COMM 1100 HUMAN COMMUNICATIONS VITAL INFORMATION Website: .htm Materials Needed: Textbook: Understanding Human Communications by Adler and Rodman, 10th Edition 1 ½ inch Three Ring Binder with Daily Handouts Four Scantrons Pen/Pencil Small Stapler CONTENT In this course, students will investigate the variables which impact effective communication. Effective communication allows an individual to build healthy relationships and to be successful in the world. In addition to readings, students will engage in daily discussions which give students the opportunity to apply material learned in class to situations in their daily lives. CONTENT Several areas of communication effectiveness will be examined: Intrapersonal Interpersonal Small Group Public Speaking Mediated Communication DAILY SCHEDULE Each student will be provided with a daily schedule. This schedule will list the chapter being covered, major assignments, and any materials the student needs to bring to class. Only portions of the text will be covered in class. Students are responsible for using the provided website study guide to learn additional concepts. Classtime will also include a large amount of class discussions and group activities. MAJOR ASSIGNMENTS There are several major assignments in COMM 1100. These include but are not limited to the following: 2 major presentations 1 for service learning plus 15 service learning hours 3 major tests Multiple choice plus essay Daily Participation SUCCESS CPR Communication Participation Responsibility COMMUNICATION Discussion in class should be course related No side conversations with classmates Turn off cell phones (no texting) No laptops allowed Make sure you have the names and numbers of at least two classmates Use correct email etiquette Correct punctuation, grammar, GHC email address Please identify your class in the subject line with class CRN# Use correct classroom etiquette Do not enter or leave during speeches PARTICIPATION Attendance More than 5 = expulsion from class Each absence will incur at least a five point deduction in participation Mandatory attendance on ALL speech dates 20% deduction a day for missing classmate speeches Be on Time Bring all daily handouts All chapter handouts from my website It is strongly suggested that you bring the chapter outlines from the online textbook Add to the discussion Take notes RESPONSIBILITY Prior notification and documentation of emergency must be provided to instructor in order to make up tests and major speeches. Late daily work/outlines/bibliographies not accepted Speeches cannot be given unless a grade sheet is provided prior to speech SO, MAKE SURE YOU KNOW COMM CPR If you follow these guidelines, hopefully your experience in this course will be enjoyable. So, to get started on a good note, please print out the following handouts and bring in the requested materials when you come to class next week. HOMEWORK Print out the complete class syllabus, schedule, and student grade sheet Bring Scantron, pencil, and pen Print out first daily handout for chapter 1 Scenarios Purchase textbook, binder If you are in the Service Learning Class (TR 2 pm), you will also need a folder for Journal and Forms and the Service Learning Packet.