Presentation Slides for Chapter 10 of Fundamentals of Atmospheric Modeling 2nd Edition Mark Z. Jacobson Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305-4020 March 21, 2005 Elements of Periodic Table and Their Lewis Symbols Group- > Period 1 2 I 1 II V VI VII VIII 2 0 H He 1.008 3 1 4.003 10 0 6.941 11 1 Na 4 IV 1 Li 3 III 22.99 19 1 K 39.10 4 2 5 3 6 4 7 1 8 2 9 3 Be B C N O F Ne 9.012 12 2 10.81 13 3 12.01 14 4 14.01 15 1 16.00 16 2 19.00 17 3 20.18 18 0 Al Si P S Cl Ar 24.30 20 2 26.98 31 3 28.09 32 4 30.97 33 1 32.07 34 2 35.45 35 3 39.95 36 0 Ca Ga Ge As Se Br Kr 40.08 69.72 72.61 74.92 Mg 78.96 79.90 83.80 Table 10.1 Lewis Structures Molecular hydrogen H H H H Molecular oxygen O O O O N N N O H Molecular nitrogen N Hydroxyl radical O H Lewis Structures Nitric oxide N O N O N O N O Nitrogen dioxide N O N O O N O N O O O O Ozone O O O O O O O O O O O Carbon monoxide C O C O O Lewis Structures Carbon dioxide O C O O C O Sulfur dioxide S O S O O Methane H H H C H H H H O H N H C C O O O H C H H Peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) O O H C H O O C O O N O Chemical Reactions Elementary unimolecular photolysis reaction NO2 + h NO + O (10.1) < 420 nm Elementary bimolecular thermal decomposition reaction N2O5 + M (10.2) NO2 + NO3 + M Nonelementary bimolecular thermal decomposition reaction (10.3) N2O5 M NO2 + NO3 Chemical Reactions Elementary bimolecular collision reaction CH4 + OH CH3 + H2O Termolecular combination reaction NO2 + NO3 + M (10.4) (10.5) N2O5 + M derived from a pair of elementary bimolecular reactions A B AB * AB * M AB M Reaction Coefficients and Rates Reaction rates with 1st-, 2nd-, 3rd-order rate coefficients (10.8) Rate = k F A Rate = k SAB Rate = k T ABC Rates for photolysis reaction Rate = J A (10.9) Rate of Change of Reactant Conc. Photolysis reaction, A h D G (10.10) dA Rate JA dt M Nonelementary bimolecular reaction, A D + E (10.11) dA Rate k FA dt M Nonelementary termolecular reaction, A BE (10.12) dA dB Rate k SAB dt dt Rate of Change of Reactant Conc. Elementary bimolecular reaction, A A E F (10.13) dA 2Rate 2kSA 2 dt Elementary termolecular reaction, A B C E F (10.14) dA dB dC -Rate kT A BC dt dt dt Rate of Change of Concentration Generalized reaction, Rate kr A B a b (10.16) aA bB eE + fF Rate of change of reactant concentration dA aRate ak r A a Bb dt dB bRate bkr Aa Bb dt (10.17) Rate of change of product concentration (10.18) dE eRate ekr A a Bb dt dF fRate fkr A a Bb dt Third Bodies Elementary termolecular combination reaction A B M E M Rate of change of third body (10.19) dM k T ABM k T ABM 0 dt Number concentration of air molecules (molec. cm-3) (10.20) pa M Na pa pd pv k BT Number concentration of nitrogen and oxygen N 2 N 2 Nd (10.21) O 2 O2 Nd Third Bodies Example 10.1: Calculate the number concentration of M, N2, and O2 when T = 278 K and pa = 920 hPa and the air is dry Solution: [M] = 2.40 x 1019 molec. cm-3 NN2 = 1.87x 1019 molec. cm-3 NO2 = 5.02 x 1018 molec. cm-3 Rate Coefficients from Kinetic Analysis Elementary bimolecular collision reaction A B D F Expose small quantity of A to large quantity of B --> maximum loss of B is [A] Rate of loss of A (10.22) dAt dt k FA t k SAt B0 Integrate (10.23) At h kS ln B0 h A 0 1 Rate Coefficients from Kinetic Analysis Unimolecular reactions (10.24) 1 A t h k F ln h A0 Termolecular reactions At h 1 kT ln B0 C0 h A 0 (10.24) Arrhenius Equation Temperature-dependence of a reaction rate coefficient (10.25) dlnkr dT Er R*T 2 Activation energy Smallest amount of energy required for reacting species to form an activated complex or transition state before products are formed Integrate (10.25) (10.26) lnk r lnAr Er * RT Arrhenius Equation Measure kr vs. T --> plot to find Ar and Er Useful form of Arrhenius equation Er Cr k r Ar exp * Ar exp T R T (10.27) Fig. 10.1 Temperature Dependence Er ≈0 --> collisional prefactor strongly depends on T (10.28) 300 Br C r k r Ar exp T T Br found by fitting equation to data Example 10.2: NO + O3 k1 1.80 10 NO2 + O2 12 exp1370 T 1.81 10 14 cm3 molec.