APUSH Unit 6 Key Terms

APUSH Unit 6 Key Terms
The Last West and New South Packet
1. Chinese Exclusion Act
2. Frederick Jackson Turner
(frontier thesis)
3. Sitting Bull
4. Crazy Horse
5. George Custer
6. Little Bighorn
7. Helen Hunt Jackson
8. Dawes Act
9. Wounded Knee
10. George Washington Carver
11. Tuskegee Insititute
12. Segregation
13. Jim Crow laws
14. Plessy v. Ferguson
15. Grandfather clause
16. Poll tax
17. Literacy test
18. Ida B. Wells
19. Booker T. Washington
20. Munn v. Illinois
21. Interstate Commerce Act
22. Grange Movement
Rise of Industrial America
23. Cornelius Vanderbilt
24. Transcontinental railroad
25. Pools
26. Panic of 1893
27. JP Morgan
28. Interlocking directorates
29. Bessemer process
30. Andrew Carnegie
31. Vertical integration
32. John D. Rockefeller
33. Horizontal integration
34. Sherman Antitrust Act
35. Laissez-faire capitalism
36. Social Darwinism
37. Gospel of Wealth
38. Samuel F. B. Morse
39. Alexander Graham Bell
40. Thomas Edison
41. George Westinghouse
42. Sears, Roebuck, Montgomery
43. Horatio Alger
44. Scab
45. Lockout
46. Blacklist
47. Yellow dog contract
48. Great Strike of 1877
49. National Labor Union
50. Knights of Labor
51. Terrence Powderly
52. Haymarket bombing
53. American Federation of Labor
54. Samuel Gompers
55. Homestead strike
56. Pullman strike
57. Eugene V. Debs
Growth of Cities
58. Columbian Exposition
59. “old” immigrants
60. “new” immigrants
61. Statue of Liberty
62. Ellis Island
63. Tenements
64. Frderic Law Olmsted
65. Political machine
66. Henry George
67. Edward Bellamy
68. Jane Addams
APUSH Unit 6 Key Terms
69. Salvation Army
70. Women’s Christian Temperance
71. John Hopkins University
72. W.E.B. DuBois
73. Jack London
74. Ashcan School
75. Louis Sullivan
76. Jazz
77. Jelly Roll Morton
78. Joseph Pulitzer
79. William Randolph Hearst
80. Melting pot
National Politics in the Gilded Age
81. Gilded Age
82. Roscoe Conkling
83. Stalwarts
84. Half-breeds
85. Mugwumps
86. Rutherford B. Hayes
87. James Garfield
88. Chester A. Arthur
89. Grover Cleveland
90. Pendleton Act
91. Bland-Allison Act
92. Benjamin Harrison
93. McKinley Tariff
94. Populist Party
95. Omaha platform
96. William Jennings Bryan
97. William McKinley