2013-14 World History/Geography I COURSE TITLE: World History to 1500 CE / Geography (WH I) CONTACT INFORMATION: Mr. Matthew T. Hollowell Matthew.Hollowell@lcps.org Teachers that I team with: Ms. Magi Shepley Ms. Cynthia Ross Magi.Shepley@lcps.org Cynthia.Ross@lcps.org Park View High School 400 West Laurel Avenue Sterling, Virginia 20164 571-434-4500 I can usually stay Wednesday after school for help. However, I may have meetings, clubs, and duties, so it’s easier to make an appointment. You can also email me. I have a website to help you keep up with your schoolwork. I will also post assignments, handouts and materials to help you keep up, both in and out of class. Just go to http://lcps.org/pvhs and click on “STAFF,” then Mr. Hollowell’s name. MAIN TOPICS (HISTORY): Prehistoric people – Quarter 1 Ancient and river civilizations – Quarter 1 Major conflicts and classical civilizations – Quarter 1 & 2 Middle Ages – Quarter 3 The Renaissance – Quarter 3 The Great Convergence – Quarter 3 MAIN TOPICS (GEOGRAPHY): Use of maps and globes to study physical and human landscapes Discussion of selected natural processes in shaping the Earth’s surface Relationships between landscapes and cultures Human populations (how they grow, where they go, and what they use) Patterns of urban development CREDIT INFO: This course provides one of the credits required for a Standard or Advanced Studies Diploma. A Standards of Learning test (SOL) is given at the end of this course. MATERIALS: Students are responsible for bringing the following items to class daily. ✦ Pen, pencil, and highlighter ✦ Spiral or composition notebook ✦ 3 ring binder GRADING POLICIES: Grading will be based on the Mastery Grading Scale, using the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOLs). Advanced Mastery Mastery Initial Mastery No Mastery 86-100 = 100 76-89 = 85 61-75 = 70 45-59 = 50 We will NOT give extra credit. You will be able to re-take test until you reach the mastery level you want. You MUST make an appointment to re-take a test. Grades will be based primarily on the following: NOTEBOOK: Students will be required to keep a notebook and portfolio reflecting their work in this course. You will bring your notebook to class and use it every day. PAPERS, PROJECTS, AND QUIZZES: Papers, projects, quizzes & presentations will be required for this course. We will give you rubrics and requirements at the beginning of the assignment; you should use these to complete assignments by the due date. It is your responsibility to see us, before or after school, if you need extra help. DAILY WORK & ASSIGNMENTS: We assign daily work so you can understand the concepts we will talk about in each unit. When you are absent or late, it will be very hard to keep up, so please be IN SCHOOL and ON TIME. You have five minutes to complete the bell work/warm up for credit. If you come late with an unexcused tardy, you cannot make it up. ABSENCES & MAKE-UP WORK: It is your responsibility to get any missing work and/or notes when you return to school. You have number of days missed, plus ONE, to turn in make-up work (for example, if you miss two days, you have three days to turn in work; miss four days, you have five days to turn in work; etc.) Check the calendar and/or class website to see what you missed. You have one week to make up missed quizzes or tests. Please make an appointment to make up tests or quizzes. KEYS TO A SUCCESSFUL YEAR 1. BE RESPECTFUL Respect for each other and the teachers is the foundation for a successful and fun school year. We expect you to show respect to everyone and their property. This includes being polite, watching your language, and cleaning up after yourself. Any behavior which hinders a student’s right to a quality education will not be tolerated. 2. BE RESPONSIBLE Come to class each day prepared to learn and participate in class activities. Prepared means bringing notebooks, pencils and necessary materials to class, having assignments and homework completed. 3. BE RELIABLE You are tardy if you are not in class when the bell stops ringing. If you are tardy, quietly sit down as soon as possible. If you are tardy three times to class you will receive a detention and a call home. You will also receive a detention each additional tardy. CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS It is your responsibility to be organized and prepared for class every day. This includes knowing schedules, assignments, due dates, and your current class grade. We expect excellent behavior. These are the consequences: ✦ 1st Offense: Verbal warning & written response relating to behavior ✦ 2nd Offense: Same as above, plus parent contact/ detention issued ✦ 3rd Offense: Same as above, plus incident referral & meeting with administration ✦ Severe disruptions will be sent directly to an administrator. ACADEMIC HONESTY: We follow the Park View Honor Code. For every assignment, we will explain what resources you can or cannot use. ACADEMIC SKILL BUILDING: You will learn history and geography, but you will also practice these academic skills to help you in different classes and in life: ✦ Critical thinking ✦Reading ✦Writing ✦ Note taking ✦Technology skills ✦Communication & presentation skills ✦ Information evaluation & assessment