Topics in Chinese Linguistics: Introduction to Chinese Unit 7: Varieties and Changes Varieties and Changes Language is not static. It is under constant change. Language is not homogeneous, it has varieties. Variation and variants Why does a language change? The language changes when the society has some changes Emergence of new concepts and disappearance of old things Language contacts: mobility The internal linguistic rule The speed of change The vocabulary change is the most rapid change Pronunciation and grammar change slower than vocabulary New words emerge New words emerge 人造衛星,團伙,責任制,kleenex, xerox New meaning is added to the old words 朋友(女朋友),愛人 The meaning changes (shrinks) 批評,反省 Foreign words 雷達,迪士科,軟件,克隆 Social variance – Social dialects Variables: age sex profession social economical status Sexual variation Prof. C. C. Cheng's software can identify male from female: Female-150Hz or higher, Male - 150Hz or lower Sexual variation: Pronunciation The female students' pronunciation of palatal sounds Syllables with palatal(s) 些 (yǒu yì) xiē (some) 急 jí (in a hurry) 雞 jī (rooster/chicken) 寄 jì (to send) 幾 jǐ (several) 細 xì (slender; fine) 積極 jījí (active) 焦急 jiāojí (worried) Dentalized 31 14 10 21 11 9 7 3 Fronted 17 12 12 10 7 12 10 13 Total 20 26 22 21 18 21 17 16 Source: Hu, Mingyang. 1991.Feminine accent in the Beijing vernacular: a sociolinguistic investigation. JCLTA XXVI No.1 Sexual variation: Pronunciation /w/ vs. /v/ 為,文,萬,聞 wèi, wén, wàn wén vèi, vén, vàn vén 新聞,一萬,為了,外文 xīnwén, yíwàn, wèile, wàijiāo xīnvén, yívàn, vèile, vàijiāo Sexual variation: vocabulary Shen (1987) womanish accent 娘娘腔 Adding softner particles:呀,呢,啦,耶 ya, ne, la, ye Male-我今天忙極了。 Female-我今天忙死了。 Wǒ jīntiān máng jí le. Wǒ jīntiān máng sǐ le. (I am extremely busy today.) (I am busy to death.) Male-我 wǒ Femal-人家 rénjiā In one sentence: “人家想死你了耶!” Rénjiā xiáng sǐ nǐ le ye! (I am terribly missing you!) Sexual variation: Woman script 女書-中國的一種奇特的現象 Woman Script Shangjiangyu Village, Jiangyong County, Hunan Province 湖南省江永县上江圩乡 Mrs. Yang Huanyi – the last lady who is able to write woman script 最后一位能写女书的杨焕宜老太太 Yi Nianhua Tang Baojin Gao Yinxian Woman Script vs. Characters (1) Woman Script vs. Characters (2) Woman Script vs. Characters (3) Characteristics of Woman Script Based on Hunan dialect 以湖南方言記音 Syllabic 一字一音 Limited number of syllables 音節有限 Non-standardized 不規範 Woman Script and Chinese Characters Strokes are simpler (maximum of 18 strokes) Fewer number of woman characters (total number is fewer than 1,000. Commonly used about 400) Phonetic Uses of Woman Script Religious worship 宗教祭祀 Chanting for entertainment 讀唱娛樂 Making sworn sisters 結拜姐妹 Correspondence 書信來往 Complaining and biography 訴苦寫傳 Event recording 記事記史 Three sister authors Burning sheets written in woman script to mourn the dead sisters. 烧女书祭奠去世的姐妹 Young girls’ workshop to learn woman script 年轻女子学认女书 Campus vocabulary in Taiwan 鬥陣(一起 together) 代誌大條(事態很嚴重 serious situation) 520(我愛你 I love you) LKK(很老氣 old looking) Any more? The students from Taiwan may contribute. Hong Kong Vocabulary 拿士的 坐的士 去士多 食多士 get the stick take a taxi to to the store to eat a toast Hong Kong Vocabulary 巴士 ( a bus) 迷你裙 (mini-skirt) 可讀性 (readability) 車立 (elevator) Vocabulary used in the Mainland 反右鬥爭 (the struggle against the rightists) 文革 (Cultural Revolution) 紅五類、黑五類 (red, black five categories) 紙老虎 (paper tiger) Vocabulary used in the Mainland 先生,小姐,太太,女士=>同志=>師傅 老X,小X 叔叔-解放軍叔叔 阿姨-保姆,幼兒園老師 獨生子女 愛人,老伴,孩子他爹(娘),老頭(我老頭 出差了), 我那一口子 Taiwan Guoyu 台灣國語 Phonetic difference 語音差別 No retroflex sound 台灣國語常缺少卷舌音 Modal particle ‘ye’ at the end of sentences 句尾帶“耶” ‘Hǎo’ is used for ‘hěn’ 用“好”代替“很” Vocabulary difference 詞彙差別 Taiwan Guoyu 台灣國語 同志 集裝箱 激光 普通話 繁體字 出租汽車 表演 電子計算機 電子郵件 同性戀 (gay and lesbian) 貨櫃 (container) 鐳射 (laser) 國語 (Mandarin) 正體字 (traditional characters) 計程車 (taxi) 作秀 (to give a show) 電腦 (computer) 電子郵遞 (e-mail) Taiwan Guoyu 台灣國語 The words that are not used in the mainland. 大陸沒有的詞: 寫作診所(writing clinic) 工作坊(workshop) Taiwan Guoyu 台灣國語 Grammatical differences 語法差別 用走的 有去過 電子郵件,用說的嘛也通。(1999/3/4 sinanet) Chinese beyond China 海外華語 燕梳 insurance 子子給 market 土庫 basement 柏文 apartment Any more? Summary Language is not static and homogeneous Variation exists in phonology, vocabulary and grammar Social varieties are related to the social variables Social varieties are equally good