January Minutes - Summit County 4

SC4HSHA Minutes
January 16, 2014
Call to Order at 7:53
Pledges: American- Brian P, 4H- Haley L.
Clubs in Attendance: All Star Equestrians, BC Wranglers, Caballeros, Elite Equestrians, Equus Excellence,
Horse Sense, Junior Leaders, Knight Riders, Lucky Levis, Mane Attraction, Rough Riders, Royal Riders,
Saddle Seekers, Showman’s Corner, Trail Blazers II
Clubs not in Attendance: Macedonia Pioneers
Secretary’s Report: Carla K motion to approve the minutes, Cathy M. second. Approved.
Treasurer’s Report:
Checking Account:
Number Payee
Account Memo
Payment C Deposit Balance
12/20/13 2220
Accounts Website, etc. 614.31
Savings Account:
Number Payee Account
Payment C Deposit
Interest- Savings Interest
X 0.66
Extension Report: Jackie K- Checked with advisors to see who is the point of contact for the clubs.
Discussed new enrollment form, due by March 15. Carla K. asked if registration is $10 before March 1,
$15 until the deadline. Jackie K. confirmed. Junior Leaders only have to pay one fee as long as they are in
a regular club.
Committee Reports
Rules (Sara J.): Second reading of bylaws. Jim N. motion to approve 2nd reading of bylaws, Mike F.
second. Motion passed. 2 abstentions. Mike F. motion to waive 3rd reading. Angie H. second. Motion
passed, 1 no vote, no abstain. Motion passed.
Awards (Sara J., Kelly N., Judi A.)- placed order with Hodges yesterday, did not receive an invoice yet.
Advised fairboard will not be helping with cost of fair ribbons because they are helping with the cost of
judges. Jacki S. stated she believed the reason we added the meters to the buildings and raised the fee
for shows was to help with the ribbon order. Mary Ellen L. states she orders the ribbons and they are
smaller and fewer than ribbons Saddle Horse orders. Carla K. made motion to approve up to $5000 for
the initial ribbon order. Jacki S. seconds the motion. Carla K amended to state have the check match the
invoice, Jacki S amends her second. Vote; Majority approved, Two opposed. Motion passed. Joani H.
asked if awards committee could ask Fairboard if they could cover part of it. Sara J. agreed.
Ad Book (Carla K.)- Two covers sold. Ads are due on March committee meeting date at 6pm. Forms are
under the Fund Raising & Ad Book tab on the website.
Judges (Lynn S. & Carla K.)- All judges are hired. Every judge is on the 4H list. Open Show May (one
ring)- Katie Mills, $250, June 7- Rhonda Pickersill, 325, Jenna Letolier 125. Carla will email. Dee C. stated
last year we discussed not having the same judge twice in the same year because it is not fair for the
kids to have the same judges. Carla K. stated she did not know about this. Mike H. stated the Aug show
is not confirmed yet because of the Gay Games. Sara J. stated the steward at fair showed a portion of
the rulebook stating the State Judge’s list is merely a recommendation and we can use judges on
National Lists. Jacki S. motion to accept the judges with consideration of the August show. Sam O.
second. 18 for, 2 opposed. Motion passed.
Fair (Angie H. & Debbie H.)- Debbie H- theme is Keepin’ it Country. Passed out a draft proposal of point
classes. Top 7 of 10 classes for western, English, and contest, top 6 of 8 for saddleseat. Jacki S. asked if
there was a State Stakes class like last year, Dee C. said yes, it is Stakes Race. Sara J. asked to add
crossrail language to Novice Hunter over Fences, Debbie H. said OK. Sara J. asked if there would be a
certain number of classes to count for w/t high point. Sam O. said we didn’t talk about it at committee.
Debbie H. stated we will talk about this one next committee meeting. Dee C. stated she felt the
contesters could have one contest class taken out to make the numbers equal. Debbie H. stated this was
to give contesters more classes appropriate to their seat. Dee C. also asked why they did not have flags.
Gwen W. stated flags is a games class. Carla K. stated flags was dropped because of difficulties. The
committee did not decide on the fun classes yet. Joani H. asked what heights the jumps will be. Carla K.
stated it is in the contract that SC4HSHA will set the heights and the judge will follow it. Jackie K. asked
who determines the height level. Carla K. stated at state they let the kids pick the height within the
range offered. Debbie H. stated we did not talk about it yet at fair committee and it will be discussed.
Carla K. made motion to accept 7 of 9 classes for walk trot high point. Sam O. second. Vote: 1 opposed.
Motion passed. Carla K motioned to accept fair classes as presented. Mike H. second. 2 opposed. Motion
passed. Thursday is going to be Safety Day at the fair. We will suspend classes during the touch down
and take off of the Life Flight Helicopter. The helicopter will land near the cow barn/old ring C.
Open Show (Gwen W. & Jon W.)- Brian P. There are approximately 14 people signed up on Open Show
committee and only 5 people showed up. Please show up if you are on the list. Gwen W. states without
participation we won’t have open shows. Representatives for clubs do not have to be advisors.
Exhibition contest classes start at 2:30, classes to follow. Mike F asked if all day fee counts for both
Saturday & Sunday. Gwen W. said yes.
Horse Bowl (Sara J.)- Next meeting is Saturday at the Norton Community Center at 4pm.
Sunshine Club (Mary Ellen L.)- Sent cards to Mike & Angie H. Jim W. is doing better and is at home.
Denny B. isn’t feeling well.
Fair Board (Mary Ellen L. & Denny B.)- Most things were already discussed and the last meeting didn’t
really pertain to Saddle Horse.
Junior Leaders (Rachel S.)- January 26, 7p, Fairgrounds. Last meeting to add new members for this year
Finance (Judi A. for Brad H.)- Will have a finance meeting before the next meeting. Brian P. states the
budget form is on the website and asks all committee chairs to email the budgets to someone on
executive before the second Thursday in February. Debbie H. stated she turned in a fair budget to
Finance; asked if she had to do another. Jacki S. stated they will use what was turned in.
Old Business
Debbie H.- Had a receipt from last year’s fair for $9.55. Stated there was a 90 day time limit for
submitting receipts.
New Business
Jacki S.- Graduating seniors going to Youth Show, the deadline for the scholarship is 3/15. Hasbrouck
scholarship is due by 3/15 and is on the Akron Community Foundation website.
Mike F.- Cuyahoga Falls FOP closed their building, donated weed eaters & metal plates to Saddle Horse.
Angie H. will send Sara J. an email so a Thank You can be sent.
Chris W- PAS changes; new rulebook out in 2015, two new state classes, Ranch Horse Pleasure &
Western Dressage. Barrel times have changed for this year; is now easier. Patterns for PAS will be the
same across the state and are already online; were last year’s state patterns. State participants will now
sign up online for state.
Open Discussion
Carla K- Advisor update is the last Saturday in January in Columbus.
Kitra C. will be talking about show ring etiquette at the state.
Adjourn at 9:22