
Chapter 12
Exam #3
Std. Dev = 13.46
Mean = 74.7
N = 79.00
Exam Score
• Intentional behavior aimed at causing either
physical or psychological pain
– Can be verbal or physical, may succeed or not
– Intent is critical
– Hostile Aggression: stems from feelings of anger
and is aimed at inflicting pain
– Instrumental Aggression: a means to a goal other
than causing pain (think contact sports)
• Assertiveness: standing up for one’s own rights,
working hard, being ambitions…NOT THE SAME
Back to Nature/Nurture
• Is aggression learned or inborn?
– As with everything else, probably both
• Freud (1930) competitive drives
– Eros: instinct toward life
– Thanatos: instinctual drive toward death, leads to
• Hydraulic Theory: aggressive (or sexual, per Freud)
energy must be released…or re-channeled…or else it
will explode
– Catharsis: idea that “blowing off steam” by performing an
aggressive act, watching others be aggressive, or fantasizing
about aggression relieves built up aggression, thus reducing
the likelihood of future aggressive behavior
• Little empirical evidence in support: much against
• Patterson (1974)
• Ebbesen, Duncah, & Konecni (1975)
When Good Animals Go Bad…
• Evolutionary input on
• Rethinking instinct
– Zing Yang Kuo (1961)
– Eibl-Eibesfeldt (1963)
– Lorenz (1966)
• Situational Influences
– Scott (1958)
• Bottom line?
– Apparently aggression has
evolved because it has survival
– BUT…nearly all organisms have
also evolved strong inhibitory
mechanisms (not ALWAYS
adaptive to be aggressive!)
Cross-cultural Aggression
• Humans may have an inborn tendency to strike out
against the perpetrator in response to provocative
• But for humans, innate patterns of behavior are
INFINATELY modifiable and flexible
– European history is one war after the other: many primitive
tribal histories are peaceful across generations
• Situational factors re-appear
– Iroquois Indians (Hunt, 1940)
• Southern “Culture of Honor”
– Nisbett (1993)
– Cohen, Nisbett, Bowdle, & Schwarz (1996)
Neurology of Aggression (insert
your scream here)
• Amygdala: structure in
the limbic system
associated with
aggressive behaviors
– Located in temporal lobe
– Stimulation turns docile
organisms violent:
Inhibition turns violent
organisms docile
– Still under social influence:
may not attack but flee
instead if stimulated in the
presence of more
dangerous stimuli
Dance of the Neurotransmitters
• Serotonin: occurs naturally in the midbrain; low
levels associated with aggression, high levels
inhibit aggression
– Violent criminals shown to have unusually low levels
(Davidson, Putnam, & Larson, 2000)
– Depletion of Violent criminals shown to have
unusually low levels (Davidson, Putnam, & Larson,
– Depletion of tryptophan (serotonin precursor)
increases aggression in normal humans (Bjork et
al., 1999)
Dance Take 2
• Testosterone: the male sex hormone secreted by
testes: high levels associated with increased
– Injections of testosterone in animals increases aggression
(Moyer, 1983)
– Naturally occurring levels higher among prisoners convicted
of violent crimes than those convicted of non-violent crimes
(Dabbs et al., 1995: 1988)
• Juvenile delinquents have higher levels than college students
• Males in more rambunctious frats have higher levels than males in
less trouble-associated fraternities
– What about women? Are they less aggressive with less
Yes. But women aggress in less overt ways (gossip, etc.)
React as aggressively as men when provoked: less w/o provocation
More men arrested for violent crime: women tend toward property
Women tend to feel more guilty if they do aggress
• Alcohol as the great
“social lubricant”
– Lowers inhibitions
– Increases aggression
– Link remains even without
provocation and if person
is not normally aggressive
even when sober
– 75% of persons arrested
for violent crimes were
legally drunk at time of
arrest (Shupe, 1954)
• Pain discomfort also lead
to aggression
– Animals and humans
– Lash out irrationally
Bottoms up!
