Stock Performance of Investors Owned Energy Companies with high Emissions Record Results 1 Table 3a. Annual returns for single-year holding periods (1-year returns, January to December) and average annual (January to December) geometric returns for multiple-year holding periods (5-year returns) and bull and bear market periods from 2002 to 2014 for the ranked energy stocks portfolio (with dividends) and for the price indexes of 1) global alternative energy (Wilder Hill New Energy Global Innovation and FTSE ET50 2) global energy market (MSCI World Energy) and 3) global broad market (S&P Global 1200). Portfolio with Dividend WilderHill New Energy Global Innovation Price Index Difference 2002 -1.45% -20.87% 2003 38.41% 52.62% 2004 35.87% 2005 2006 Single Year Period t-Statistic FTSE ET50 Price Index Difference t-Statistic 19.42% 0.634 -41.75% 40.30% 1.416* -14.21% -0.358 31.50% 6.91% 0.2220 18.66% 17.21% 0.744 12.57% 23.30% 0.9980 45.24% 19.41% 25.83% 0.784 10.27% 34.97% 20.18% 33.30% -13.12% -0.338 35.45% -15.28% 2007 41.58% 57.91% -16.33% -0.476 71.30% 2008 -40.04% -60.90% 20.86% 0.567 2009 44.49% 39.72% 4.78% 0.045 2010 13.92% -14.56% 28.48% 2011 -8.11% -40.20% 2012 -0.47% 2013 2014 MSCI World Energy Price Index Difference t-Statistic S&P Global 1200 Price Index Difference t-Statistic -8.38% 6.93% 0.281 -21.03% 19.59% 0.79 22.90% 15.52% 0.5 30.05% 8.36% 0.35 25.33% 10.54% 0.533 12.53% 23.34% 1.298 1.1120 26.20% 19.04% 0.49 7.69% 37.55% 1.378* -0.3830 15.80% 4.38% 0.135 18.75% 1.43% 0.138 -29.72% -0.8530 27.50% 14.08% 0.507 7.71% 33.87% 1.492* -54.89% 14.85% 0.3510 -39.35% -0.68% -0.007 -41.91% 1.87% 0.133 27.84% 16.65% 0.3110 22.89% 21.60% 0.548 27.80% 16.70% 0.385 0.727 -6.26% 20.18% 0.4970 9.53% 4.39% 0.135 9.16% 4.76% 0.182 32.09% 0.980 -28.63% 20.52% 0.6720 -1.88% -6.23% -0.168 -7.67% -0.44% 0.04 -5.54% 5.07% 0.148 4.54% -5.00% -0.1550 -0.54% 0.07% 0.027 13.57% -14.04% -0.505 10.93% 53.92% -42.99% -1.499* 43.02% -32.10% -1.518* 15.34% -4.41% -0.202 22.68% -11.75% -0.596 -14.95% -3.29% -11.66% -0.530 -2.07% -12.88% -0.6180 -13.71% -1.24% -0.089 2.84% -17.79% -0.965 2002-06 26.47% 17.93% 8.54% 0.611 5.19% 21.28% 1.397* 15.58% 10.89% 0.83 8.12% 18.34% 1.666** 2003-07 35.97% 35.41% 0.56% 1.241 30.52% 5.45% 1.991** 23.47% 12.50% 1.489* 15.05% 20.92% 2.449*** 2004-08 15.02% 3.12% 11.90% 0.583 5.38% 9.65% 0.4580 7.21% 7.81% 0.526 -2.08% 17.10% 1.411* 2005-09 16.45% 6.55% 9.90% 0.396 8.09% 8.36% 0.3460 6.79% 9.66% 0.61 0.45% 16.00% 1.174 2006-10 10.92% -0.35% 11.28% 0.458 4.64% 6.29% 0.2270 3.80% 7.12% 0.471 0.72% 10.20% 0.768 2007-11 5.13% -15.11% 20.24% 0.944 -7.95% 13.08% 0.6150 0.42% 4.71% 0.328 -4.22% 9.35% 0.711 2008-12 -2.03% -23.40% 21.38% 1.095 -16.61% 14.58% 0.7880 -4.45% 2.42% 0.203 -3.20% 1.18% 0.192 2009-13 10.80% 0.75% 10.06% 0.511 5.04% 5.76% 0.3840 8.66% 2.14% 0.207 12.41% -1.61% -0.002 2010-14 -0.34% -6.40% 6.06% 0.359 -0.41% 0.07% 0.0230 1.25% -1.59% -0.096 7.63% -7.97% -0.558 Multiple Year Period Full Period 11.04% 2.70% 8.34% 0.702 1.71% 9.33% 0.8760 5.81% 5.22% 0.647 4.20% 6.84% 1.015 Bull Period 29.33% 28.00% 1.34% 0.114 27.23% 2.10% 0.1920 21.61% 7.73% 0.737 21.24% 8.09% 0.886 Bear Period -26.80% -44.60% 1.050 -46.98% 1.2340 -28.91% 0.135 -35.50% 8.70% 0.627 17.81% 20.18% 2 2.12% Notes for Tables 3a – 3d: 1) ***, ** and * Significant at the 1%, 5% and 10% level of significance respectively. 2) The t-statistic was calculated based on the paired difference test. 3) Bull and bear market period have been identified using the idea of non-overlapping ‘bull’ and ‘bear’ phases based on major peaks and troughs found in the global broad market index of S&P 1200 Global, presented in Gooding and O’Malley (1977) and more recently in Woodward and Anderson (2009), i.e. based on the variability of the index in case of this study. Bull market periods cover 121 months over 03.03 to 10.07, 03.09 to 04.11 and 10.2011 to 12.14 and bear market periods cover 35 months during: 01.02 to 02.03, 11.07 to 02.09 and 05.2011 to 09.2011. 