Chapter 6

English I
Great Expectations
Chapter 6
1. What does Pip think about London? (p37) ________________
2. Describe Jagger’s office (p37)__________________________
3. Who is Mr. Wemmick? (p38) ___________________________
4. Who is Herbert Pocket? From where do they remember each
other? (p38) __________________________________________
Fill in these sentences with the information from the
Herbert Pocket’s father is Miss Havisham’s _________________.
When Miss Havisham was young, she was very ______________.
Miss Havisham’s father was extremely ______________ and
owned a __________________.
Miss Havisham’s mother _____________ when she was young.
Herbert Pocket’s great-uncle secretly married and had a ______.
When the man died, he left half of his money to ____________
and the other half to __________________.
His son wasted all his money and ___________ his half of the
brewery to a _____________ for very little money.
The stranger tricked Miss Havisham into ____________________
with him.
Miss Havisham gave him _____________________.
Herbert Pocket’s father tried to __________________________.
On the day of Miss Havisham’s wedding to this man, he _______
__________________. The wedding was supposed to begin at
9:00am. He sent her a note at exactly _______________am.
Miss Havisham then realized that her fiancé (the man she was
supposed to marry) and her half brother ___________________
More questions about chapter 6. . .
What does Herbert tell Pip about the way Miss Havisham has
raised Estella? (p41) ___________________________________
Where does Herbert work? How much money does he make?
(p42) _______________________________________________