Algebra Intermediate Syllabus

Academy Park High School
Course Syllabus
Algebra Intermediate
Course Information:
Credit Hour: 1
Marking Period: 1,2
Class Location: Room B300
Time: Block 1 7:35-8:53
Teacher Website:
Teacher Information:
Name: Mrs. Copenhagen
Phone: 610 522 4330 ext. 6139
Office Location: Room B300
Office Hours: 2:35 – 3:10
School Attributes:
The manner in which we prepare students at Academy Park High School is informed by four attributes: (1)
Dedicated faculty who will hold themselves to, at minimum, to the same standards as the students we teach; (2)
Positive relationships developed and nurtured between and among adults and students; (3) A high level or rigor
included in instructional practices via standards aligned and contextually driven instruction; and (4) Connecting
positive relationships with effective instruction for positive academic RESULTS!
Course Description:
In Algebra Intermediate students will be studying and gaining a solid understanding of mathematics skills that
will prepare them for the Pennsylvania Assessment known as the Keystones. The topics of study include:
calculating and estimating numbers in various forms; understanding and representing real-life situations using
mathematical models; applying and interpreting equations and inequalities to find rates of change and the
relationships among variables; reading, interpreting, and making predictions from data and graphical displays;
using logic and reasoning skills to solve problems; and relating previously learned knowledge to help solve
more complex problems.
Course Competencies/Learning Objectives:
Students should be able to work on and to demonstrate competency on those skills needed to make
proficient/advance on the Keystone Exam.
Textbook: There is no textbook for this course. Students will be given handouts, worksheets, and board
problems during class.
Student Evaluation:
The grading system for the Mathematics Department at Academy Park High School is as follows:
Attendance & Class Participation
The above areas will be used as the basis for 80% of your grade per semester. The midterm and/or final exam
will constitute the remaining 20% of your grade per semester.
Attendance Policy:
Regular and prompt class attendance is an essential part of the educational experience. Academy Park High
School expects students to exercise good judgment regarding attendance and absences. Students will accept full
responsibility for ensuring their work does not suffer because of absences. All students are expected to attend
every scheduled class on time. Exceptions may be made for illness and valid emergencies.
Classroom Expectations:
1. Arrive to class on time and be prepared to work
2. Put cell phones and i-pods away
3. No sleeping or head down in class
4. Respect fellow classmates and teacher
Class Requirements:
Notebook and pencils
A combination of lecture, class discussion, presentations, videos, cooperative learning, and problem-based
learning will be used in this course. Grades will be determined by the satisfactory and timely completion of
assignments. The grade of each assignment is based on the prerequisite given for each assignment. Below is an
overview of topic/units and major assessments/assignments for this course. Please note dates/timeframes are
subject to change and are an estimate.
Course Activities
Assessments/Assignments Month/Timeframe
Keystone Prep
Quizzes, Test, Projects,
Classwork & Homeworks
1st Semester Sep. to
2nd Semester Jan. to
General Information:
You will be required to participate in class presentations/activities, which will affect your grade in the course.
Quizzes will be given on a weekly basis on Friday. The quizzes will be based on that week’s activity. Test will
be given at the end of each unit.
If you missed a quiz or a test, due to absence YOU WILL HAVE TO MAKE UP THE ASSIGNMENT THE
NEXT DAY, the assignment will not be made up during class. Make--ups can be done before or after school.
If you are absent the day before a test you will still have to take the test with the class.
POINTS WILL BE TAKEN OFF FOR LATE HOMEWORK. If you were absent, makeup work will be
due promptly upon your return. In this course, homework is extremely IMPORTANT. Homework should be
done every day, because it prepares you for the next day’s discussion and activity.
Homework is checked/collected at the BEGINNING of class. You will be informed of which homework will
have to be handed in.
Please remember, IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to come after school to catch up with missed work from
your absences. Or if you need extra help, please come after school; my office hours are posted at the beginning
of this syllabus. Do not wait. Come to me immediately; so that you do not fall behind.
Helpful Tips To Remember:
If you worry about doing well in math class, the following tips may be helpful:
1. Know that everyone can learn math if he or she works hard.
2. Think positively. Instead of telling yourself that you cannot do well in math, tell yourself that you can.
3. Participate in class activities.
4. Pay attention to your teacher’s lessons and explanations.
5. Take accurate notes during class. Review your notes when you do your homework.
6. Ask questions if you do not understand something.
7. Complete all of your classwork and homework.
8. Work hard. Do not give up easily on challenging problems.
9. When you are working on a tough problem and you start to worry that you can’t solve it, take a short
break, walk away from the problem, relax and then return to the problem fresh and ready to find a
10. Find a math study buddy. Working together makes learning math easier.
11. Begin studying for math tests a few days ahead of time. Do not wait until the night before. Preparation
is the key to success.
Please sign below confirming that you have read the above information. Thank you.
Parent/Guardian signature
Student signature