4) Periods of time for Bull and Bear market periods are different in length than full calendar year, so returns in those rows are presented as annualised returns based on monthly returns. 5) Bold numbers indicate positive figures. 6) Cells highlighted grey identify the portfolio or index with the highest return for that period. 7) Singleyear period covers 12 months between 1stJanauary to 31stDecember. 8) Multiple-year period covers five consecutive single-year period. 3 Table 3b. Annual returns for single-year holding periods (1-year returns, January to December) and average annual (January to December) geometric returns for multiple-year holding periods (5-year returns) and bull and bear market periods from 2002 to 2014 for the ranked energy stocks portfolio (with dividends) and for the total return indexes of 1) global alternative energy (Wilder Hill New Energy Global Innovation and FTSE ET50 2) global energy market (MSCI World Energy) and 3) global broad market (S&P Global 1200). Portfolio with Dividend WilderHill New Energy Global Innovation Total Return Difference 2002 -1.45% -19.97% 2003 38.41% 54.87% 2004 35.87% 2005 Single-year Periods t- Statistic FTSE ET50 Total Return Difference t- Statistic 18.53% 0.599 -41.18% 39.74% 1.388* -16.46% -0.422 32.93% 5.48% 0.1810 20.37% 15.50% 0.667 13.79% 22.07% 0.9410 45.24% 21.04% 24.20% 0.734 11.32% 33.92% 2006 20.18% 34.82% -14.64% -0.377 36.47% 2007 41.58% 59.02% -17.44% -0.507 2008 -40.04% -60.62% 20.58% 2009 44.49% 40.91% 3.59% 2010 13.92% -13.92% 2011 -8.11% -39.56% MSCI World EnergyTotal Return Difference t- Statistic S&P Global 1200 TR Difference t- Statistic -5.93% 4.49% 0.178 -19.55% 18.10% 0.729 26.72% 11.70% 0.377 32.94% 5.47% 0.252 28.82% 7.05% 0.365 14.90% 20.97% 1.164 1.0760 29.39% 15.85% 0.4 10.17% 35.07% 1.281 -16.29% -0.4060 18.41% 1.77% 0.062 21.46% -1.29% 0.039 72.27% -30.69% -0.8830 30.39% 11.19% 0.406 10.23% 31.34% 1.368* 0.555 -54.54% 14.50% 0.3390 -37.71% -2.32% -0.06 -40.11% 0.07% 0.067 0.024 29.34% 15.15% 0.2790 27.04% 17.45% 0.443 31.69% 12.80% 0.297 27.84% 0.707 -5.20% 19.12% 0.4690 12.52% 1.40% 0.066 11.95% 1.97% 0.11 31.45% 0.956 -27.92% 19.82% 0.6470 0.70% -8.81% -0.234 -5.08% -3.02% -0.042 2012 -0.47% -4.17% 3.70% 0.103 5.82% -6.28% -0.2050 2.50% -2.96% -0.087 16.82% -17.29% -0.626 2013 10.93% 55.59% -44.66% -1.546* 44.58% -33.66% -1.584* 18.84% -7.91% -0.389 25.85% -14.92% -0.762 2014 -14.95% -2.20% -12.74% -0.574 -1.16% -13.79% -0.6570 -11.02% -3.93% -0.21 5.40% -20.34% -1.091 2002-06 26.47% 19.48% 6.99% 0.503 6.21% 20.25% 1.322* 18.66% 7.81% 0.597 10.46% 16.01% 1.46* 2003-07 35.97% 37.06% -1.09% 1.131 31.68% 4.29% 1.915** 26.67% 9.30% 1.248 17.64% 18.33% 2.238** 2004-08 15.02% 4.23% 10.79% 0.518 6.25% 8.77% 0.4090 9.89% 5.13% 0.355 0.30% 14.72% 1.225 2005-09 16.45% 7.56% 8.88% 0.343 9.00% 7.44% 0.2990 9.59% 6.86% 0.442 3.07% 13.37% 0.992 2006-10 10.92% 0.48% 10.45% 0.413 5.56% 5.37% 0.1800 6.57% 4.35% 0.31 3.40% 7.52% 0.593 2007-11 5.13% -14.42% 19.55% 0.902 -7.09% 12.22% 0.5670 3.18% 1.95% 0.169 -1.57% 6.70% 0.539 2008-12 -2.03% -22.66% 20.64% 1.047 -15.72% 13.70% 0.7330 -1.67% -0.35% 0.036 -0.42% -1.60% 0.015 2009-13 10.80% 1.79% 9.01% 0.448 6.22% 4.58% 0.3070 11.89% -1.09% -0.003 15.52% -4.72% -0.213 2010-14 -0.34% -5.38% 5.03% 0.286 0.66% -1.00% -0.0580 4.20% -4.54% -0.314 10.49% -10.83% -0.786 Full Period 11.04% 3.83% 7.21% 0.588 2.70% 8.33% 0.7720 8.77% 2.27% 0.321 6.81% 4.23% 3.000*** Bull Period 29.33% 29.45% -0.11% -0.009 28.49% 0.85% 0.0770 24.97% 4.36% 0.411 24.25% 5.08% 0.55 Bear Period -26.80% -44.06% 17.26% 1.366* -46.49% 19.69% 1.672** -26.87% 0.08% 0.005 -33.85% 7.06% 0.503 Multiple-year Periods 4 Table 3c. Annual returns for single-year holding periods (1-year returns, January to December) and average annual (January to December) geometric returns for multiple-year holding periods (5-year returns) and bull and bear market periods from 2002 to 2014 for the ranked energy stocks portfolio (without dividends) and for the price indexes of 1) global alternative energy (Wilder Hill New Energy Global Innovation and FTSE ET50 2) global energy market (MSCI World Energy) and 3) global broad market (S&P Global 1200). Single Year Period WilderHill New Portfolio without Energy Global Dividend Innovation Price Index Difference t-Statistic FTSE ET50 Price Index Difference t-Statistic MSCI World Energy Price Index Difference t-Statistic S&P Global 1200 Price Index Difference t-Statistic 2002 -4.05% -20.87% 16.82% 0.556 -41.75% 37.70% 1.347* -8.38% 4.33% 0.184 -21.03% 16.99% 0.7 2003 35.02% 52.62% -17.60% -0.499 31.50% 3.52% 0.1020 22.90% 12.13% 0.378 30.05% 4.97% 0.21 2004 33.03% 18.66% 14.37% 0.608 12.57% 20.47% 0.8660 25.33% 7.71% 0.38 12.53% 20.51% 1.133 2005 42.45% 19.41% 23.04% 0.701 10.27% 32.19% 1.0290 26.20% 16.26% 0.414 7.69% 34.77% 1.286 2006 17.56% 33.30% -15.74% -0.412 35.45% -17.90% -0.4510 15.80% 1.75% 0.058 18.75% -1.20% 0.038 2007 39.15% 57.91% -18.76% -0.574 71.30% -32.15% -0.9540 27.50% 11.65% 0.414 7.71% 31.44% 1.394* 2008 -42.32% -60.90% 18.58% 0.525 -54.89% 12.57% 0.3080 -39.35% -2.97% -0.059 -41.91% -0.42% 0.076 2009 40.82% 39.72% 1.10% -0.034 27.84% 12.98% 0.2260 22.89% 17.93% 0.449 27.80% 13.02% 0.291 2010 11.29% -14.56% 25.85% 0.655 -6.26% 17.55% 0.4250 9.53% 1.76% 0.061 9.16% 2.13% 0.102 2011 -11.10% -40.20% 29.09% 0.906 -28.63% 17.53% 0.5920 -1.88% -9.22% -0.242 -7.67% -3.43% -0.048 2012 -3.90% -5.54% 1.64% 0.034 4.54% -8.44% -0.2980 -0.54% -3.36% -0.107 13.57% -17.48% -0.646 2013 7.48% 53.92% -46.44% -1.642* 43.02% -35.55% -1.708* 15.34% -7.87% -0.407 22.68% -15.20% -0.804 2014 -18.14% -3.29% -14.85% -0.654 -2.07% -16.07% -0.7560 -13.71% -4.43% -0.216 2.84% -20.98% -1.137 2002-06 23.61% 17.93% 5.68% 0.395 5.19% 18.42% 1.1990 15.58% 8.04% 0.607 8.12% 15.49% 1.417* 2003-07 33.15% 35.41% -2.25% 1.030 30.52% 2.64% 1.798** 23.47% 9.68% 1.271 15.05% 18.10% 2.203** 2004-08 12.32% 3.12% 9.20% 0.441 5.38% 6.95% 0.3150 7.21% 5.12% 0.365 -2.08% 14.40% 1.228 2005-09 13.61% 6.55% 7.06% 0.258 8.09% 5.52% 0.2050 6.79% 6.82% 0.45 0.45% 13.16% 1 2006-10 8.14% -0.35% 8.49% 0.321 4.64% 3.50% 0.0870 3.80% 4.33% 0.31 0.72% 7.42% 0.594 2007-11 2.26% -15.11% 17.37% 0.807 -7.95% 10.21% 0.4710 0.42% 1.84% 0.166 -4.22% 6.48% 0.537 2008-12 -5.04% -23.40% 18.36% 0.943 -16.61% 11.57% 0.6270 -4.45% -0.59% 0.024 -3.20% -1.84% 0.001 2009-13 7.55% 0.75% 6.80% 0.315 5.04% 2.51% 0.1640 8.66% -1.11% -0.026 12.41% -4.86% -0.248 Multiple Year Period 2010-14 -3.51% -6.40% 2.89% 0.145 -0.41% -3.10% -0.2170 1.25% -4.75% -0.337 7.63% -11.13% -0.826 Full Period 8.03% 2.70% 5.33% 0.409 1.71% 6.32% 0.5730 5.81% 2.21% 0.312 4.20% 3.83% 0.646 Bull Period 25.75% 28.00% -2.25% -0.195 27.23% -1.48% -0.1370 21.61% 4.14% 0.4 21.24% 4.51% 0.5 Bear Period -28.88% -44.60% 15.72% 0.941 -46.98% 18.10% 1.1240 -28.91% 0.03% 0.002 -35.50% 6.62% 0.484 5 Table 3d. Annual returns for single-year holding periods (1-year returns, January to December) and average annual (January to December) geometric returns for multiple-year holding periods (5-year returns) and bull and bear market periods from 2002 to 2014 for the unranked (equally weighted) energy stocks portfolio (with dividends) and for the total return indexes of 1) global alternative energy (Wilder Hill New Energy Global Innovation and FTSE ET50 2) global energy market (MSCI World Energy) and 3) global broad market (S&P Global 1200). Portfolio with DVD WilderHill New Energy Global Innovation Total Return Difference 2002 2.07% -19.97% 2003 42.34% 54.87% 2004 40.46% 2005 52.94% 2006 Single Period Return t- Statistic FTSE ET50 Total Return Difference t- Statistic 22.05% 0.714 -41.18% 43.26% 1.505* -12.53% -0.334 32.93% 9.40% 0.2870 20.37% 20.09% 0.842 13.79% 26.67% 1.1110 21.04% 31.90% 0.901 11.32% 41.62% 1.2320 17.20% 34.82% -17.62% -0.446 36.47% -19.27% 2007 41.98% 59.02% -17.04% -0.467 72.27% 2008 -41.59% -60.62% 19.03% 0.516 2009 45.58% 40.91% 4.67% 2010 14.79% -13.92% 2011 -11.10% -39.56% MSCI World EnergyTotal Return Difference t- Statistic S&P Global 1200 TR Difference -5.93% 8.01% 0.312 -19.55% 21.62% 0.87 26.72% 15.62% 0.495 32.94% 9.39% 0.385 28.82% 11.64% 0.563 14.90% 25.56% 1.374* 29.39% 23.55% 0.564 