Notes #6 Properties of Water

Notes #__________
Date ____________
Lesson Topic – The properties of water allow life to exist on Earth
Main Idea: _______________________________________________________.
Structure of the Water Molecule
Water is a__________ molecule ‘cause hydrogen and oxygen _______electrons
BUT, the electrons are ___________________ – the oxygen atom has a greater
pulling force on the shared electrons than the hydrogen atom. This “pulling
force” is called ________________________.
Electrons that are shared by hydrogen and oxygen stay closer to the ________
atom. This is because oxygen has a ________ electronegativity than hydrogen.
Because the e- are closer to the oxygen atom, it gets a slight _________ charge.
Because the e- are away from the hydrogen atom, it gets a slight _____charge.
A molecule that has different charges on opposite sides - _________________
A polar molecule behaves like a _____________ due to having different charges
on either side.
Water’s polarity gives it the ability to form __________________ _________.
A hydrogen bond is an attractive force between a _________________ charged
________ ______ in one molecule and a __________________ charged
_________ or ______________ in a _____________________ molecule.
One hydrogen bond is ______very strong - it doesn’t require much energy to break
it. But when there are many hydrogen bonds working together ______________ of
___________ is needed to break the bonds.
Oxygen’s electronegativity -> Water’s polar structure -> Hydrogen bonding
These characteristics of water molecules give rise to the properties that
It is an important example of how a molecule’s __________________
determines how it __________________.
_________________________ and __________________________ are related.
Intramolecular bonds - form between atoms in the ____________ molecule.
Ex. __________________ and _________________
Intermolecular bonds - form between atoms in______________ molecules.
Ex. ________________________________
Properties of H2O due to Hydrogen Bonds that make life possible
1. ____________ – Because water is a _______________ it’s attracted to itself.
Water molecules “__________” together. Ex. __________________________
2. ______________ – Water molecules attraction to __________________.
3. __________________ - ability of water to move upwards in small tubes due
to its attraction of the molecules for each other (___________________) AND
the solid surface the water is in contact with ( _____________________).
This is how fluids move from roots to tree tops and blood moves back up to
your heart through your veins.
4. Water exists in all _______________ over a wide range of temperatures,
(liquid, gas, solid).
5. High Heat Holding Capacity – Water can both absorb and release large
amounts of energy without ________________________________.
Ex. It takes a long time for water to boil. Water also gives off heat energy
slowly taking a long time to cool down.
Cities located near large bodies of water benefit from this property. The slow
release of heat from water _________________ in the ______________ and the
absorption of heat __________ the air in the ______________.
Water helps to __________________________ temperatures.
Being made of 70% water helps keep our body temperature stable despite
changes in outer temperatures.
6. High Vaporization Energy -Large amounts of ________ are needed to
break the _____________________ between liquid water molecules so they can
evaporate into gas.
Sweating is a ____________________ mechanism designed to _______ your
body down as heat from your body is used to _________________ the sweat.
7. “____________________”. Water’s ability to hydrogen bond allows it to
dissolve many _____________ and __________________ which also have a
charge. Ex. This means water based solutions , like blood and urine , can
carry many dissolved ions and molecules thru the body.
Parts of a Aqueous Solution:
Solvent –_______________ - Ex. _________________
Solute – _______________ - Ex. _________________
8. ________________________________________.
Water ________________ dissolve ____________ substances like fats, waxes
and oils – they have _______________ to attract the water.
“Oil and Water Don’t Mix”
As water molecules ____________ _________ with each other, they exclude
nonpolar substances . This is called the_____________________ ___________.
Causes molecules like DNA and ___________ to fold into their specific ______
9. __________________________ (oddity) – The space between water
molecules expands as water freezes ____________________________________
_____________________- ice ___________
Water bodies freeze from the top down with the ice layer _________________
the water and aquatic creatures below.