Syllabus for Public Speaking

Period 4
Public Speaking
Welcome to Public Speaking! In this cycle class, you will learn about the basic components of public
speaking through: viewing and analyzing famous speeches, learning techniques and strategies to improve
your public speaking skills, participating in interactive classroom activities, preparing outlines for speeches,
and creating your own speeches.
Develop an awareness of components of speaking to a variety of purposes and audiences.
Demonstrate competence in applying public speaking skills through a well-organized and wellsupported oral presentation.
Understand the power of language, to persuade, or give charge to, a whole group or society.
Identify feelings associated with positive speaking experiences.
Determine appropriate purposes statements for specific topics.
Develop comfort and confidence in speaking in front of an audience.
You will be required to come to class prepared every day. You may choose to have a binder with a
section for this course OR a single subject notebook and a folder. We will not take a great deal of notes in
this class, but you will receive handouts frequently. It is important to keep all of the information together
because it will help you prepare for your final presentation.
There will be three independent, major, assignments for this course as well as several group presentations.
For this course, you will be required to present three speeches. (subject to change)
1. A speech to inform
2. A speech to persuade OR class debate
3. A speech to celebrate or commemorate
You will learn about each type of speech and then work on creating your own in class and at home.
Additional Information
My main room is A201, right next to the Middle School Office. I will be available period 9, if you
ever want extra assistance on an assignment. I will post videos, blogs, and homework on my web page so it
is important that you visit my web page. If you come to class with an open mind, a positive attitude, and
willingness to learn, you are going to have fun in this class!
Contact information:
Period 4
Class Activities and Projects
 Group Projects and Presentations:
o Establishing Guidelines and Expectations for the
o Analyzing the Presidential Debate
o Create a Visual in a Creative Way
 Sample Activities
o “Just a Minute”
o Class Debate
o Peer and Self-Evaluation
o Body Language and Gesture Evaluation
o Understanding Verbal and Nonverbal
 Teacher Webpage and Class Handouts
 TED Talks
 The People Speak: A People’s History of the United
States and Voices of a People’s History of the United
Stated. Universal Music Company, 2009. CD-ROM.
 Carlile, Clark S., and Dana V. Hensley. 38 Basic Speech
Experiences. 10th ed. Logan: Clark Publishing, 2003.
N. pag. Print.