10.17% 42.77% 1.437* -0.4700 18.41% -1.21% -0.018 21.46% -4.26% -0.062 -30.29% -0.8270 30.39% 11.59% 0.412 10.23% 31.75% 1.322 -54.54% 12.94% 0.3040 -37.71% -3.88% -0.092 -40.11% -1.48% 0.028 0.048 29.34% 16.24% 0.2960 27.04% 18.53% 0.453 31.69% 13.88% 0.314 28.72% 0.731 -5.20% 19.99% 0.4890 12.52% 2.27% 0.08 11.95% 2.84% 0.127 28.46% 0.859 -27.92% 16.83% 0.5500 0.70% -11.80% -0.292 -5.08% -6.01% -0.117 t- Statistic 2012 -0.65% -4.17% 3.52% 0.100 5.82% -6.47% -0.2010 2.50% -3.15% -0.086 16.82% -17.47% -0.61 2013 14.98% 55.59% -40.61% -1.425* 44.58% -29.60% -1.436* 18.84% -3.86% -0.183 25.85% -10.87% -0.569 2014 -15.29% -2.20% -13.08% -0.563 -1.16% -14.13% -0.6400 -11.02% -4.27% -0.21 5.40% -20.69% -1.043 Multiple Period Return 2002-06 29.61% 19.48% 10.14% 0.707 6.21% 23.40% 1.508* 18.66% 10.95% 0.807 10.46% 19.15% 1.695** 2003-07 38.45% 37.06% 1.39% 1.275 31.68% 6.78% 2.041** 26.67% 11.79% 1.395* 17.64% 20.81% 2.383** 2004-08 15.86% 4.23% 11.63% 0.569 6.25% 9.61% 0.4630 9.89% 5.97% 0.416 0.30% 15.56% 1.259 2005-09 16.69% 7.56% 9.13% 0.368 9.00% 7.69% 0.3250 9.59% 7.10% 0.466 3.07% 13.62% 0.995 2006-10 10.19% 0.48% 9.71% 0.386 5.56% 4.63% 0.1560 6.57% 3.62% 0.279 3.40% 6.78% 0.552 2007-11 4.26% -14.42% 18.68% 0.863 -7.09% 11.36% 0.5320 3.18% 1.09% 0.138 -1.57% 5.83% 0.494 2008-12 -2.92% -22.66% 19.74% 1.005 -15.72% 12.80% 0.6940 -1.67% -1.25% 0.01 -0.42% -2.50% -0.012 2009-13 11.16% 1.79% 9.36% 0.469 6.22% 4.94% 0.3330 11.89% -0.73% 0.03 15.52% -4.36% -0.172 2010-14 -0.25% -5.38% 5.13% 0.297 0.66% -0.91% -0.0410 4.20% -4.45% -0.293 10.49% -10.74% -0.753 Full Period 11.99% 3.83% 8.17% 0.685 2.70% 9.29% 0.8680 8.77% 3.23% 0.435 6.81% 5.19% 3.000*** Bull Period 31.01% 29.45% 1.56% 0.130 28.49% 2.52% 0.2230 24.97% 6.03% 0.556 24.25% 6.75% 0.712 Bear Period -26.71% -44.06% 17.34% 0.997 -46.49% 19.77% 1.1790 -26.87% 0.16% 0.01 -33.85% 7.14% 0.491 6 Table 4a. Modified Sharpe ratios (MSR) and Standard Deviations (SD) for the ranked stock energy portfolios (with dividends) and for total return indexes of 1) global alternative energy (Wilder Hill New Energy Global Innovation and FTSE ET50 2) global energy market (MSCI World Energy) and 3) global broad market (S&P Global 1200). Single-year Periods 2002 Ranked Portfolio With Dividend WilderHill New Energy Global Innovation Total Return FTSE ET50 Total Return MSCI World EnergyTotal Return S&P Global 1200 Total Return MSR SD MSR SD MSR SD MSR SD MSR SD -0.0001 -0.0727 -0.0013 -0.8026 -0.0034 -1.7183 -0.0003 -0.3358 -0.0010 -1.0984 2003 0.5085 1.7616 0.8992 3.1148 0.4513 1.5633 0.3900 1.3509 0.6659 2.3069 2004 0.6860 2.3765 0.3863 1.3383 0.2569 0.8899 0.6807 2.3580 0.4648 1.6101 2005 0.4847 1.6790 0.3200 1.1085 0.1746 0.6047 0.3389 1.1741 0.2531 0.8767 2006 0.2113 0.7321 0.3789 1.3127 0.3426 1.1866 0.1997 0.6918 0.5901 2.0441 2007 0.5521 1.9125 0.8322 2.8829 1.0148 3.5152 0.4574 1.5846 0.1665 0.5768 2008 -0.0042 -1.2118 2009 0.4504 1.5603 2010 0.1769 0.6127 2011 2012 2013 2014 -0.0004 0.0218 0.2556 -0.0006 -0.1857 0.0754 0.8856 -0.8922 -0.0089 0.3313 -1.6958 -0.0074 1.1476 0.2859 -1.4219 0.9903 -0.0034 -1.3108 -0.0028 -2.0371 0.3549 1.2294 0.3629 1.2571 0.1835 0.6357 -0.0008 -0.3904 -0.0001 -0.0582 0.1698 0.5881 -0.0033 -1.4688 -0.0018 -1.1873 0.0418 0.1447 -0.0001 -0.0707 0.0643 0.2227 0.3679 1.2745 1.7980 0.7425 2.5720 0.1891 0.6551 0.2206 1.7091 0.7223 0.0000 0.1363 2.5021 1.0428 -0.0301 0.0000 0.4722 3.6125 -0.0029 0.5190 -0.0004 -0.5495 -0.0002 -0.2151 Multiple-year Periods 2002-06 0.3529 2.7334 0.2779 2.1528 0.0877 0.6795 0.2680 2.0758 2003-07 0.4659 3.6087 0.5477 4.2426 0.4377 3.3906 0.3790 2.9356 2004-08 0.1829 1.4164 0.0711 0.5511 0.0924 0.7154 0.1289 0.9987 2005-09 0.1866 1.4456 0.1068 0.8269 0.1190 0.9216 0.1196 0.9265 0.0371 2006-10 0.1336 1.0350 0.0408 0.3164 0.0867 0.6712 0.0893 0.6916 0.0521 2007-11 0.0829 0.6418 -0.00077 -0.73875 -0.00021 -0.23702 0.0599 0.4639 2008-12 0.0176 0.1362 -0.00154 -1.31718 -0.00084 -0.94675 2009-13 0.1653 1.2804 2010-14 0 0.0259 0.2003 Full Period 0 0.1942 2.4258 Bull Period Bear Period 0.3512 -0.0021 