Workflow components can be “legacy code grid services” (not only batch jobs) • It contains a GEMLCA-specific workflow manager subsystem – It can invoke GEMLCA services (not only submitting jobs) Legacy code registration page Mkdir Legacy Code exposed as a Grid Service Folder : /../.gemlca/legacycodes/mkdir Content : i) mkdir binary or link ii) config.xml Legacy Code Interface Description File: config.xml <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE GLCEnvironment "gemlcaconfig.dtd"> <GLCEnvironment id="mkdir" executable="LINUX/mkdir" jobManager="Fork" maximumJob="11" minimumProcessors="1" maximumProcessors="1" universe="PVM" > <Description>Unix mkdir program</Description> <GLCParameters> <Parameter name="-p" friendlyName="Folder to be created" fixed="No" inputOutput="Input" order="0" mandatory="No" fileCommandline="Commandline"> <initialValue> </initialValue> </Parameter> </GLCParameters> </GLCEnvironment> GEMLCA/Grid Monitoring Tool GEMLCA/Grid Monitoring Tool Resource testing for administrators and users 3rd party service providers Production Grid (e.g. EGEE, NGS) MDS4 GMT (GEMLCA Monitoring Toolkit) Portal Run GMT probes and Grid site with collect data legacy code resources User Map execution Grid site with legacy code resources GEMLCA Specific Workflow editor UoW Sztaki UoR Experiences with GEMLCA portlets development for the P-GRADE portal • GEMLCA Legacy code registration portlet • Grid Monitoring Tool porltet Control flow and UI design of the GEMLCA LCID portlet Implementing control flow and UI in GEMLCA LCID portlet We use GS UI Beans extensively doAdmin(RenderFormEvent evt) { GEMLCAAdminPortletBean AdminBean = getBean(evt); checkStatus(evt); if (AdminBean.getSelectedGrid() == null) { State = "gemlca/gridSelect.jsp"; fillListBox("GridSelect", evt, toStringArray(AdminBean.getGrids(), "getName")); prepareHeader(evt, "GEMLCA Grid selector"); } else if (AdminBean.getSelectedResource() == null) { State = "gemlca/resourceSelect.jsp"; <%@ taglib uri="/portletUI" prefix="ui" %> <%@ taglib uri="/portletAPI" prefix="portletAPI" %> <portletAPI:init/> <ui:panel> <ui:form> <ui:frame> <ui:tablerow header="true"> <ui:tablecell><ui:text beanId="MainHeader"/> </ui:tablecell> </ui:tablerow> <ui:tablerow> <ui:tablecell> <ui:listbox beanId="GridSelect" name="GridSelect"/> <ui:actionsubmit action="StoreGrid" value="Select Grid"/> </ui:tablecell> </ui:tablerow> <ui:tablerow><ui:tablecell> <ui:actionsubmit action="Reset" value="Reset"/> </ui:tablecell></ui:tablerow> <ui:tablerow header="true"> <ui:tablecell><ui:text beanId="MessageHeader"/></ui:tablecell> </ui:tablerow> </ui:frame> </ui:form> </ui:panel> Experiences with implementing GEMLCA LCID portlet Implementation of the portlet • Extensively use the GS UI beans. • Beans built in Java are rendered by JSP pages Problems encountered • • • Several inconsistencies between the tag libraries and the capabilities of the beans provided by gridsphere. the tld have had some restrictions which did not allow access to specific attributes from the JSP code (workaround is to do it in Java). Same happens from the Java code where some features do not work (workaround is to do it JSP or hack the JSP generated code and insert it into Java) • Example is with the UIBean with disabled mode features • • • ActionSubmitBean.addParamBean (parameters not generated correctly from Java) button.setAction("gs_action=" + Action + (Parameter == null ? "" : "&up=" + prefix +"&" + prefix + "_"+ Parameter + "=" + PValue)); Portlet modified to handle Inter-portlet communication from GS1 (FormEvents) to GS2 (Action or Render). Experiences with implementing GMT portlet • GMT uses WebMDS servlet as its base • GMT portlet was developed in GS1 and upgraded to GS2 • In GS1, portlets were inherited from HTTPServlet • In GS2, portlets are no longer subclass of HTTPServlet, portlets are subclass of GenericPortlet coming from JSR168. Problems with obtaining information in the same way as GS1. For example where the servlet is located. This is solved using the following: • response.createRenderURL().toString() Experiences with operational issues • Increase JVM memory • • JVM Tuning: » -Xms256m (initial heap size) » -Xmx1024m (max heap size) Potential 64 bits issue with 32 bits JNI C code • -verbose:jni -Xcheck:jni -XX:+ShowMessageBoxOnError • Use Jprofiler for memory profiling or review your code • P-Grade portal (based on GridSphere) is being used in production for EGEE (VOCE, SEE-Grid, HunGrid, Gilda, GIN, NGS) GEMLCA on the UK NGS The P-GRADE NGS GEMLCA Portal • • Portal Website: Runs both GT4 GEMLCA and GEMLCA repository Westminster Workflow Level Grid Interoperability By GEMLCA and the P-GRADE Portal P-GRADE GEMLCA Portal GEMLCA Repository References • P-GRADE Portal service is available for – – – – – UK National Grid Service (with GEMLCA support) SEE-GRID infrastructure HUNGRID VO of EGEE Central European VO of EGEE GILDA: Training VO of EGEE • Under preparation for – US Open Science Grid, Economy-Grid, Swiss BioGrid, Bio and Biomed EGEE VOs • P-GRADE portal can be installed for any public/private EGEE or Globus Grid/VO Please contact us! How to get access? – Take a look at (manuals, training events, client & server requirements, installation procedure, etc.) – Visit or request a training event! ( • Lectures, demos, hands-on tutorials, application development support – Get an account for one of its production installations: • • • • NGS portal – University of Westminster VOCE portal - SZTAKI SEEGRID portal – SZTAKI HUNGrid portal – SZTAKI – If you are the administrator of a Grid/VO then contact SZTAKI to get your own P-GRADE Portal! – If you know the administrator of a P-GRADE Portal you can ask him/her to give access to your Grid through his/her portal installation! (Multi-Grid portal) Conclusions – We have been using GridSphere since the GridLab project started and migrated all GEMLCA portlets from GS1 to GS2 since last year. – Good experience using GridSphere for developing portlets for the GEMLCA P-Grade portal. – P-Grade portal is available today as a production service – What’s next ? • Provide a multi Grid portal service to major Grids • Focus on scalability issues Thank you for your attention … Any questions? Email: Websites: