TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK Originator: Amanda Noble Date: 24 March 2014 Approved by: Type: Strategy Revised: [Date] TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK Contents Introduction 3–4 Priority 1: Organisational Development 5–6 Priority 2: Management Development 6–7 Priority 3: The Development of Staff and Professionalisation of Teaching 7–9 Priority 4: Effective Performance Management 9 - 10 Priority 5: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion 10 - 11 Priority 6: Continuous Improvement of Service Deliver 11 – 12 Appendix 1: Leeds College of Art Training and Development Planning Cycle Model 2 13 TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK Introduction This Training and Development Framework sets out the training and development priorities that will be implemented in the period 2014-2017. It supports the achievement of the goals set out in the Human Resources Enabling Strategy and is in-line with the objectives contained in the Leeds College of Art Strategic Plan 2012-2017. It has been developed following consultation with Heads of Departments, Senior Managers and supported by the Senior Management Team. Against the backdrop of a rapidly changing operational environment the intention of this framework is to make a valuable contribution to organisational performance. Its purpose is to link training and development activities systematically with business needs and to establish priorities and plans for activities and resources, as demonstrated in the Leeds College of Art Training and Development Planning Cycle model, in Appendix 1. This training and development framework supports the Leeds College of Art Strategic Plan 2012-2017 and, reinforces the College’s commitment to the development of its staff. The College will support effective staff development and the professionalisation of teaching to ensure that we will have well trained and skilled staffs that are able to deliver its strategic objectives and deliver a high level of student experience and satisfaction. This commitment is part of a long term policy of supporting the development of staff across the College and thereby enhancing the overall level of core workplace skills and in turn the performance of the organisation. There are a number of priorities within the College’s Strategic Plan which align with the work undertaken by the training and development function. These are: To provide student-centred teaching and training in an environment which nurtures excellence, leads to graduate success, and supports economic growth and cultural enhancement. To develop our research practice and innovation which enhances teaching and learning. To consolidate our reputation as an influential art school, collaborating with others locally, nationally and internationally to support student success and cultural advancement. To further evolve a vibrant and professional culture which attracts and retains staff who actively engage in self-development and make a full contribution to the College community. To further develop an inclusive community which welcomes staff and students from a wide range of cultures and backgrounds. 3 TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK This strategy is aligned with both the Human Resource Enabling Strategy and the Leeds College of Art Strategic Plan 2012-2017 in that is recognises that the Colleges greatest asset is its staff. This is underpinned by the following set of principles and priorities: Our staff are our most valuable asset that play the definitive role in the learning experience of our students. Attracting and retaining well-qualified, high-performing and motivated staff is of utmost importance to our future success. Our employees should feel valued in the workplace with their contribution appropriately and fairly recognised. Continuing development is essential as the College seeks to support and maximise talent and help employees to perform at their best. Appreciating and valuing the diversity of our people will develop an inclusive community which welcomes staff and students from a wide range of cultures and backgrounds. This training and development framework is based around 6 key training and development priorities which the team lead and champion on behalf of the College which supports the College operationally: 1. Organisational Development 2. Management Development 3. The Development of Staff and Professionalisation of Teaching 4. Effective Performance Management 5. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion 6. Continuous Improvement of Service Delivery 4 TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK Priority 1: ORGANISATIONAL DEVELOPMENT To deliver a sustainable organisational development function that meets current and future training and development needs of the College. Background The Leadership Foundation for Higher Education describes Organisational Development as: “….. work that focuses on how an organisation functions. In essence, organisational development in higher education is about helping the HEI to harness more of its collective talents in order to succeed in its various joint endeavours: enhancing the quality of the student experience; supporting and directing the expansion and extension of the field of human knowledge and understanding; or establishing thriving enterprise ventures. The benefits from OD actions can be described in terms of an organisation’s capacity to learn and change.” By adopting this methodology this will ensure Leeds College of Art has the right people with the right skills that have intelligent flexibility to become more versatile and interchangeable to deliver our strategy both now and in the future. With the ever-evolving nature of the business Leeds College of Art has always had its foundations deeply rooted in the delivery of excellence in teaching and learning. With the most recent change seeing the College transfer to the higher education sector the priority of the staff development function is to ensure that staff across the organisation have the necessary skills and behaviours to perform outstandingly within this sector whilst maintaining its reputation as a College of choice within further education. Leeds College of Art values and is committed to developing all its staff’s capabilities and commitment through a wide range of individual and organisational training and development opportunities and programmes. To do this we will: Develop an interrelated organised approach to talent management and workforce planning that will identify and develop our leaders for the future, ensuring we are equipped with “home grown” talent. Systematically identify and review all training and development requirements and activities through the effective use of the College’s probationary and annual progress review processes and develop an annual training plan based on operational need. Identify future development needs and develop a culture of succession planning through the utilisation of departmental annual CPD plans and review staffing capabilities in all areas to ensure that we have the skills needed for the future whilst keeping costs within the sector norm. 5 TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK Share best practice in others and take opportunities to be a training organisation through knowledge transfer and internal and external networking. Deliver a comprehensive training and development induction for all new and recently promoted staff to promote individual ownership of staff development. Support the Learning Teaching and Enhancement Strategy by facilitating development opportunities and events that meet training needs identified through the lesson observation and peer review processes. Support the Research Strategy through the facilitation of scholarly activity and knowledge transfer. Assist staff in gaining professional recognition of their excellence in delivering teaching and learning by supporting all HE staff in gaining accreditation of the HEA. Priority 2: MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT To design, develop and deliver a sustainable, integrated management development programme that aligns with the operational and strategic business strategy. Background Prior to 2010 Leeds College of Art outsourced its management development training. Sector Training were contracted to deliver its “Managers into Leaders” programme on an annual basis to a cohort of up to 12 staff cross college. The Training and Development Officer as part of a comprehensive evaluation participated on this training programme, alongside researching leadership and management development methodologies and practices in relation to both the education sector and the wider business community. Findings from this research identified the programme was very much focused on the FE sector. Although the delivery was good the programme content was no longer fit for purpose and aligned with the College’s strategic objective in gaining HEI status and transferring into the HE sector. The Training and Development Officer has developed an integrated, holistic management development programme that will equip managers throughout the organisation with the skills and knowledge they need to meet both present and future challenges ensuring sustainable organisational performance. This management development programme will enable participants to translate strategy into effective workforce performance and contribute to meeting the College’s strategic objectives. 6 TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK To do this we will: Incorporate a range of training methods and resources. Promote the College’s mission and values in delivering excellence in teaching and learning through effective management. Link Leeds College of Art management competencies, probation and annual progress reviews to programme delivery content. Assist our managers in reflecting on their abilities and encourage ownership of their own professional development. Complete skills audits and incorporate a range of development opportunities to meet current and future training needs identified. Participants and their Managers to agree a timetable of mandatory and optional events to ensure the programme is fit for purpose and fully supported within each individual departmental areas. Promote cross discipline integration through knowledge transfer and internal networking. In support of this process a peer support programme will run concurrently with experienced and competent senior staff supporting delivery and promoting a shared vision. Integrate specialist knowledge into the programme through the delivery of sessions by senior internal staff and external high-quality professionals of management and behavioural skills training. Integrate a continuous and comprehensive evaluation process to ensure this programme remains fit for purpose and enhances staffs performance. PRIORITY 3: THE DEVELOPMENT OF STAFF AND PROFESSIONALISATION OF TEACHING Ensure that we have well trained and skilled staff who are able to deliver our strategic objectives and deliver a high level of student experience and satisfaction in-line with the College’s mission, values and vision. Background With major changes to funding and tuition fees, and students becoming increasingly vocal about the quality and expectations of their HE experience the landscape for UK Higher Education is becoming increasingly challenging. Strategic investment in staff development 7 TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK will contribute to staff’s abilities in meeting such challenges and will ensure that all academic and support staff are able to contribute fully to meet organisational objectives. The underlying focus of all our staff development activity is presented in this training and development framework. The staff development activity itself can take many forms – formal and informal training, internal and external courses, e-learning, attendance at conferences and exhibitions, scholarly activity and further qualifications. The College’s policy is that the progress of each member of staff will be initially reviewed through the College’s probationary process. After satisfactory completion of this, each staff member will then progress onto the annual progress review process. These allow for an exchange of views to take place between job-holders and their immediate managers. These review processes are used as the initial identification of individual training needs within the College, which can be identified by the manager or staff member. Ad hoc requests generated by managers and staff members are considered throughout the course of the year. To do this we will: Ensure all training and development activity is linked to organisational and operational strategic objectives. Prioritise training needs identified to provide staff and managers with the required skills and competence to perform their roles efficiently and effectively. Ensure all academic and support staff have the essential qualifications identified in their job descriptions to enable them to meet the requirements of their roles. Provide opportunities for all staff to engage in on-going training and professional development through one staff development week each academic year and, continuous activities on an on-going basis. Support the College’s strategic aim of gaining Taught Degree Awarding Powers through identification of training and development opportunities that promote professionalism of teaching and learning at the College. Strengthen subject-specialist knowledge and encourage staff to develop their research through promotion of scholarly activity. Ensure the use of Portal and E Studio are used effectively to promote training and development activity and share good practice cross College. Develop a training plan and undertake skills audits for all staff to identify staff’s current and future training and development requirements. 