Jose Luis Sirvent Supervisor: Jonathan Emery Student Meeting 24 October 2011 1. Status 2. Contact with companies 3. Simulations with zemax 4. Comparation A) Initial analysis and new approaches Collimating Lens Focusing Lens SMA905 Connector 50 um Feedthrough ` ` Focal Lengh ROTATING Disk with reflective patern (50um) B) Search of new components ◦ Collimators (4) , Focusers (2) ◦ Circulators (5), cables, adaptators C) Initial Estimations of losses ◦ Study of possible limiting effects Fresnel, Franhouer diffraction Interferences Fresnel reflection Light Coupling efficiency Estimate maximal separations ◦ Initial comparations in terms of power coupling Distance Fiber-Disk VS Losses in Free Space (Transmission and Reflection) 40 Free Space Losses (dB) LOSSES (Lc) Transmission Reflection Reflection (Collimator) Fresnell Disk-Vacuum 0.315283993 0 0.630567985dB Fresnell Fiber-Vacuum 0 0 0dB Insertion Losses ST 0.35 1.4 2.1 2.1dB Insertion Losses SMA 1*2 2 2 2dB Optical Fiber 1.75 1.75 1.75dB Free Space 28.3017246927.7690803 5.953030906dB Splitter 10/90 0 2.2 2.2dB Total Losses 33.7670086933.6190803 12.43359889dB Pr 0.04% 0.04% 5.71%Ps 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Transmission Reflection Reflection (Collimator) A) Meeting with VaqTec ◦ Fibers for Vacuum ◦ Custom Lenses? ◦ Aligners XYZ and angular B) Contact with AccuGlass ◦ Lenses & Collimators for Vacuum Characteristics and models ◦ Fibers for Vacuum ◦ Feedthroughs Lensed fibers: ◦ ◦ Vacuum Optical Components: ◦ Others Factories: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Http:// Http:// Http:// Http:// 1. Intro: ◦ Optical simulation software package. ◦ Simulation under geometric and physic optics approach. ◦ Simulation of fiber coupling efficiency. ◦ Interferences and diffractions ◦ Lens modeling and validation. 3.1 Initial simulations: ◦ 3.1.1 Transmission approach Coupling efficiency: 0.15% Distance limit: 1.5 mm < Fresnell distance Coupling 0.08% 3.1 Initial simulations: ◦ 3.1.2 Reflection approach Coupling efficency: 0.27% Distance limit: 2mm < Fresnell distance Coupling 0.08% 3.1 Initial simulations ◦ 3.2.3 Double Pattern approach Wavelenth: 850nm & 1550nm Disks Thickness: 1mm Pattern used: 50um (Both positions On & Off) Distance Between Disks: Variable Screen distance: 1mm 3.1 Initial simulations ◦ 3.2.3 Double Pattern approach: In account 2 conditions A) Transmission B) Reflection (Perfect reflection) 3.1 Initial simulations ◦ 3.2.3 Double Pattern approach (Transmission) 3.1 Initial simulations ◦ 3.2.3 Double Pattern approach (Reflection) 3.1 Initial simulations ◦ 3.2.3 Double Pattern approach Transmission 850nm (Absorption 92%) Reflection 850nm (Reflexivity 60%) 3.2.4. Focusing the beam ◦ Initial results with lenses. ◦ A) Usage of Double Convex lenses: Edmund Optics has Possible Lenses which could fit in Accu-Glass Collimator. Initial Simulations are showing errors in focusing distances. ◦ B) Usage of plano-convex lens combination: Two collimators from Accu-Glass faced Necessity of cutting one of them ◦ C) Using Defocusing defect: Accu-Glass Collimator as a Focuser Transmission Reflection Reflection (Collimator) Fresnell Disk-Vacuum LOSSES (Lc) 0.315283993 0 0.630567985 dB Fresnell Fiber-Vacuum 0 0 0 dB Insertion Losses ST 0.35 1.4 2.1 2.1 dB Insertion Losses SMA 1*2 2 2 2 dB Optical Fiber Free Space Splitter 10/90 Total Losses Pr Power Balance Ps Pr 1.75 1.75 1.75 dB 28.30172469 27.7690803 5.953030906 dB 0 2.2 2.2 dB 33.76700869 33.6190803 12.43359889 dB 0.04% 0.04% 5.71% Ps Transmission Reflexion Reflection (Collimator) 5 5 5 mW 6.989700043 6.98970004 6.989700043 dBm 0.002100241 0.00217301 0.285502631 mW -26.77730864 -26.62938 -5.443898848 dBm Free space loses comparing initial with Zemax (dB) Transmission Reflection Double pattern Initial 28.3 27.7 5.9 Zemax 28.2 27.9 5.68