12 to 9-7-12 lesson plans

Tuesday, September 4th, 2012
EQ: How well do we know those around us?
-Collage Projects Due Today !!! (25% loss of grade if not
-Place collage on table upon arrival
Activating Strategy:
*Gallery Walk --- Look at collages, try to determine
different students’s collages based upon list of students
(Girls above, Boys Below)
*List top 5 collages by #
1) After finishing gallery walk, students will present
their 10 items to the class in
numerical order.
EQ: What are some examples of sociological
NEWS; Chapter 1 Outlines due Wed. 9/5
Activating Strategy:
1) What is a perspective?
2) What is a sociological perspective?
*Examples - How would sociologists handle the
problem of obesity?
*Handout for examples
1) Sociological Perspective
2) Sociology’s Place in the Social Sciences
-How would each social science handle a social
problem like juvenile delinquency??
HistoryPolitical PowerEconomicsAnthropologyPsychology2) Sociological Imagination
*Link between society and self
*How is family size viewed today? Why??
Psych II
Tuesday, September 4th, 2012
EQ; What is the bystander effect/
Activating Strategy:
-Kitty Genoves story
*No response from neighbors??
*Desensitized by violence??
*Not care??
-School Example
*Imagine a school fight taking place in the
school hallway
*Would you alert a teacher or principal of a fight
taking place?
*Would you break up the fight? What if one
person was losing badly?
1) Bystander Effect--what is it??
People are less likely to give help if other people
are present
2) Pretest on bystander effect-Students need to
complete the four scenarios and ratings
3) Identify key differences between
Academic Economics
EQ; Are too many people going to college?
NEWS: Outline #1 Due Wed. 9/5/12
Activating Strategy:
1) Job graphic on job startups
--Wall street Journal Classroom Edition
-Questions and activities
Psych I
Wednesday, September 5th, 2012
EQ: What is the difference between a psychologist and
NEWS: Upcoming Assessments
-Career Quiz – Fri. 9/7 (10 points)
-Perspective Quiz- Mon. 9/10 (12 points)
-Perspectives assignment- Mon. 9/10
-Vocab Quiz- Tue. 9/11 (36 points)
Activating Strategy:
1) Finish collage presentations (Grades entered today)
*Don’t take this personally, just a kind way of
trying to tell a few they need to try a little harder
*Some students made poor attempt
*Expect better
*Good enough isn’t (like the coach who says
nothing after a horrible performance)
2) Definition of psychology
1) Finish collages
2) Fill in the following: A psychologist is a person
who ….
3) Psychology definition
4) Differences and similarities between psychology
and psychiatry
5) Organizer on careers in psychology
Psychology- (Greek word)
-the study of
Origins of Psychology
*Greeks (Plato)
*Roman Catholic Church (mind was unsolvable
17th Century- Rene Descartes (behavior based upon
nervous syst.
1800’s – Recognized as a science due to research on issue
that the mind combines sensation and emotions
Careers in Psych (pp. 8 to 15) Three bits of information
-Do not include Rehab/School or social workers
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
EQ: How do we acquire a sociological imagination?
NEWS: Outlines Due Today !!!!
Sociological Imagination Activity Due Fri. 9/7
Activating strategy:
1) Sociological perspective /6 social sciences
Examples and application (Illiteracy in America)
-What percentage of Americans are illiterate?
Where do you think most illiterate people live?
(regions of country)
-What percentage of people in US are illiterate?
1% 5% 10% 15%
In what areas of the country do most illiterate
people live?
North, South East West
-Conventional wisdom is wrong, sociological
research can accurately portray our society
Approach/perspective on illiteracy
HistoryPolitical Science-
1) Sociological imagination definition*knowing how social issues affect our lives; seeing
the relationship between events in life and society
*Decisions are not made in isolation
*Need to challenge ideas people assume are trueQuestion things
2) How is family size viewed today? Why do we
view it this way??
