Cranial Bones

Cranial Bones
Frontal Bone
•Anterior part of cranium, roof of orbits, most of anterior part of cranial
•Frontal sinuses lie deep to the frontal bone
•Mucus-membrane line cavity, act as sound chamber, give voice resonance
Parietal bone
•2 separate bones
•Form most of the sides and roof of the cranial cavity
Temporal bones
•2 bones
•Form inferior sides of cranium
•Part of cranial floor
• In lateral view temporal bones and zygomatic
bones join to form the zygomatic arch
• Mandibular fossa forms a joint with a
projection on the mandible (condylar process)
= temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
• External auditory meatus = canal that leads to
middle ear
• Mastoid process = rounded projection,
attachment for several neck muscles
• Styloid process = pt of attachment for muscles
and ligaments of the tongue
• Cartoid foramen = hole through which the
carotid artery passes through
Occipital bone
•Posterior + base of cranium
•Foramen magnum = mudulla
Oblongata connects to spinal
Cord = vertebral + spinal arteries
•Occipital condyles = articulate with
1st cervical vertebra
Sphenoid bone
Optic foramen
Potic nerve
Hypophyseal fossa
Foramen ovale
Mandibular nerve
Middle part of base of skull
Articulates w/ all other cranial
Cublike central portion contains
Sphenoid sinuses, drain into
Nasal cavity
(HF) – contains pituitary gland
Ethmoid bone
Olfactory foramen
Olfactory nerves
Sponglike, anterior part of cranial floor between orbits, superior portion of nasal septum
Divided into lf + rt sides
Perpendicular plate – upper portion of nasal septum
Cribriform plate – roof of nasal cavity
Crista galli – pt of attachment for membranes that cover brain
Facial bones
• Change dramatically during 1st 2 years of life
– Brain and cranial bones expand
– Teeth form and emerge
– Paranasal sinuses >
– Ceases at age 16
Paired nasal bones
Part of bridge of nose
Rest of nose is cartilage
Paired, unite to form upper
Jaw bone
Articulate with every bone
Of face except mandible
Each has maxillary sinuses
Alveolar process – arch that
Contains sockets for
Forms anterior ¾ of hard
Cleft palate and lip
Failure of lf + rt maxillary bones to
Unite during week 10-12 of
Palatine bones
Posterior portion of hard palate,
Part of floor + lateral wall of
Nasal cavity, portion of the floor
Of the orbits
Largest, strongest facial bone
Only movable skull bone
Condylar process articulate with mandibular fossa of
Temporal bone
Has alvelolar processes for lower teeth
Mental foramen can be used by dentists to reach
the mental nerve
Zygomatic bones
Part of lateral wall + floor of each
Articulate w/ frontal, maxilla, sphenoid
+ temporal bones
Lacrimal bones
Smallest bones of face
Can be seen in anterior and lateral view
Nasal conchae
Create turbulance,
Causes inhaled
Particles to strike
Nasal passage and
Get stuck in mucus
On the floor of nasal cavity
Articulates inferiorly with both maxillae
And palatine bones
1 Component of nasal septum which
Divides nasal cavity
Formed by vomer, septal cartilage and
Perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone
Deviated nasal septum
Does not run along the midline of the
Nasal cavity