Genetics Practice Problems Answers

Genetics Practice Problems Answers
genotypic ratio: ¼ FF : ½ Ff : ¼ ff, phenotypic ratio: ¼ red: ½ purple: ¼ blue
genotypic ratio: 1 Ff, phenotypic ratio: 1 purple
genotypic ratio: ½ Ff: ½ ff, phenotypic ratio: ½ purple: ½ blue
A fum could have the genotype of KX or KK. It could have a phenotype of X or
K blood.
5) The parent with the bloodtype Z will have the genotype ZK. The other parent
will have at least one X allele. (The other could be k, X, Y, or Z). The offspring
inherited The K from the parent with the Z phenotype and an X allele from
the parent with the unknown bloodtype.
6) 100%
7) ½
8) 100% pointy ears with a long tail
9) ¼ red fur and golden eyes: ½ purple fur and golden eyes: ¼ blue fur and
golden eyes
10) ½ purple fur silver eyes: ½ blue fur silver eyes
11) ¼ normal male: ¼ dwarf male: ¼ normal female: ¼ dwarf female
12) 50% of the children will be dwarfs. 100% of males will be dwarves and 0%
of the females will be dwarves. They will be carriers, instead.
13) 0%