-Do families today tend to be larger or smaller than
previous decades??
-What about octomom? View of her ???
3) Soc. Imagination Examples- FAVORITE
*Think of a favorite object that has personal value
to you
*Why/how does this object show personal value to
*Can you determine what the broader significance
is for the object you chose?
--By seeing links between items of personal value
and their broader significance we can make better
choices such as – how many children we want to
have?? Marriage?? Etc.
4) Assignment- due on Fri. 9/7
5) Famous Sociologists Activity
-Who are the major contributors to the field of
sociology and what were their contributions?
-Each group of 2 is assigned a person from Chapter
1, section 2.
-Group should draw 3 to 4 pictures that represent
their person. Pictures should have an explanation
on the back
-Present person to the class
-Notes organizer about all the people
Areas to focus on for research
Time period of the person- things going on that
impact research
Major contributions to sociology
Other interesting information
Websites used
Psych II
EQ: What are the impacts of the bystander effect?
NEWS: Outline due Thurs. 9/6
Activating strategy:
1) Scenarios and differences from yesterday (car
accident/teacher/bar/jump from bridge
2) Group of two exercise (Turn in when finished)
3) Work on outline fromThurs. 8/30
Psych I
Thursday, September 6th, 2012
EQ: What types of career opportunities are available in
Activating Strategy: Upcoming Assessments
-Career Quiz – Fri. 9/7 (10 points)
-Perspective Quiz- Mon. 9/10 (12 points)
-Perspectives assignment- Mon. 9/10
-Vocab Quiz- Tue. 9/11 (36 points)
*What are two differences and two similarities
between a psychiatrist and a psychologist?
*What is the minimum amount of education needed
to make yourself marketable in psychology in today’s
competitive job market? (# of years)
*Why are universities and colleges the most common
places for psychologists to work?
Psychology (Greek Word)
-The study of behavior and the processes of
thought(reasoning, intelligence, memory)
-also known as “counselors” or “therapists”
-One of the most common college majors in the US
-Specialized field of psychology
-Educational Background: attend medical school and
achieve MD status
-Must complete four year residency training program in
mental health
-Trained in treatment of mental and behavior problems
-Able to prescribe and dispense medication
-Both study behavior and mental processes
-Both treat and diagnose in similar ways
-Similar types of clients
-Similar work settings (hospitals, private practice)
*Career Organizer
*Psychologist vs. psychiatrist
*Shape activity for perspectives to psychology
Ticket out the door: Career ideas
Thursday, September 6th, 2012
EQ: How does our sociological perspective influence
how we view people from other cultures?
Activating Strategy:
-Eating Dog article (Sociological
-20 point take home quiz on Famous
Sociologists and Perspectives of Sociology
Thursday, September 6th, 2012
Pscyh II
EQ: What is the link between violent video games and
the media and aggression in children and teens?
Activating Strategy:
1) What is the difference between prejudice and
2) Personal examples of prejudice3) Scapegoat theory- Examples
4) Just world phenomenon- Examples
*Career Organizer
*Psychologist vs. psychiatrist
*Shape activity for perspectives to psychology
Ticket out the door: Career ideas
Psych II
EQ: What factors influence the bystander effect?
Activating Strategy:
- Differences in the scenarios??
- Factors that affect each scenario
1) Model of Bystander Intervention Handout
2) Factors that influence helping
3) Get with your partner from yesterday and fill in the
back of the handout
Career Quiz: (10pts)
Choices: Clinical, developmental, biological(neuro), sports, consumer, industrial,
forensic, cognitive, educational, experimental, social
1. Studies the placement of learning disabled children in
2. Would study the impact of daycare on a child’s relationship with their
3. Use MRI’s to explore how the structure of the brain works.___________
4. Explores the positive visualization of success._________________
5. Most common type of psychologist found._____________________
6. Combines both psychology and law.______________________
7. Studies how people show and helps businesses sell products._____________
8. Focuses efforts on intelligence, language development and
9. Researches factors influencing happiness versus depression in
10.Examines training and working conditions of businesses to improve
Career Quiz: (10pts)
Choices: Clinical, developmental, biological(neuro), sports, consumer, industrial,