3.8634 -2.0197 0.0611 -0.0001 0.0415 0.3335 -0.0048 0.4735 -0.2174 0.5188 3.6688 -0.00003 3.3932 -0.3088 0.2871 0.4037 -0.0785 0.0129 0.0996 0.0212 0.1644 0.1159 0.8980 0.1919 1.4864 0.2718 2.1057 0.0412 0.3191 0.0896 0.6941 0.2297 1.7789 0.0181 0.2263 0.1484 1.8530 0.0741 0.9250 0.3657 -2.9098 0.4381 -0.00004 -0.0050 4.0226 -3.2158 0.3405 -0.0019 3.7451 -2.3015 0.4890 -0.0019 5.3792 -3.7273 Notes for Tables 4a and 4b: 1) The modified Sharpe ratio was calculated based on the formula from Israelsen (2005): MSR = ER/SD(ER/absER), where ER is the excess return defined as mean monthly difference between the portfolio (or index) return and the risk-free return computed for n equal to 12, 60 or 156 months, respectfully, and SD is the sample standard deviation of the monthly differences of returns. 2) Bull and bear market period have been identified using the idea of non-overlapping ‘bull’ and ‘bear’ phases based on major peaks and troughs found in the global broad market index of S&P 1200 Global, presented in Gooding and O’Malley (1977) and more recently in Woodward and Anderson (2009), i.e. based on the variability of the index in case of this study. Bull market periods cover 121 months over 03.03 to 10.07, 03.09 to 04.11 and 10.2011 to 12.14 and bear market periods cover 35 months during: 01.02 to 02.03, 11.07 to 02.09 and 05.2011 to 09.2011. 3) Bold numbers indicate positive MSR and SD figures. 4) Cells highlighted grey identify the portfolio or index with the highest MSR ratio for that period 5) Single-year period covers 12 months between 1st January to 31st December 6) Multiple-year period covers five consecutive single-year period. 7 Table 4b. Modified Sharpe ratios (MSR) and Standard Deviations (SD) for the ranked stock energy portfolios (without dividends) and for the price indexes of 1) global alternative energy (Wilder Hill New Energy Global Innovation and FTSE ET50 2) global energy market (MSCI World Energy) and 3) global broad market (S&P Global 1200). Single-year Periods Portfolio Without Dividend WilderHill New Energy Global Innovation Price Index FTSE ET50 Price Index MSCI World Energy Price Index S&P Global 1200 Price Index MSR SD MSR SD MSR SD MSR SD MSR SD 2002 -0.0002 -0.2105 -0.0013 -0.8470 -0.0035 -1.7517 -0.0004 -0.4899 -0.0011 -1.1759 2003 0.4682 1.6219 0.8570 2.9688 0.4344 1.5047 0.3448 1.1944 0.6166 2.1360 2004 0.6307 2.1849 0.3560 1.2333 0.2350 0.8140 0.6084 2.1077 0.3876 1.3427 2005 0.4574 1.5843 0.2942 1.0193 0.1557 0.5393 0.3097 1.0728 0.1715 0.5941 2006 0.1795 0.6218 0.3628 1.2567 0.3338 1.1563 0.1666 0.5770 0.4882 1.6912 2007 0.5212 1.8055 0.8246 2.8564 0.9934 3.4412 0.4092 1.4177 0.0986 0.3417 2008 -0.0044 -1.2871 -0.0090 -1.7127 -0.0075 -1.4380 -0.0035 -1.4057 -0.0030 -2.1822 2009 0.4174 1.4460 0.3251 1.1262 0.2759 0.9558 0.3135 1.0860 0.3290 1.1397 2010 0.1466 0.5078 -0.0008 -0.4189 -0.0002 -0.0969 0.1373 0.4758 0.1477 0.5115 2011 -0.0006 -0.2878 -0.0034 -1.4997 -0.0018 -1.2251 0.0142 0.0491 -0.0003 -0.3659 2012 -0.0001 -0.1002 -0.0002 -0.1294 0.1098 0.3802 0.0136 0.0470 0.2999 1.0387 2013 0.1760 0.6098 0.7064 2.4469 1.0131 3.5093 0.4155 1.4395 0.6515 2.2569 2014 Multiple-year Periods -0.0008 -1.0829 -0.0001 -0.0871 0.0000 -0.0618 -0.0006 -0.7232 0.1077 0.3731 2002-06 0.3155 2.4437 0.2564 1.9859 0.0739 0.5727 0.2263 1.7529 0.2206 1.7091 2003-07 0.4293 3.3255 0.5245 4.0627 0.4223 3.2709 0.3363 2.6047 0.4381 3.3932 2004-08 0.1526 1.1819 0.0573 0.4441 0.0820 0.6348 0.0930 0.7205 -0.00004 -0.3088 2005-09 0.1580 1.2236 0.0964 0.7470 0.1097 0.8494 0.0857 0.6639 0.0371 0.2871 2006-10 0.1046 0.8104 0.0325 0.2520 0.0779 0.6034 0.0558 0.4324 0.0521 0.4037 2007-11 0.0538 0.4164 -0.0008 -0.7996 -0.0003 -0.3080 0.0273 0.2118 -0.00003 -0.0785 2008-12 -0.0001 -0.1071 -0.0016 -1.3834 -0.0009 -1.0281 -0.0001 -0.1603 0.0212 0.1644 2009-13 0.1241 0.9614 0.0502 0.3885 0.1009 0.7815 0.1484 1.1497 0.2718 2.1057 2010-14 0 -0.0001 -0.1330 -0.0002 -0.3172 0.0248 0.1917 0.0468 0.3622 0.2297 1.7789 Full Period 0 0.1614 2.0155 0.0291 0.3629 0.0070 0.0879 0.1115 1.3921 0.0741 0.9250 