The Long, Hot Summer
• Carlsmith & Anderson (1979)
• Investigated the assumed tendency for civil unrests to
increase as temperatures increase (leading to more
summer riots)
• Studied occurrences in 79 cities from 1967-1971
• Riots were FAR more likely to occur on hot days than
cold days
• The hotter the temp, the greater likelihood for violent
crime…works in the lab too
• Reifman, Larrick, & Fein (1988)
• Kenrick & MacFarlane (1986)
When Others Hack Us Off
• Frustration can be a key catalyst to aggression
– The Frustration-Aggression Theory
– Barker, Dembo, & Lewin (1941)
• Children led to a room of toys then prevented from
playing with them for a LONG time. Other kids got to
play right away. The frustrated children, when finally
allowed to touch the toys, were FAR more destructive
than kids allowed to play right away
– How close to your goal you are is a factor: greater the
expectation the more likely the aggression
– Aggression also increases when frustration is
• Relative Deprivation: perception that you (or your
group) have less than you deserve, less than you
have been led to expect or less than people similar
to you have
Direct Provocation
• Aggression may stem from the need to
reciprocate following aggressive
behavior from another person
– “Turn the Other Cheek”…not so much in
– Baron (1988)
• Subjects retaliated more if they were criticized
harshly than if they were criticized gently
– If provocation is unintentional, less
likelihood of retaliation
Some Social Psych Thoughts on
Gun Control
• Aggressive Stimulus: object associated with
aggressive responses (e.g. guns) whose mere
presence can increase the probability of aggression
– Le Page (1967): made subjects angry in a room
with a gun or a neutral object; gave them
opportunity to shock another student: those in
presence of a gun gave more intense shocks than
those with the neutral object
• Seattle vs. Vancouver
• Correlation between homicide and gun
• Archer & McDaniel (1995)
Violence Modeled
• Famous “Bobo Doll” study (Bandura, 1961: 1963)
– Social Learning Theory: we learn social behavior from
watching & imitating others
• Violence in the Media
– Average child watches 2-4hrs of TV a day
– Some stats say 58% of all TV contains violence
• Of those, 78% did not contain remorse or penalties
• 40% of violent incidents initiated by the “hero”
• By the time the average American child graduates from elementary
school, would have seen 8,000 TV murders and 100,000 other acts of
– High correlation between amount of violence watched and
subject’s subsequent aggressiveness: strength of correlation
increases with age
– Priming??
– Desensitization??
– Video games…Kentucky School Shooting
5 Reactions to Media Violence
1. If they can do it, so can I.
2. Oh!!! So THAT’S how you do it!
3. I think it must be aggressive feelings that I’m
4. Yeah yeah, another beating. Yeah yeah,
another car chase…what else is on?
5. Looks like I should be sure to get “him”
before “he” gets me!
Pornography & Violence
Toward Women
• Almost ½ of rapes or attempted rapes are “date” or
“acquaintance” rapes
– Partly due to scripts: ways of behaving socially we learn
implicitly from our culture
– Where do we read those scripts?
• Violent Pornography: porn containing an element of
violence against women
• Exposure to violent pornography promotes greater
acceptance of violence toward women
• Donnerstein & Berkowitz (1981)
• Malamuth (1981)
• What about “non-violent” pornography?
Where does punishment get
• Does punishment just serve
as a social model?
– Recall DV cycle of violence
• Does punishment work?
– Remember, must be swift,
certain, and severe
– But recall cognitive
dissonance…maybe threat of
mild punishment is better
– Sherman & Berk (1984)
• Lower recidivism rates of DV
abusers who were arrested than
abusers who were counseled on
scene or told to go ‘cool off’
Still Waters Run Deep
• What should we do with our anger?
– Internalize? Recall the negative health effects
– Too hard to internalize…may explode later
• Active enabling: employing anger management
devices like “counting to 10”, taking deep breaths, etc.
• Venting? Good if non-violent & non-demeaning
• Talk to others…both those involved & 3rd parties
• If the other person apologizes, aggression reduced
• Model non-aggressive problem solving to children
• Build empathy and teach it to children YOUNG
April 20, 1999
• 2 teenage killers, Eric Harris & Dylan Klebold
• Weapons
1 TEC 9, semi-automatic pistol
1 sawed off shotgun
1 pump-action shotgun
1 9mm semiautomatic rifle
More than 30 bombs & booby-traps
• Included 1 35lb propane bomb that would have leveled the building
• Bombs in each of their cars set to go off after emergency personnel
had arrived to increase casualties: did go off during defusing later
• Bomb set miles away to distract emergency personnel and delay
response time
• 20+ pipe bombs filled with nails, glass, etc. to increase body count
• Killers left manifesto stating their intentions, hoping
for a 250 person death toll
• Took their own lives and 13 others in the end
Saunders Scott
Flemming Kechter
Shoels Tomlin
A whole new model
• Prior to Columbine, law enforcement designed to
handle a hostage situation, not an active shooter
– Previously unseen type of aggression: Teenagers with NO
respect for life
– SWAT made initial entry but were repelled by fire
• Since Columbine, FBI and local law enforcement have
re-designed their response to overt acts of aggression
– Rapid Emergency Deployment: actively engage aggressor
and draw aggression away from victims…flies in face of
previous approaches (containment and negotiation);
proactive hunt for aggressor(s)
• New model in more ways than one: copycats