Polar Interactions

Mechanism of Separation
Terminology, Physical forces and their effect on
separation, band broadening, resolution, optimization
parameters, trouble shooting
Commonly used separation techniques
Size exclusion, Ion exchange, Affinity, Reversed phase,
Hydrophobic interaction
Inter-molecular and inter-ionic forces
Adsorption and absorption
Distribution constant Kc
The distribution constant (or partition ratio), is the
equilibrium constant for the distribution of an analyte in
two immiscible solvents..
For a particular solvent, it is equal to the ratio of its molar
concentration in the stationary phase to its molar
concentration in the mobile phase, also approximating the
ratio of the solubility of the solvent in each phase. The
term is often confused with partition coefficient or
distribution coefficient, and is often represented by KD.
Frontal Analysis
The sample is fed continuously onto the column as a
dilute solution in the mobile phase.
Frontal analysis can only separate part of the first
compound in a relatively pure state, each subsequent
component being mixed with those previously
Molecular Forces
All intermolecular forces are electrical in nature.
Three different types can be recognized:
 dispersion forces
 polar forces and
 ionic forces
All interactions between molecules are composites
of these three forces
Dispersion forces
First described by London, these forces are also known as
'London's dispersion forces. These forces arise from
vibrations of electron/nuclei resulting in charge fluctuations
throughout the molecule.
These dispersive interactions are also referred to as
'hydrophobic' interactions and calculated as follows:
a is the polarizability of the molecule,
uo is a characteristic frequency of the molecule,
h is Plank's constant, and
r is the distance between the molecules.
The dominant factor that controls the magnitude of
the dispersive force is the polarizability (a) of the
molecule, which, for substances that have no dipoles,
is given by
D is the dielectric constant of the material,
n is the number of molecules per unit volume.
Dispersive interactions
Dispersive interactions are not the result of a
localized charge on any part of the molecule, but
from a host of fluctuating, closely associated charges
that, at any instant, can interact with instantaneous
charges of an opposite kind situated on a neighboring
Polar Forces
Polar interactions arise from electrical forces
between localized charges resulting from
permanent or induced dipoles.
These interactions do not occur in isolation, but must
be accompanied by dispersive interactions and under
some circumstances may also be combined with ionic
Polar interactions can be very strong and result in
molecular associations that approach, in energy, that
of a weak chemical bond.
Dipole-Dipole Interactions
The interaction energy (UP) between two dipolar
molecules is given, to a first approximation, by
a is the polarizability of the molecule,
m is the dipole moment of the molecule, and
r is the distance between the molecules.
The energy is seen to depend on the square of the
dipole moment, the magnitude of which can vary
For e.g. dioxane, an extremely polar solvent, is
completely miscible with water and has a dipole
moment of only 2.2 debyes.
In contrast, diethyl ether is a moderately polar solvent
and is only soluble in water to the extent of about 5%
v/v. It has a dipole moment as large as 4.3 debyes.
For strongly polar substances unusually low values of
dipole moments is often due to internal electric field
compensation when more than one dipole is present in
the molecule.
Also a possible poor relationship between dipole
moment and polar interactivity is caused by
molecular association. For e.g. methanol and water
exhibit strong intra and inter molecular interactions
The polarizability of a substance containing no dipoles
will give an indication of the strength of any of the
dispersive interactions that might take place with another
In contrast, the dipole moment of a substance determined
from bulk dielectric constant measurements will not
always give an indication of the strength of any polar
interaction that might take place due to internal
Polar Interactions: Dipole-Dipole Interactions
Dipole-Induced-Dipole Interactions
Certain compounds containing aromatic nucleus or pi
(p) electrons, are polarizable. When such molecules
come into close proximity with a molecule having a
permanent dipole, the electric field from the dipole
induces a counter dipole in the polarizable molecule.
This induced dipole acts in the same manner as a
permanent dipole and the polar forces between the two
dipoles result in interaction between the molecules.
Induced dipole interactions are always accompanied by
dispersive interactions just as dipole interactions take
place coincidentally with dispersive interactions.
Polar Interactions: Dipole-Induced Dipole Interactions
A good example is Phenyl ethanol. It will possess
both a dipole as a result of the hydroxyl group and be
polarizable due to the aromatic ring. More complex
molecules can have many different interactive
Ionic Forces
Polar compounds possessing dipoles have no net
In contrast, ions possess a net charge and
consequently can interact strongly with ions having
an opposite charge. Ionic interactions are exploited
in ion exchange chromatography where the counter
ions to the ions being separated are situated in the
stationary phase.
In a similar manner to polar interactions, ionic
interactions are always accompanied by dispersive
interactions and usually, also with polar interactions.
Nevertheless, in ion exchange chromatography, the
dominant forces controlling retention usually result
from ionic interactions.
Ionic and Dispersive Interactions
A molecule can have many interactive sites comprised
of the three basic types, dispersive, polar and ionic.
Large molecules (for example biopolymers) may have
hundreds of different interactive sites throughout the
molecule and the interactive character of the molecule as
a whole will be determined by the net effect of all the
sites. If the dispersive sites dominate, the overall property
of the molecule will be dispersive
If dipoles and polarizable groups dominate in the
molecule, then the overall property of the molecule will
be polar, which the biotechnologist call "hydrophilic"
Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Interactions
“Hydrophobic force", literally meaning "fear of water"
force, is an alternative to the well-established term,
dispersive force. The term may have been provoked by
the immiscibility of a dispersive solvent such as nheptane with a very polar solvent such as water.
n-heptane and water are immiscible not because of
repulsion between the two molecules but due to much
greater forces between two n-heptane molecules and
the forces between two water molecules than the
forces between a n-heptane molecule and a water
So regardless of the fact that water-water interactions
and hydrocarbon-hydrocarbon interactions are much
stronger than water-hydrocarbon interactions, the
latter does exist and is sufficiently strong to allow
finite solubility.
“Hydrophilic force", literally meaning "love of water"
force, appears to merely be the complement to
It is equivalent to the term polar, and polar solvents are
hydrophilic solvents because they interact strongly with
water or other polar solvents.