Bull Period 0.3103 3.4132 0.3181 3.4994 0.3504 3.8549 0.2959 3.2545 0.4296 4.7261 Bear Period -0.0023 -2.2040 -0.0048 -2.9606 -0.0050 -3.2617 -0.0020 -2.5119 0.0014 5.9161 8 Table 5a. Certainty Equivalent (CEQ) returns (for risk aversion parameters: γ = 0.5,γ = 1 andγ = 2) for the ranked energy stock portfolios (with dividends) and for the total return indexes of 1) global alternative energy (Wilder Hill New Energy Global Innovation and FTSE ET50 2) global energy market (MSCI World Energy) and 3) global broad market (S&P Global 1200). γ = 0.5 Single-year Periods WilderHill New Portfolio with Energy Global FTSE ET50 Dividend Innovation Total Return Total Return -0.19% 2002 2.78% 2003 2.55% 2004 3.02% 2005 1.24% 2006 2.63% 2007 -4.12% 2008 3.28% 2009 1.26% 2010 -0.60% 2011 0.04% 2012 0.92% 2013 -1.34% 2014 Multiple-year Periods 1.88% 2002-06 2.45% 2003-07 1.08% 2004-08 1.22% 2005-09 0.87% 2006-10 0.50% 2007-11 -0.02% 2008-12 0.99% 2009-13 0.06% 2010-14 0 1.24% Full Period 0 1.97% Bull Period -2.84% Bear Period γ =1 MSCI World EnergyTotal Return S&P Global 1200 Total Return WilderHill New Portfolio with Energy Global FTSE ET50 Dividend Innovation Total Return Total Return γ =2 MSCI World EnergyTotal Return S&P Global 1200 Total Return WilderHill New Portfolio with Energy Global FTSE ET50 Dividend Innovation Total Return Total Return MSCI World EnergyTotal Return S&P Global 1200 Total Return -2.00% 3.62% 1.45% 1.35% 2.10% 3.55% -7.52% 2.83% -1.28% -4.13% -0.38% 3.74% -0.20% -4.48% 2.30% 0.98% 0.65% 2.20% 4.24% -6.42% 2.11% -0.48% -2.71% 0.46% 3.11% -0.11% -0.65% 1.89% 2.03% 1.91% 1.01% 1.85% -4.02% 1.99% 0.96% 0.03% 0.19% 1.45% -0.98% -1.94% 2.31% 1.06% 0.56% 1.24% 0.43% -4.32% 2.29% 0.92% -0.45% 1.29% 1.93% 0.44% -0.27% 2.70% 2.52% 2.92% 1.14% 2.57% -4.42% 3.14% 1.10% -0.76% -0.04% 0.89% -1.40% -2.27% 3.53% 1.37% 1.25% 1.92% 3.45% -8.43% 2.32% -1.62% -4.51% -0.61% 3.59% -0.35% -4.83% 2.15% 0.89% 0.56% 1.94% 4.15% -7.33% 1.73% -0.82% -2.96% 0.38% 3.07% -0.21% -0.79% 1.75% 1.98% 1.71% 0.83% 1.76% -4.47% 1.80% 0.70% -0.27% 0.08% 1.40% -1.12% -2.10% 2.25% 1.04% 0.54% 1.22% 0.39% -4.56% 2.05% 0.74% -0.58% 1.23% 1.90% 0.41% -0.43% 2.54% 2.44% 2.71% 0.94% 2.45% -5.02% 2.85% 0.78% -1.09% -0.21% 0.82% -1.52% -1.72% 3.70% 1.53% 1.46% 2.29% 3.65% -6.61% 3.34% -0.93% -3.74% -0.14% 3.88% -0.05% -4.13% 2.45% 1.06% 0.73% 2.46% 4.34% -5.52% 2.49% -0.14% -2.45% 0.54% 3.16% 0.00% -0.51% 2.02% 2.08% 2.10% 1.18% 1.94% -3.57% 2.18% 1.22% 0.32% 0.31% 1.49% -0.84% -1.78% 2.37% 1.09% 0.59% 1.26% 0.47% -4.08% 2.54% 1.10% -0.32% 1.36% 1.97% 0.47% 1.31% 2.42% 0.25% 0.53% -0.01% -1.27% -2.07% 0.17% -0.44% 0.34% 2.08% 0.39% 0.61% 0.38% -0.61% -1.36% 0.53% 0.08% 1.24% 1.74% 0.58% 0.56% 0.37% 0.17% -0.16% 0.94% 0.34% 0.66% 1.12% -0.19% 0.07% 0.14% -0.21% -0.04% 1.21% 0.84% 1.80% 2.37% 0.97% 1.09% 0.72% 0.34% -0.18% 0.88% -0.03% 1.18% 2.31% 0.04% 0.23% -0.37% -1.67% -2.52% -0.14% -0.68% 0.17% 1.95% 0.17% 0.33% 0.02% -0.96% -1.70% 0.33% -0.07% 1.11% 1.62% 0.41% 0.36% 0.15% -0.07% -0.41% 0.77% 0.19% 0.60% 1.09% -0.24% -0.02% 0.01% -0.37% -0.21% 1.09% 0.76% 1.65% 2.23% 0.76% 0.83% 0.44% 0.03% -0.51% 0.66% -0.22% 1.45% 2.52% 0.46% 0.82% 0.35% -0.86% -1.62% 0.48% -0.20% 0.51% 2.21% 0.61% 0.90% 0.73% -0.26% -1.02% 0.72% 0.22% 1.37% 1.86% 0.74% 0.76% 0.59% 0.42% 0.09% 1.10% 0.50% 0.71% 1.16% -0.13% 0.16% 0.26% -0.06% 0.12% 1.33% 0.92% 0.04% -0.12% 0.71% 0.23% 1.08% -0.21% -0.38% 0.53% 0.13% 0.85% 0.30% 0.13% 0.89% 0.33% 1.96% -5.08% 1.92% -5.42% 1.69% -2.81% 1.68% -3.50% 1.88% -2.99% 1.87% -5.33% 1.85% -5.65% 1.63% -2.93% 1.65% -3.50% 1.71% -3.30% 1.68% -5.81% 1.70% -6.11% 1.49% -3.17% 1.59% -3.50% ˆk Notes for Tables 5a and 5b: 1) Certainty Equivalent (CEQ) returns are defined as: - ( 2 ) ˆ k2 , where ̂ k and ̂ k2 are the mean and variance of excess returns of a portfolio or an index k and is the risk aversion parameter. This formulation of CEQ assumes a multi-period investor with quadratic utility. The ‘normal’ level of risk aversion is 1, while higher (lower) values indicate higher (lower) levels of risk aversion. 