8 TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK Monitor and continuously review the APR process to ensure it remains fit for purpose and continues to support the identification, delivery and evaluation of training and development. Rigorously monitor budget expenditure to ensure training and development activity provides value for money. Provide opportunities for staff to meet both legislative and procedural requirements related to their individual roles by attending training such as health and safety, equality diversity and inclusion, policy and procedure, and management development training. Promote the College’s commitment to realise and invest in the potential of all its staff by maintaining its Investors in People Standard. PRIORITY 4: EFFECTIVE PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT Effectively manage the performance of staff to enhance their contribution to the strategic objectives of the College. Background Performance management is a key tool in ensuring staff engage in their own training and development. This is done through the College’s probation and annual progress review processes, and fosters a continuous process of development for all. It is critical that managers understand and effectively implement the College’s performance management processes. The College has recently reviewed its probationary periods policy, its appraisal process (the annual progress review) and its capability policy. These policies provide managers with the clarity to support their teams to embrace change, engage in a business-like environment and to tackle under performance where it exists. Linked to our management development initiatives we will ensure that our managers are trained in performance management practices to enable them to be more proactive in performance managing their staff to ensure that the College achieves its strategic aims and objectives. To do this we will: Ensure managers positively engage in performance management by promoting the effectiveness of a robust and efficient method of engaging staff in developing their capabilities and promoting a learning culture. Support managers in managing expectation whilst actively promoting realistic and achievable training and development ambitions. 9 TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK Identify cross College training and development themes and implement development opportunities to meet these needs, based on operational need. Encourage managers and staff to agree realistic and achievable training and development aims and objectives in-line with the College’s strategic objectives. Evaluate all training and development activity to ensure value for money and impact to business delivery. PRIORITY 5: EQUALITY, DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION Support the College’s strategic objective in continuing to develop as an Investors in Diversity institution. Background Equality, diversity and inclusion is embedded within all areas of service delivery in the College, and there is a transparent culture of openness and fairness for all staff. By encompassing equality, diversity and inclusion within training and development all cultures and values are embraced and respected by both our students and staff. As well as this cultural aspect of equality, diversity and inclusion the College is aware that all staff need to be aware of their responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010, and that we have a legal obligation to comply with the Public Sector Equalities Duties. These include the need to: Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Act. Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not. Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not. Through training and development at the College we will ensure that managers are supported in continuing to develop a culture that meets these obligations. To do this we will: Provide equality and diversity awareness training to all staff which is delivered through e-learning at induction to ensure all staff are fully trained in their responsibilities relating to equality, diversity and inclusion. 10 TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK Bridge the gap between the College’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy and service delivery through on-going specific training and development. To achieve this we will work collaboratively with external bodies to provide sector training to all staff, which is linked to the identification of good practice in teaching and learning across the College. Develop this training to be flexible and responsive to external changes, challenges and the needs of the sector. Ensure equality, diversity and inclusion themes are embedded in all training courses and activities and challenge any unacceptable behaviour. Remove physical and non-physical barriers which might prevent staff from fully engaging in training and development. Promote the College’s commitment to internationalisation by promoting an international multi-cultural ethos within all dimensions of training and development. PRIORITY 6: CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT OF SERVICE DELIVERY To continuously evaluate the delivery of service of the training and development function. Background The success of the training and development function at Leeds College of Art not only depends on learning outcomes but also how knowledge transfer is embedded into service delivery. To measure the value, worth, merit or effectiveness of a programme, information about individual learners must be aggregated to provide a holistic picture of over-all service delivery. Quality assurance measures are built into the design and delivery of all training and development activity. Implementation and delivery costs for training, individual and organisational satisfaction measures will provide qualitative and quantitative evidence in the form of monthly reports to the Head of Human Resources and quarterly reports to the Senior Management Team. To do this we will: Incorporate a robust evaluation process as part of the development of all internal training activity and ensure that each programme is fit for purpose. Evaluate all completed training and development activity against immediate general effectiveness. The College’s annual progress review process will be used to determine the long term effectiveness of all activities. 11 TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK Research and analyse strategies for determining the identification of training and development needs and develop appropriate training strategies to capture this. Review the design of documents to obtain information from staff as to the effectiveness of all training activity completed. The Training and Development Framework is overseen by the College’s Training and Development Officer. Action plans are determined annually for the following year by the College’s Training and Development Officer and submitted for approval to the College’s Head of Human Resources and Senior Management Team. The Training and Development Officer is accountable to the Head of Human Resources for the delivery of this framework. 12 TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK Appendix 1 Leeds College of Art Training and Development Planning Cycle Learning and Development Organisation Strategic Direction Human Resource Enabling Strategy and Training and Development Framework Strategic Objectives Annual training plan Annual Operational Plans Training needs identified to support annual operational plans Cascade of objectives through Annual Progress Reviews Completion of personal development needs linked with annual progress reviews Tasks to be acheived Training and development activity Measures of achievement Outcomes and evaluation of training and development 13