forensic, cognitive, educational, experimental,
1. Studies the placement of learning disabled children in
2. Would study the impact of daycare on a child’s relationship with their
3. Use MRI’s to explore how the structure of the brain works.
4. Explores the positive visualization of success._________________
5. Most common type of psychologist found._____________________
6. Combines both psychology and law.______________________
7. Studies how people show and helps businesses sell products._____________
8. Focuses efforts on intelligence, language development and
9. Researches factors influencing happiness versus depression in
10.Examines training and working conditions of businesses to improve
Friday, September 7th, 2012
EQ: How do the perspectives of psychology help to
explain our thoughts and behaviors?
Activating Strategy: Upcoming Assessments
-Career Quiz – Today (10 points)
-Perspective Quiz- Mon. 9/10 (12 points)
-Perspectives assignment- Mon. 9/10
-Vocab Quiz- Tue. 9/11 (36 points)
Career Quiz (10 points)
EQ: How do the perspectives of psychology help to
explain our thoughts and behaviors?
Perspective- way to think about something, approach to
-Perspectives Intro-Suppose an alcoholic visits a psychologist to
discuss and seek help for their drinking problem. How
would the psychologist look at the problem??
1) Is drinking a result of a deeper conflict?
2)Is alcoholism a learned behavior?
3) Is alcoholism different in other cultures?
4) Do people drink to feel a sense of worth?
5)Is alcoholism hereditary, affect on brain?
6)What thoughts lead up to daily drinking?
**These questions all address examples of
perspectives/approaches to psychology
-Difference b/w psychologist and psychiatrist
-Shape activity to illustrate 5 approaches to psych.
-Organizer to explain the modern approaches to
Thursday, September 15th, 2011
EQ: How do the different perspectives in psychology,
help to explain our thoughts and behaviors?
Activating Strategy:
1) VOCAB QUIZ- Fri. September 16th, 2011
2) Review of key words and perspectives on white
3) Perspectives Quiz (12 points) TODAY
4) Critcal thinking activity with perspectives
-On back of shape handout from yesterday
-Think of alcoholism example from yesterday
A.“Growing Up in a Strange World” AUTISM
1. As a child, Donna was unable to learn that words had
meaning, because of some problem with the development
of her brain.
-The _____perspective focuses on genes and how the
brain influences, memory, learning, and personality
2. How was Donna able to develop her own signaling
system that involved gestures instead of words?
-The ____ approach examines how we think, process,
store, and use information.
3. Why did Donna make it a rule to avoid leaving soap
bubbles in the sink?
-The_____ approach studies how we learn new
behaviors and modify behavior, depending upon rewards
and punishments
4. Why did Donna develop alternate personalities, such as
Willie who had “hateful, glaring eyes?”
-The ___ approach stresses unconscious fears,
desires, and motivations on thoughts and behvavior
5. How was Donna able to overcome her early language
problems and write a book in four months?
-The ____ approach emphasizes freedom and growth
and self-fulfillment
6. Why did her mother believe that autism was caused by
evil spirits?
-The _____ approach examines the influence of other
cultures on behavior and functioning.
1) Perspectives of psychology quiz (12points)
2) Critical Thinking activity using perspectives of
psychology (Greg Case Study- 12 pts due Mon. 9/19
3) Vocab Quiz- Fri. 9/16 (36 points)
Psych II
-Check out social psychology dilemma on website
-Finish social psych scavenger hunt and turn in
For Vocab Quiz on Tue 9/11
John Watson
Abraham Maslow
Sigmund Freud
Jean Piaget
Ivan Pavlov
William James
Wilhelm Wundt
Martin Seligman