Ohio Schools CyberMall Program Launch Goal Introduce the Cyber Mall to the school community, with highly visible activities that generate a high level of community support. Objectives 1. 100% enrollment of school families 2. Families make a minimum of 1 purchase during launch period Strategies Appoint a project coordinator and team to launch the CyberMall program o Provide hands-on experience o The team customizes a launch plan Use multiple communication vehicles to establish an understanding of CyberMall o What it is and how it works o How it benefits the school o How it benefits the shopper Provide hands-on guidance to ensure the successful enrollment of all school families o Enrollment at school meetings and events Solidify real purpose for giving o Define specific program(s) to be supported o Establish attainable $ goals Develop a personal giving calculator o Shoppers fill in planned expenditures, by category o Shoppers identify stores in the mall they will shop o Shoppers make a commitment for total expenditures for the year Ohio Schools CyberMall Launch Plan Template Page 1 Ohio Schools CyberMall - Program Launch Template Program Description Appoint Project Team Select a team of school supporters who are enthusiastic about the effort Project Team Launch Plan Project team develops action steps and timeline for launch Communicate with School Families and Supporters Consider the best ways to get the word out to school families and other school supporters. Steps may include: Articles in the school newsletter Information sheets to send home with students E-mail blasts Announcements at school events Establish Program Goals and Projects Define specific projects to be supported and amount of money to be raised, as well as period of time for the effort Shopper Pledges Shoppers use the Personal Shopping Opportunity Calculator to complete pledge cards to support program goal Progress Monitoring Thermometer Weekly update school website and posters with program progress Ohio Schools CyberMall Launch Plan Template Responsible Target Date Date of Completion Your OhioSchools CyberMall team will work with your school on communication pieces to get word out to the school community Page 2