The Giver - HRSBSTAFF Home Page

The Giver
Agree / Disagree
Discussion Questions
Read and think about the statement, then write
AGREE or DISAGREE. Then, be sure to ‘qualify’!!
• A society without competition,
unemployment, hunger, and jealousy
would be an ideal state in which to live.
• Parents could raise their children much
better if they did not love them so much.
• Children who do not know their
grandparents aren’t missing anything.
Agree or Disagree?
• People who are born inferior (handicaps,
disabilities, etc.) to others and persons who have
become too old to be of any use in the
workplace should be quietly put to death.
• If society could just pick your occupation for you
at the age of 12, it would be much simpler and it
would help people avoid making hard choices
about how to spend their lives.
Agree or Disagree?
• All children should have equal possessions and
privileges at a certain age, regardless of the
status of their families.
• If meals were delivered to homes each night and
everyone in the community had the same
dinner, it would be a lot better. Moms would not
have to shop for groceries or waste time cooking
meals and everybody would eat healthy.
Agree or Disagree?
• Families would be much closer if they had
to share all their feelings out loud at
supper each night and share their dreams
out loud at breakfast every morning.
• We should not have to carry bad
memories in our heads. It would be much
better if all bad things were forgotten.
Agree or Disagree?
• Colour, weather, and music are not really
necessary things in life. They are really
just frills and we could do just as well
without them.
• Families should not be allowed to have
more than two children.
The Giver
Novel Study Assignment
Phase 1
Complete the following tasks In your Novel Study scribbler. Use the class
time provided throughout this unit to get a good ‘chunk’ of this work done.
Phase 2
You will be given computer time to create a booklet containing good copies
of your work from phase 1. Your booklet will have a cover page for the
**As always, be sure to look over the assessment rubric to ensure you are
aware of how your work will be assessed.
The Giver
1.Create a running list (add to it as you discover
things) of ways Jonas’ community is different
from ours.
2.What do you think the term ‘release’ means?
3.Describe what each age ceremony entails. (This
will also be a ‘running’ list…the ceremony of
one, etc.)
The Giver
4. What do you think is meant by ‘stirrings’?
5. What qualities has Jonas been identified as having
that the Committee feels make him a candidate for the
community’s next Receiver of Memory?
6. List the eight instructions given to Jonas for the
position of Receiver of Memory.
The Giver
7. The Giver has transmitted the pain of a sunburn to Jonas who
now feels he understands pain. The Giver appears sad and
Can you think of memories that he could transmit to Jonas
that would be far more painful than the sunburn? (Just list
several examples…no need to go into detail…just ideas!)
The Giver
8. The transmission of memories to Jonas are described in terrific detail by Lois
Lowry. The first transmission of snow and the elephant scene are two
examples of the detailed, descriptive writing that provides imagery for the
reader and allows us to really experience what Jonas is experiencing.
(There are lots of examples in the book.)
Pretend that you are The Giver. Think of a memory that you will transmit
to Jonas. Then, you must attempt to describe it in a detailed, descriptive
manner (as if you were writing it in the novel).
Hint: Reread some of the transmissions of memories The Giver makes to Jonas. They
are very descriptive. They are also written in the third person. Regardless of what
memory you decide to transmit, your purpose is to create vivid detail/imagery.)
The Giver
Focus on Language
9. Descriptive language –
We talked a lot about Lois Lowry’s skill as a writer. Find two examples of
very descriptive / vivid passages from the book (visual imagery). Draw a
detailed sketch of each and include the passage from the book below each
one (as a caption).
10. Scavenger Hunt – Find the following and copy into your scribbler:
Find a complex sentence that uses more than one comma (,)
Find a complex sentence that uses a semi colon (;)
Find a complex sentence that uses a comma and a semi colon in the same
Find a complex sentence that uses a dash ( - )
Find a descriptive / vivid sentence that creates imagery in your mind (a clear
picture…you can ‘see’ it).
Find an example of one of Lois Lowry’s really, really long sentences that
demonstrate her skill with punctuation.
The Giver
11.The following is a list of some of the ‘issues’ (themes) that arise
in the novel. In your own words, try to explain what role each
issue plays in the book and try to compare/ contrast with our
own society. (We’ll eventually be sharing our thoughts/answers together
in class.)
Family structure and relationships
Feelings and emotions
Memories (and their purpose)
Color and Music
‘Release’ and ‘capital’ punishment (death penalty)
Discipline of children / citizens (‘corporal’ punishment/spanking,
chastisement, rules, etc.)
The idea of a ‘perfect’ society (Utopian society) vs an imperfect (Dystopian
Individuality vs. ‘sameness’
The Giver
12. See Skills notes on Euphemism as a literary
device…from your SkillS Scribbler.
List several examples of the use of Euphemisms
in The Giver.
Lucky 13. vocabulary activity… attached
14. (Because it would be bad luck to stop at 13)
Response Opportunity:
What did you think of the ending of the novel?
SCO 2.3 follow instructions and respond to questions and directions.
(Read and follow directions for each task.) all questions
SCO 1.1 recognize that contributions from many are needed to
generate and sustain discussion.
(Overall participation during reading and discussion)
SCO 6.3 find evidence and examples in texts to support personal
views about themes, issues, and situations. Q# 1,3,5,6,10,11
(Demonstrate understanding of the story through your answers.)
SCO 1.3 express clearly and with conviction, a personal point of view,
and be able to support that position. (written form) Q# 2,4,7,14
(Demonstrating an ability to support your opinions.)
SCO 8.4 demonstrate an ability to integrate interesting effects in
imaginative writing… integrate detail that adds richness and density
Q# 8 (Adding detail and ‘imagery’ through word choice,
vocabulary, etc.)