Navigation Act -

Colonies Start to Produce
Time allowed colonies to develop and
produce many items valued in other
New England: did fishing and lumber
(ship building) as well as an economy
based on crafts and trades (brewers,
candle makers)
Middle Region: Known as bread basket,
produced cash crops
Southern Region:Plantation economy,
exporting tobacco, rice, and indigo
Triangular Trade Route
Developed due to increasing trade
between the colonies and the West
American colonist sold fish,
bread,corn, bacon, and beef to West
Trade was conducted for other
needed or desired
goods…..understand there was no set
order of the stops on the trade route.
The Triangular route:
Leg 1: West Indies to New England:
carried sugar and molasses
Leg 2: New England to Africa:
Molasses was made into rum and
other goods were sent to Africa
Leg 3: Africa to West Indies:
Africans would trade other enslaved
Africans for manufactured goods…
 slaves were taken then to West Indies
and sold as slaves to plantation
Middle Passage
Leg 3 was also called the middle passage.
This portion of the trade was known for
inhumane treatment
Ultimately all portions of the colonies
traded through the Triangular Trade
The Glorious Revolution
It affects the colonies due to the Bill of
Rights passed in England…
James II is removed from the throne.
Duke of Orange and wife Mary are
invited to take throne.
English Bill of Rights (1689) gives
specific rights to citizens and places
limitations on rulers.
William and Mary are forced to sign
in order to take the throne.
English Bill of Rights
Monarchs could not:
Suspend laws, levy taxes arbitrarily,
Monarchs had to meet with parliament
And follow rules for arrest and humane
treatment of prisoners.
Citizens had:
Freedom of speech, freedom to petition the
rulers, protection from improper search and
Locke’s Theories Applied In
Locke suggested that people established
governments as an agreement …..
The King, having signed this agreement,
entered into a contract with the people.
The King promised to protect and defend
the people and their property.
Failure to uphold agreement was cause
to remove the king.
Significance of Revolution
A precedent to revolt against the King is
set---it is supported by John Locke.
During this time England will adjust its
management of the colonies and pass
laws to govern the colonies and the policy
of neglect of the colonies ends.
Monarchs begin to rule with the aid of a
Privy Council—group of advisors that
help control the colonies.
Problems Begin
Attitudes of the colonies make it
complicated for England to regain
People of England were tired of paying
for the Colonial government.
Colonists have developed a strong sense
of their rights as citizens and were
determined to defend their rights and act
on the rights they believed they had.
Navigation Acts
Navigation Act (N.A.)was an effort to
control the colonies.
1651 N.A. prohibited foreign shipping
and trade for England and the colonies.
Meaning everything to/from Eng. And
colonies had to move on Eng. Vessels
It was the enforcement of the mercantile
N.A. continued
1660 another point was added to
the previous Navigation Act
(N.A. )
The crew of ships carrying goods
had to be English and only certain
things could be shipped.
“goods” included tobacco, cotton,
indigo, ginger and sugar
England was also to be the only
place the colonies could sell their
N.A. Continued again
In 1663 yet another point was
added to the N.A. and was
also called the STAPLE ACT.
It stated that things could only go
to the colonies by way of England.
All who stopped with cargo in
England had to pay a duty(tax)
1673 Navigation Act Revised
Also called the Plantation Duty act…
This law stated the captain of the ship
had to pay to stop in England and ..
If the ship went to the colony it had to pay
a duty there equal to the duty he paid /
would pay in England.
The English sent certain people to collect
such duties.
To Obey or Not To Obey
Massachusetts colony was the first to
ignore the new laws.
The colony allowed violations
Smuggling and trade with other nations
Other changes begin to occur
Few felt “tied to England” therefore
new ideas about religion surfaced…..
The Great Awakening
Causes of the Great Awakening were the
revivals conducted by George Whitfield in
which people returned to strong values
People at this point had drifted from
their original religious beliefs
The time of Enlightenment was
occurring and people began to return to
the ideas and quest for knowledge of
their ancestors.
The Great Awakening was a revival of faith.
Effects Of Great Awakening
The Great Awakening combined with the
Occurring in Europe: it encouraged the
mindset, interpreted rights, and people
to make decisions for themselves.
 Contributed to the ideas of political
involvement, the development of
representative, and direct democracy.
Significance and People
It would be factor in determining the
coming response to British actions. It
would contribute to the revolutionary
The most noted person in the
Enlightenment was Benjamin Franklin.
Andrew Hamilton is also considered to be
among the enlightened for his defense of
free speech.
Territorial Conflicts Arise
Conflict over territory
between England and
Conflict resulted from
Britain and France having
competed for wealth.
Rivalry began in Europe,
but affected French and
American colonists.
English colonial
expansion began to
interfere with French
French often protected
their territory with the aid
of the Natives.
The French, Natives, and
French got along well with Natives
because they worked out land
Most powerful natives were the
members of the Iroquois
The tribes included: Mohawk, Onieda,
Onandaga, Cayuga, and the Seneca.
Iroquois Confederacy
Important for ideas about government
Ben Franklin gave their ideas great
He appreciated that the confederacy was
governed by a council.
Each member of the council owed loyalty to
the whole council
The council made decisions for the whole
confederacy---basically run with procedure
and traditions.
The French began to further their
occupation of the Ohio River Valley
Therefore George Washington was
sent to force the French to leave
These actions resulted:
 in the English Colonists having to
defend themselves against the French
A meeting of the colonial
Representatives was called in New
The Meeting of Representatives
Importance: It was proposed at the
meeting that the colonies unify for
the common purpose of:
Moving the French back
Protection—to better defend
The Proposal was called the Albany
Plan of Union.
Albany Plan of Union
It was Ben
Franklin’s proposal
for a formal
agreement to devise
a single government
for the colonies as a
whole. Such
would have:
An executive (=to
Grand Council (=to
Albany Plan Continued
Colonies would be mutually
dependant on one another.
The Problem:
There are 13 separate
colonial governments
and no one wants
another colony or group
telling them what to do.
Thus the colonies
rejected the plan.
The War
French benefited from the fact that
the British colonists were not
receiving assistance from their
General Braddock (British General)
was sent to America to organize
colonial troops.
British did not meet success in the
war at first.
Winning Strategy
William Pitt takes over…His position
gave him the authority to
Have Britain pay for war supplies
Send British troops to conquer French
Canada rather than leave colonists to
defend themselves
Extra manpower allows Brits to gain
Winner Take All
Pitt’s efforts lead to the defeat of the
French in North America
TREATY OF PARIS of 1763 ended
the French and Indian/Seven Years
Treaties bring a formal end to wars.
Specifics are to be just and upheld.
Before the Treaty/end of war
Colonists were at war with Natives
(Pontiac’s war)
War caused by colonists moving on to
Natives land
To Bring peace English government
passed Proclamation of 1763
Proclamation 1763 established a western
boundary for the colonies at the
Appalachian Mountains.
Treaty of Paris 1763
Specifics of the treaty:
British gained control of everything
East of the Mississippi
Spanish got all West of the
French got nothing and lost all
colonial holdings.
They got to fish off the coast of New