Everything your child needs to know by the end of 5th grade Math Order of Operations (PEMDAS ) Powers of 10 with whole numbers and decimals Make simple expressions Multi-digit multiplication using the standard algorithm Multi-digit division using models (4-digit dividend and 2digit divisor) Know decimal place value to the thousandths using numerals, word form, and expanded form Compare decimals to the thousandths place (<, >, =) Round decimals to any place including the whole number Add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals to the hundredths place Math Make equivalent fractions when adding or subtracting fractions with unlike denominators Explain a fraction as division of the numerator by the denominator Find area of a rectangle with fractional sides Solve real-world problems involving multiplication of fractions and mixed numbers using fraction models Use line plot graphs Use a coordinate plane Identify attributes and categories of 2-dimensional figures Classify 2-dimensional figures Measurement conversions within the same system Find volume of a solid figure in cubic units Science Different types of cells (plant and animal) and the organelles that are in each. Must be able to identify and know function. Know the difference between cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems How are living things grouped Microorganisms (beneficial and harmful) Inheritance of traits Landforms and Their Causes Effects of constructive and destructive forces Introduce to conservation of matter Know about physical and chemical changes of matter Learn about electricity and magnetism Social Studies Causes of the Civil War Major battles of the Civil War Important people of the Civil War Reconstruction after the war Amendments to the Constitution Westward migration World War I 1920’s Great Depression World War II Cold War Events and key people 1950-1975 Events and key people since 1975 Literacy Narrative writing Opinion writing Informational writing Persuasive writing Working on the writing process Compare and contrast story elements Summarize the point of view a speaker makes and explain how each claim is supported by reasons and evidence Sequence events or ideas logically Literacy Parts of speech (conjunctions, prepositions, and interjections) Use correct verb tenses Use correct conventions of capitalization, punctuation and spelling when writing Use context clues to the meaning of a word or phrase Use Greek and Latin affixes and roots as clues to the meaning of a word Recognize and understand figurative language (similes and metaphors), word relationships, and nuances in word meanings Quote accurately from text and draw inferences Helpful Websites Math - firstinmath.com - fun4thebrain.com/mult.html - aplusmath.com - gamequarium.com/math.html - multiplication.com - coolmath4kids.com - funbrain.com - khanacademy.com Helpful Websites Reading - eduplace.com/kids/hmr06 - primarygames.com/reading.htm - magickeys.com/books/ English/Language Arts - magickeys.com/books/links.html - gamequarium.com/vocabulary.html - grammar.ccc.comment.edu/grammar Helpful Websites Writing Skills -factmonster.com/homework/writingskills.html - rdale.k12.mn.us/ple/StudentLinks.htm - rozauer.tripod.com/elemla.htm CRCT PREP - georgiaoas.org/servlet/a2l Flashcard Maker -scholastic.com/kids/homework/flashcards.htm Please Help… - Reading - Practice math facts - Agenda - Communication Folder - Homework Contact Info: tasha.skands@henry.k12.ga.us - telephone: 770.474.4066 - text: 1.678.400.9274 - website: Smith Barnes Elementary