-1 s-1 at T = 298 K O + O2 + M O3 + M 34 2.8 k 2 5.63 10 300 T 34 5.74 10 cm6 molec.-2 s-1 at T = 298 K Pressure-Dependence of Reactions Rate of pressure-dependent reaction kr k,T k 0,T [M] k ,T k 0,T [M] (10.30) 2 1 k 0, T [M ] 1 lo g1 0 k ,T Fc Low pressure limit rate coefficient x M (10.31) k0,T [M] lim kr [M]0 High pressure limit rate coefficient k,T lim kr [M] (10.32) Pressure-Dependence of Reactions Example 10.3: M OH + NO2 HNO3 pa T [M] Fc = 140 hPa = 216 K = 4.69 x 1018 molec. cm-3 = 0.43 --> k0,T --> k0,T [M] --> k∞,T --> kr = 2.60 x 10-30(300/T)2.9 cm6 molec.-2 s-1 = 2.47 x 10-11 = 8.16 x 10-11 cm3 molec.-1 s-1 = 1.11 x 10-11 cm3 molec.-1 s-1 PAN Rate Coefficient 10 -4 10 -5 275 K 10 -6 1 10 100 Pressure (hPa) 1000 -1 PAN rate coefficient (s-1) ) 298 K PAN rate coefficient (s 10 -3 -1 ) -1) PAN rate coefficient (s PAN rate coefficient as a function of pressure and temperature, respectively 10 -1 10 -3 10 -5 10 -7 10 -9 10-11 10-13 10-15 10-17 1013 hPa 200 250 300 Temperature (K) Fig. 10.2 Photolysis Coefficient J q, p (10.35) 0 4I p, ba,g,q,,T Yq, p,,T d Photoprocesses NO3 + h (10.36) NO2 + O 410 nm < < 670 nm NO + O2 590 nm < < 630 nm Photolysis Rate Coefficients Pressure (hPa) 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 -5 a 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 HCHO b O 3 b HCHO HONO a b O NO 3 3 a NO 2 10 -5 1 0.0001 0.001 0.01 -1 Photolysis rate coefficient (s ) NO 3 0.1 1 Pressure (hPa) Pressure (hPa) 10 Fig. 10.3 Set of Reactions (10.37) NO + O3 NO2 + O2 (10.38) O + O2 + M O3 + M (10.39) NO2 + h NO + O (10.40) NO2 + O NO + O2 Reaction Rates (10.37) Rate1 k1NO O 3 (10.38) Rate 2 k2 OO2 M (10.39) Rate 3 JNO 2 (10.40) Rate 4 k3NO 2 O ODEs For Set of Reactions (10.41) dNO Pc Lc Rate 3 Rate 4 Rate1 J NO2 k3 NO 2 O k1 NOO3 dt dNO 2 dt (10.42) Pc Lc Rate1 Rate3 Rate 4 k1NOO3 JNO 2 k 3NO 2 O (10.43) dO Pc L c Rate3 Rate 2 Rate 4 J NO2 k2 OO2 M k3 NO2 O dt (10.44) dO3 Pc Lc Rate 2 Rate1 k2 OO 2 M k1NO O 3 dt Production and Loss for Reaction Set Production term for NO (10.45) Pc J NO 2 k3NO 2O Loss term for NO (10.45) Lc k1NOO 3 E-folding Lifetime E-folding lifetime Time a species takes to have its concentration reduced to 1/e its original value Overall lifetime (s) (10.46) A 1 A1 1 1 A2 ... 1 An E-folding Lifetime Unimolecular reaction A products First derivative dA dt kF A E-folding lifetime occurs when E-folding lifetime A 1 kF h e A 0 e 1 A1 h kF (10.47) (10.48) E-folding Lifetime Bimolecular reaction A B products Loss rate of species A dA kSA B0 dt E-folding lifetime (10.49) 1 A2 kSB0 E-folding Lifetime Termolecular reaction A B C products E-folding lifetime (10.50) A3 1 k T B0 C 0 Stiff System of Equations Example 10.4: CH4 + OH --> CH3 + H2O k = 6.2 x 10-15 cm3 molec-1 s-1 at 298K [OH.] = 5.0 x 105 molec. cm-3 1 ---> CH 4 . = 10.2 years k OH O(1D) + N2 --> O + N2 k = 2.6 x 10-11 cm3 molec-1 s-1 at 298K [N2] = 1.9 x 1019 molec. cm-3 1 ---> O 1 D = 2 x 10-9 seconds k N2 ---> stiff set of equations Half-Lifetime Unimolecular reaction Half-lifetime occurs when (10.51) A 1 k F h e A 0 2 Solve for half-lifetime 0.693 1 2 A1 h kF (10.52) Bimolecular reaction (10.53) 0.693 1 2 A2 k SB 0 Termolecular reaction 0.693 1 2 A3 k T B 0 C 0 (10.53)