NMP 2008-4.0-12 Horizontal activities responding to emerging and policy needs in the context of ERA Technical content/ scope: Achieving the ambitious technical, industrial and policy objectives assigned to the NMP programme requires the collective ability of the EC, of industry (especially through its involvement in the Technology Platforms) and of Member States' programmes to define, monitor and implement a coordinated set of initiatives : to improve synergies of efforts in the R& D field, to establish the necessary and timely links and actions with other important enabling factors influencing the successful implementation and social uptake of NMP technologies on the market place (eg through : availability of skilled human resources and of adequate training ; awareness raising ; anticipation of decision-makers in industry and in governments to prepare adequate and science-based frameworks and regulations etc) In this context, it is necessary to establish a shared basis of knowledge along the following priority areas: a) comparative evaluation scoreboard and performance indicators in NMP research activities between Europe and major third countries (especially USA, Japan, China) to monitor the implementation progress of European strategic initiatives in industrial technologies. Unique metrics is required for assessing the impact of new science in fields such as nano, materials and production technologies towards the key objectives of Theme 4, namely industrial transformation and sustainable production & consumption. More specifically, the support action is expected to develop an assessment methodology & progress indicators; to carry out data collection & analysis; and to provide an effective communication channel related to the implementation progress and contribution of relevant European strategic initiatives in industrial technologies towards the objectives of Theme 4. These strategic initiatives include, but are not limited to, the European Technology Platforms, Joint Technology Initiatives and Eureka. The developed methodology should be validated in a number of key industrial sectors within the project period. b) assessment of impacts induced by development of NMP technologies and by changing patterns of industry on skills and human resources, in order to anticipate skill and competence gaps, at research, engineering or manufacturing levels and to prepare proactive education, training and reskill schemes c) rapid availability of multi-disciplinary expertise on a European scale by using the resources of expert networks. The objective is to obtain fast and targeted advice, analysis and synthesis concerning emerging scientific, technological and industrial development of relevance to industrial technologies to help the EC improve its ability to assess strategic developments, its capacity to react to them and to prepare adequate and timely initiatives to fulfil the objective of the NMP programme. Funding scheme: Specific Support Actions aiming at supporting research activities Specific features: A maximum of two projects will be funded under each one of the above sub-areas, with a maximum of EUR 150 000 of EC funding for each. Expected impact: (i) proposal bringing added value to existing knowledge supporting decision making process; ii) production of recommendations and of practical measures of relevance to research and related policy agenda (as well as target measurement indicators wherever appropriate) supporting EC and MS decisionmaking procedures. (iii) support to actions and work of relevant stakeholders; (iv) support to the coordinated implementation and planning of ETPs' strategic agendas and roadmaps, throughout the Framework Programme and in synergy with Member States.