2) Bull and bear market period have been identified using the idea of nonoverlapping ‘bull’ and ‘bear’ phases based on major peaks and troughs found in the stock market indexes, presented in Gooding and O’Malley (1977) and more recently in Woodward and Anderson (2009), i.e. based on the variability of indexes in case of this study. Bull market periods cover 121 months over 03.03 to 10.07, 03.09 to 04.11 and 10.11 to 12.14 and bear market periods cover 35 months during: 03.09 to 04.11 and 11.07 to 02.09 and 05.2011 to 09.2011.3) Bold numbers indicate positive CEQ figures. 4) Cells highlighted grey identify the portfolio or index with the highest CEQ value for that period for a given risk aversion level of . 9 Table 5b. Certainty Equivalent (CEQ) returns (for risk aversion parameters: γ = 0.5, γ = 1 and γ = 2) for the ranked energy stock portfolios (without dividends) and for the price indexes of 1) global alternative energy (Wilder Hill New Energy Global Innovation and FTSE ET50 2) global energy market (MSCI World Energy) and 3) global broad market (S&P Global 1200). γ = 0.5 γ =1 γ =2 Single-year Periods Portfolio without Dividend WilderHill New Energy Global Innovation Price Index 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 -0.41% 2.51% 2.34% 2.83% 1.04% 2.45% -4.34% 3.00% 1.02% -0.84% -0.26% 0.63% -1.60% -2.09% 3.49% 1.33% 1.24% 2.01% 3.49% -7.58% 2.76% -1.34% -4.21% -0.49% 3.64% -0.29% -4.56% 2.21% 0.89% 0.57% 2.14% 4.19% -6.48% 2.01% -0.57% -2.78% 0.36% 3.02% -0.18% -0.87% 1.63% 1.80% 1.69% 0.82% 1.66% -4.23% 1.71% 0.73% -0.19% -0.06% 1.19% -1.23% -2.09% 2.12% 0.89% 0.37% 1.05% 0.24% -4.56% 2.04% 0.71% -0.68% 1.06% 1.71% 0.23% -0.49% 2.43% 2.30% 2.73% 0.94% 2.40% -4.63% 2.86% 0.86% -1.01% -0.34% 0.60% -1.66% -2.36% 3.40% 1.25% 1.13% 1.83% 3.40% -8.49% 2.26% -1.68% -4.60% -0.73% 3.50% -0.45% -4.90% 2.06% 0.80% 0.48% 1.88% 4.10% -7.39% 1.64% -0.91% -3.04% 0.28% 2.98% -0.29% -1.00% 1.50% 1.75% 1.51% 0.64% 1.56% -4.67% 1.53% 0.47% -0.49% -0.18% 1.15% -1.37% -2.26% 2.06% 0.86% 0.35% 1.02% 0.20% -4.79% 1.80% 0.53% -0.81% 0.99% 1.68% 0.20% -0.64% 2.28% 2.23% 2.52% 0.74% 2.28% -5.22% 2.57% 0.53% -1.34% -0.51% 0.52% -1.78% -1.81% 3.58% 1.41% 1.34% 2.19% 3.58% -6.67% 3.26% -1.00% -3.82% -0.26% 3.79% -0.14% -4.21% 2.35% 0.97% 0.65% 2.39% 4.29% -5.58% 2.39% -0.23% -2.53% 0.44% 3.07% -0.08% -0.73% 1.76% 1.84% 1.88% 1.00% 1.75% -3.79% 1.89% 1.00% 0.11% 0.07% 1.24% -1.09% -1.93% 2.18% 0.92% 0.40% 1.07% 0.28% -4.32% 2.28% 0.89% -0.54% 1.13% 1.75% 0.26% 2002-06 2003-07 2004-08 2005-09 2006-10 2007-11 2008-12 2009-13 2010-14 0 1.66% 2.24% 0.88% 1.01% 0.65% 0.27% -0.28% 0.72% -0.20% 1.20% 2.31% 0.16% 0.45% -0.08% -1.33% -2.15% 0.09% -0.53% 0.26% 2.00% 0.32% 0.54% 0.30% -0.68% -1.45% 0.43% -0.01% 1.02% 1.53% 0.37% 0.34% 0.15% -0.05% -0.40% 0.69% 0.10% 0.53% 0.97% -0.33% -0.06% 0.04% -0.28% -0.11% 1.10% 0.70% 1.59% 2.16% 0.78% 0.88% 0.50% 0.11% -0.44% 0.61% -0.30% 1.07% 2.21% -0.05% 0.15% -0.44% -1.74% -2.60% -0.22% -0.77% 0.09% 1.88% 0.10% 0.26% -0.05% -1.03% -1.79% 0.24% -0.16% 0.89% 1.41% 0.20% 0.14% -0.07% -0.29% -0.65% 0.52% -0.05% 0.42% 0.90% -0.44% -0.24% -0.21% -0.59% -0.44% 0.86% 0.54% 1.44% 2.02% 0.57% 0.62% 0.22% -0.20% -0.77% 0.38% -0.49% 1.34% 2.42% 0.37% 0.74% 0.27% -0.93% -1.70% 0.39% -0.29% 0.43% 2.13% 0.55% 0.83% 0.65% -0.33% -1.10% 0.63% 0.13% 1.15% 1.65% 0.53% 0.54% 0.37% 0.19% -0.15% 0.86% 0.26% 0.53% 0.97% -0.33% -0.06% 0.04% -0.28% -0.11% 1.10% 0.70% Full Period 0 0.97% -0.05% -0.20% 0.49% 0.12% 0.86% -0.30% -0.46% 0.31% -0.07% 0.63% 0.21% 0.05% 0.67% 0.12% Bull Period Bear Period 1.73% -3.07% 1.87% -5.16% 1.84% -5.49% 1.46% -3.04% 1.47% -3.74% 1.64% -3.22% 1.77% -5.40% 1.76% -5.72% 1.40% -3.16% 1.44% -3.77% 1.47% -3.53% 1.58% -5.88% 1.61% -6.18% 1.26% -3.39% 1.38% -3.84% FTSE ET50 Price Index MSCI World Energy Price Index S&P Global 1200 Price Index Portfolio without Dividend WilderHill New Energy Global Innovation Price Index FTSE ET50 Price Index MSCI World Energy Price Index S&P Global 1200 Price Index Portfolio without Dividend WilderHill New Energy Global