What have I signed up for? A quick guide to AP Psych. So we’re learning about disorders, right? • Yes…but it’s only ONE chapter – Second Semester • Intro means we cover everything: Research Methods History & Famous People in Psych Neurology, Brain Biology & Chemistry The Senses & Perception Sleep, Hypnosis, Psychoactive Drugs Learning Processes Memory Language Development Motor Development Cognitive (Mental) Development Motivation Emotion Stress Personality Statistics Testing Intelligence Treatment Social Psychology How do I get an A? • Do your nightly reading (average 8-10 pages) and take good NOTES. • Be Responsible for Your Learning – Use the website (www.ghaps.org/portenga) to know nightly & upcoming assignments or to find out what you missed when absent. Plan ahead! • Have GOOD/GREAT study skills: • Study your notes and be able to apply them to real life situations • Lots of Tests and Quizzes. - It’s a college class & your college credit is from a big test so you need to be a good test taker! • YOUR GRADE = TESTS 60%, QUIZZES 20%, HOMEWORK 15%, CLASS WORK 5% • Use memory techniques to help you remember what you learn and read! • Budget Your Time – Know what you are signed up for and what you can handle! What do I get for this class? • If you score a 3, 4 or 5 on the exam in May… College Credit for an Introductory Psych 101 course. • 89% of all students who take the AP Test after taking this class get college credit (National Average is 60%) • 18% = 3 34% = 4 37% = 5 • A broad understanding of the many various areas of psychology. • A taste of what a college workload is like. • A better understanding of yourself and others.