
Name ______________________
Period ______________________
Midterm Study Guide 2
1. A bone includes living material and nonliving material.
2. The striated appearance of skeletal muscle results from the ________________________________.
3. Cartilage heals slowly because
4. The nerve fibers in the dermis stimulate ______________________________________.
5. Cartilagenous joints are connected by ______________________________________.or
6. A a major component of bones, ligaments and connective tissue is _____________________________.
7. Muscle fibers are basically a collection of ______________________________________.
8. Athletes usually experience muscle fatigue less quickly than non-athletes because they
9. Oxygen debt in muscles may develop because of
10. In muscle contraction ATP supplies energy for _____________________________________________.
11. An example of a partial but sustained contraction is ______________________________________.
12. Compared to skeletal muscle, smooth muscle contracts more ______________________and relaxes
more _____________________________________.
13. Myofibrils are composed primarily of ________________________ and _______________________.
14. Cardiac muscle
A. contracts as a syncytium.
B. excites itself.
C. responds in an all-or-none manner.
D. all of the above.
15. The structures that connect cardiac muscle cells are ______________________________________.
16. Muscle atrophy that progresses with aging is caused by reduction in
B. myoglobin.
C. the sizes of muscle fibers.
D. all of the above
17. The muscle primarily responsible for an action is the ______________________________________.
18. Joints
A. allow bones to grow.
B. enable body parts to move.
C. often contain cartilage.
D. all of the above.
19. A muscle that assists a prime mover is a(n) ________________________________________.
20. Joints are also referred to as ______________________________________________.
21. The striated appearance of skeletal muscle results from the ___________________________________.
22. As a rule, a superficial partial-thickness burn is more painful than one involving deeper tissues. How would
you explain this observation?
23. Joints such as the shoulder, elbow, and knee contain considerable amounts of cartilage and dense regular
connective tissue. How does this explain that joint injuries are often slow to heal?
24. Exposure to tobacco smoke immobilizes and destroys cilia. How might this effect explain why smokers
have an increased incidence of coughing and respiratory infections?