Innovation Price Index FTSE ET50 Price Index MSCI World Energy Price Index S&P Global 1200 Price Index 0 10 Table 6. Estimation results of parameters of Fama, French and Carhart four-factor modelin single and multiple-year periods (in years from 01.2002 to 12.2014) and estimation result (second row for each period) inclusive of Crude Oil Returns as control variable. Period Year 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 Single Year Period 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2005-10 Multi Year Period 2006-11 2007-12 2008-13 2009-14 2010-15 FullPeriod 2005-15 Bull period Bear period Constant RMRFt SMBt HMLt WMLt R2 Q(10) and p value Log Liklihood 0.85 7.494 (0.678) 31.9346 0.85 8.792 (0.552) 32.0452 -0.318596 0.49 8.087 (0.620) 29.0133 -0.325342 0.57 5.610 (0.847) 29.9661 0.85 7.273 (0.699) 30.6925 0.85 5.267 (0.873) 30.8749 -0.014224 0.373307 0.094944 0.377604 2.135884** -0.013481 0.440351 -0.071803 0.14456 2.061254** 0.008775 1.619958** -0.881506 0.118782 -0.887517** -0.744162 Crude Oil Return 0.017445* 1.417481** 0.017866 0.853918*** 0.007014 -0.620635 0.509437 0.021081* 0.834835*** 0.073989 -0.723879 0.530043 0.050905 0.128615 -0.066245 0.013184** 1.406031*** 0.419823 -1.087269*** 0.590721*** 0.98 12.873 (0.231) 34.3015 0.014923** 1.349006*** 0.346739* -1.034448*** 0.554365*** 0.066243* 0.99 11.157 (0.345) 37.1050 0.012117 -0.60477 0.86 15.339 (0.120) 27.7223 0.018734*** 1.023971*** -0.896372* -1.042441*** -0.259331** -0.178471*** 0.99 5.171 (0.739) 43.3879 0.015718*** 0.825687*** 0.164535 0.168918 -0.206418 0.98 20.188 (0.028) 41.6278 0.013044** 0.830532*** -0.05615 0.108657 -0.26975 0.98 11.379 (0.251) 40.4916 0.92 7.986 (0.630) 32.7620 0.92 8.903 (0.541) 32.8871 0.84 12.991 (0.224) 31.2335 0.84 12.991 (0.224) 31.2335 0.69 7.618 (0.666) 28.7700 0.71 8.448 (0.585) 29.0736 0.81 13.195 (0.213) 29.2085 0.81 13.171 (0.214) 29.2147 0.82 13.450 (0.200) 129.8928 0.83 14.862 (0.137) 132.1949 0.85 7.174 (0.709) 134.6739 0.86 6.719 (0.752) 136.0246 0.86 8.727 (0.558) 134.0395 0.87 6.796 (0.745) 135.1304 0.87 10.315 (0.413) 134.9878 0.87 9.159 (0.517) 135.3456 0.83 5.361 (0.866) 142.2625 0.83 5.386 (0.864) 142.2642 0.76 11.027 (0.355) 141.3655 0.79 13.445 (0.200) 140.8554 0.967583** -0.537041 -0.165463 0.000665 0.985782*** 0.970473 0.142348 0.033757 -0.000348 0.974171*** 0.844351 0.122086 0.004898 0.020114** 0.398052 -0.131041 -0.536214 -1.287057** 0.020108* 0.397941 -0.131445 -0.535694 -1.286874* 0.010183 1.382999*** 0.064512 -0.472101 -1.168215 0.007633 1.306** -0.428856 -0.910336 0.00741 1.179109*** 0.215953 2.582353*** 0.541991 0.008333 1.154522** 0.238513 2.556487*** 0.554703 0.017153*** 1.244363*** 0.042579 -0.656392** 0.158176 0.016015*** 1.189862*** -0.040242 -0.61929** 0.015254*** 1.18452*** -0.05118 -0.057313 0.150599 0.053357 0.000242 0.171674 0.013932 0.082014** -0.741959*** 0.061038 0.014597*** 1.143195*** -0.102242 -0.705494 0.00956*** 1.143234*** 0.246369 -0.605451*** 0.069596 0.008681** 1.106419*** 0.184971 -0.57223*** 0.067842 0.004362 1.112092*** 0.535058** -0.485496** 0.022112 0.004241 1.088869*** 0.485109* -0.462282** 0.021343 0.002572 0.991026*** 0.173037 -0.17853 -0.13866* 0.002542 0.989886*** 0.169475 -0.177378 -0.138129* 0.001342 0.909092*** 0.535716*** 0.216927 -0.204118** 0.003136 0.91052*** -0.264056* 0.410197* 0.09833 0.397281* 0.059906 0.061379 0.059756 0.03467 0.003038 0.091897* -0.059963 0.08564 0.76 7.252 (0.611) 253.2916 0.006971** 1.015647*** 0.210692 -0.091643 0.049209*** 0.118064*** 0.77 15.198 (0.125) 257.3550 0.007747*** 1.011631*** 0.203603 0.283492 -0.030592 0.64 6.2266 (0.796) 227.4019 0.005474* 0.965551*** 0.057503 0.431291* -0.059019 0.67 6.2775 (0.791) 225.2677 0.01342 1.275744*** 0.163282 -0.998632** 0.387154* 0.90 15.205 (0.125) 48.8200 0.013828* 1.204157*** 0.203264 -0.858074** 0.403789** 0.93 14.401 (0.155) 52.0919 0.006849* 1.075992*** 0.329049* 0.097086** 0.110651** Note: *** - statistical significance at the 1% level, ** - statistical significance at the 5% level and * - statisticalsignificance at the 10% level. 11