Spanish American Imperialism Review Chronology - pams

NAME _____________________________
Match up the letter of the term below with its description or definition.
A. yellow journalism
B. muckrakers
C. U.S.S. Maine
D. Alamo
E. Rough Riders
F. The Philippines
G. Theodore Roosevelt
H. Guantanamo Bay
I. Pearl Harbor
J. Anti-Imperialists
K. San Juan Hill
L. Puerto Rico
_____1. This style of journalism discovered problems in society, exposed them, publicized
them, and encouraged people to solve the problems with progressivism.
_____2. At the end of the Spanish-American War, Spain was forced to cede all of its colonial
possessions: Cuba, the Philippines, Guam, and ______________ _________.
_____3. He was a future president and a member of a volunteer cavalry unit that fought during
the Spanish-American War.
_____4. This volunteer cavalry unit was made up of cowboys, miners, college students,
policemen, and even Native Americans. They fought at the battle of San Juan Hill alongside
African-American soldiers from the 10th Cavalry Unit.
_____5. The United States acquired this naval base from Hawaiian King Kalakaua in 1887; it was
an important refueling station for American vessels.
_____6. This was the battle cry of the Texans in their War of Independence against Mexico:
“Remember the _________________!”
_____7. After the Spanish-American War, the United States forced Cubans to allow us to build
this naval base on their soil; today, thousands of suspected terrorists are held in this location.
_____8. The first major battle of the Spanish-American war took place when the US Navy
attacked the Spanish fleet at Manila Harbor in this country.
_____9. A sensational, exaggerated, and sometimes outright untrue method of reporting which
is blamed for causing the Spanish-American War.
_____10. Roosevelt and his men won a victory over Spanish forces in this battle, which really
took place at Kettle Hill!
_____11. This US acquired this territory in 1898; it is still a part of the United States.
_____12. Mark Twain, Jane Addams, Andrew Carnegie and others who opposed the expansion
of the United States through military aggression were these.
For each of the events described below, write down the most specific date you possibly can
based on the evidence in your textbook. Then, arrange all eight of the events in proper
chronological order.
_____The Battle of San Juan Hill takes place in Cuba; TR gains great fame as a member of
the Rough Riders volunteer cavalry unit (without horses….) (p. 690)
DATE: _________________________________________________________________
_____ William H. Seward, Secretary of State, purchases Alaska from the Russians for $7.2
Million. (p. 680)
DATE: _________________________________________________________________
_____ United States pressured King Kalakaua into giving the United States Hawaii’s best
port, Pearl Harbor, for a naval base. (p. 683)
DATE: _________________________________________________________________
_____ William McKinley sends the U.S.S. Maine to Cuba to look out for American citizens
and their interests. On February 15, 1898, it is blown to bits! (p. 689)
DATE: _________________________________________________________________
_____Commodore George Dewey attacks the Spanish Fleet at Manila Bay, the Philippines.
The entire fleet is destroyed, and the US takes over the island nation. (p. 690)
DATE: _________________________________________________________________
_____ The final Peace Treaty ending the Spanish-American War – the Paris Peace Treaty of
1898 – is signed. The United States takes control of Spanish colonies in the Philippines,
Guam, and Puerto Rico. Cuba becomes independent. (p. 691)
DATE: _________________________________________________________________
_____ Thanks to United States assistance in the form of support from the United States
Navy, the new nation of Panama wins independence from Colombia. (p. 694)
DATE: _________________________________________________________________
_____The Panama Canal is finally completed at a cost of $352 Million and over 5,000 lives –
workers died of both disease and accidents during the ten years the canal was being built.
(p. 696)
DATE: _________________________________________________________________