International Relations/MUN

Social Sciences 20: Model United Nations (MUN)
Wednesdays 4-5:50 PM
SSL 171
International Relations/MUN
Welcome to UC Irvine Model United Nations. This MUN class focuses on
recreating the ideas and functions of the United Nations in a classroom setting. The
class aims to provide students with an understanding of the purpose of the UN through
debate simulation. Students will get to experience problem solving and resolution
writing for current international issues, public speaking, open debate and diplomacy.
Topics are international in nature, and revision and implementation of international law.
The class also introduced the core procedure necessary to compete in national and
international MUN conferences through the UCI MUN Travel Team. The class is student
taught and meets once a week. Students can take the class for 2 credits pass/no pass.
Policies and Procedures
General Rules:
All assignments are due on the dates listed in the course schedule. Failure to turn in the
assignment on time, or to provide prior notification with an acceptable excuse, will
result in deduction of total grade. This could lead to a “no pass”.
Grading Policies:
Class attendance and participation for successful completion of this course. Students
are encouraged to ask questions of the professor and each other during class
meetings. If students plan on missing a class he/she must submit an excuse to an
This Class emphasizes participation (i.e. debate, speeches, etc.) and thus, a large
portion of the grading will revolve around in class debates. In addition to debates, two
1-page papers will be assigned throughout the quarter. Students will write a brief singlespaced, one page position paper for each topic.
Grading Scale:
This class is Pass/No Pass. As stated previously, in order to receive a pass students must
participate at least one time per class, submit papers on time, and attend lecture. If
students do not participate at all during class, then he/she will be counted as absent for
that day. In order to receive a pass, students must attend eight lectures, and complete
all assignments. If other circumstances come up, please talk to the instructors. We are
flexible with our schedules and will offer aid to those in need.
Course Schedule:
Week 1
General Introduction to Course and
Overview of Procedures
What is international diplomacy?
Week 2
Current Event
Position Paper Format
Research Skills
Intro to Informal Caucus
Week 3
Current Event
Committee Preview
Overview of Topic Synopsis
Week 4:
Current Event
Collect Position Papers
Begin debate on topic 1
1 General Debate speech per
Finish General debate
Introduction to substantive debate and
Resolutions Assignment
Collect Resolutions
Introduction to formal caucus and
Week 5:
Current Event
Open Substantive Debate
Week 6:
Current Event
Formal Caucus
Voting bloc
End debate for topic 1
Week 7:
Current Event
Simulation 1 Overview
Review Skills, procedure
Introduction to Amendments
Preview for Topic 2
Week 8:
Collect Position Papers
Begin debate on Topic 2
Week 9:
Current Event
Continue debate on Topic 2
Week 10:
Current Event
Conclude debate on Topic 2
Discuss Final, Papers and Deadlines
IMPORTANT: Excuses for final: In order to be excuse for the final, you must submit
academic evidence of absence. Please talk to the instructors prior to week ten. The
only valid excuse to miss the final is if a student has a final for a different class. These
students will be taken a written final instead of a verbal final.
Contact Information
Suchith Shantharaj,
Rintu Saju,
Athalia Magana,