Ch 2 - Chemistry of Life

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Ch 2 – Chemistry of Life
Study Guide
Choose the answer which best completes is statement or question.
1. DNA & RNA made up of nucleotides, which contain
a. A sugar, a nitrogenous base, and a phosphate group
b. A sugar, an acid, and a phosphate group
c. ATP, a nitrogenous base, and a phosphate group
d. Amino acids
2. Which of the following are unsaturated fatty acids?
a. Lard, bacon grease
c. olive oil, fish oil
b. wax, cholesterol
d. butter, vegetable oil
3. Unlike saturated fatty acids, unsaturated fatty acids contain what kind of bonds between carbon
a. Ionic
b. hydrogen
c. single
d. double
4. The enzyme that breaks down hydrogen peroxide into water is
a. Amylase
b. carbonic anhydrase
c. catalase
5. Enzyme activity is affected by
a. Temperature
b. pH
d. hydrogenase
c. any factor affecting the shape of the enzyme
d. all of the above
6. A catalyst or enzyme
a. Provides extra energy for a reaction
b. Lowers the activation energy of a reaction
c. Eliminates the activation energy of a reaction
d. Only allows irreversible reactions to occur
7. Without enzymes, the chemical reactions in your body would
a. Happen too fast
c. occur at much the same rate as they do no
b. Require a different pH
d. occur too slow to support life processes
8. Water is ___, therefore ___ substances dissolve in it.
a. Polar, nonpolar
c. polar, polar
b. Nonpolar, polar
d. nonpolar, nonpolar
9. All organic compounds contain
a. Nitrogen
b. oxygen
Mrs. Stolipher
c. carbon
d. amino acids
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10. Glycogen and starch
a. Are made of a sugar, a nitrogenous base and a phosphate group
b. Can either be saturated or unsaturated
c. Are made of amino acids
d. Are carbohydrates in which energy is stored
11. Cellulose is a _____ made of many _____.
a. Polypeptide … monomers
b. Polymer … glucose molecules
c. Lipid … triglycerides
d. carbohydrate … fatty acids
e. protein … amino acids
12. The four main categories of macromolecules (organic compounds) in a cell are
a. Proteins, DNA, RNA, and steroids
b. Monosaccharides, lipids, polysaccharides, and proteins
c. Proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and lipids
d. Nucleic acids, carbohydrates, monosaccharides, and proteins
e. RNA, DNA, proteins and carbohydrates
13. The characteristic that all lipids have in common is
a. They are all made of fatty acids and amino acids
b. They all contain nitrogen
c. None of them is very high in energy
d. They are all acidic when mixed with water
e. None of them dissolves in water
14. A flower’s color is determined by the genetic instructions in its
a. Proteins
d. lipids
b. carbohydrates
e. nucleic acids
c. all of the above
15. The most concentrated source of stored energy is a molecule of
a. DNA
B. cellulose
C. fat
d. protein
16. Estrogen, cholesterol, and other steroids are examples of
a. Polysaccharides
b. lipids
c. polypeptides
e. glucose
d. triglycerides
17. Which of the following do nucleic acids and proteins have in common?
a. They are both made of amino acids
d. their structures contain sugars
b. They are hydrophobic
e. they are large polymers
c. They each consist of 4 basic kinds of subunits
Mrs. Stolipher
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18. Which of the following ranks the molecules in the correct order by size?
a. Water … sucrose … glucose … protein
b. Protein … water … glucose … sucrose
c. Water … protein … sucrose … glucose
d. Protein … sucrose … glucose … water
e. Glucose … water … sucrose … protein
19. How does glucose differ from sucrose cellulose, and starch?
a. It is a carbohydrate
d. it is larger
b. The others are polysaccharides
e. it is a monosaccharide
c. It contains carbon, hydrogen and oxygen
Everything a cell does involves proteins. Seven classes of proteins are discussed in the text & notes. Match
each of the classes with one of the descriptions below.
A. Contractile
C. enzyme
E. storage
G. transport
B. Defensive
D. signal
F. structural
_____ 20. Hemoglobin
_____ 21. A protein in muscles cells enables them to move
_____ 22. Antibodies fight disease-causing bacteria
_____ 23. Collagen gives bone strength & flexibility
_____ 24. Insulin signals cells to take in sugar and use sugar
_____ 25. Proteins in seeds provide food for plant embryos
_____ 26.
A protein called sucrose promotes the chemical conversion of sucrose into
Review the structures & functions of nucleic acids by matching each of the phrases on the right with a word
or phrase from the list on the left. Answers may be used more than once.
_____ 27.
_____ 28.
_____ 29.
_____ 30.
Mrs. Stolipher
C. nitrogenous base
Short for ribonucleic acid
Passed on from parent to offspring
Short for deoxyribonucleic acid
Nucleotide is compose of sugar, phosphate group and this
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31. Maltose is an example of what kind of carbohydrate?
32. Starch is an example of what kind of carbohydrate?
33. List four different kinds of lipids & briefly describe their function.
34. Briefly describe the various functions performed by proteins in the cell and body.
35. What are the 4 main elements making up proteins?
36. What are the monomers of proteins called?
37. Most proteins act as catalysts or __________________ inside of cells.
38. The substance an enzyme is acting upon is called the _____________ and it must ______ into a place called
the active site on the enzyme.
39. After the reaction, can the enzyme be re-used & why?
40. Give the name & abbreviation for 2 nucleic acids found in cells.
41. DNA and RNA are both examples of _____________ made of linked monomers called
42. Name the 3 parts to a nucleotide
Mrs. Stolipher
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Organic Compound
Nucleic Acid
Mrs. Stolipher
Period _____
General Function(s)