Special TELSOM 2011 Report Final - Telecommunication Regulator

Final and Confidential
- SPECIAL TELSOM 2011 4 – 7 July 2011, Pattaya, Thailand
Mrs. Jirawan Boonperm, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Information
and Communication Technology and the TELSOM Leader of Thailand, welcomed all
delegates to Pattaya, Thailand. She highlighted the importance of this Meeting as
one that will discuss, prioritise and allocate resources to advance regional ICT
cooperation through the implementation of the ASEAN ICT Masterplan 2015 (AIM
2015). Mrs. Jirawan also informed the Meeting that Thailand, to support the AIM
2015, is gearing towards implementation of the National Broadband Policy to
enhance the capacities of businesses and industries, improve access to government
services and promote universal access to broadband at affordable price. She wished
the Meeting successful outcomes and also wished all delegates a pleasant stay in
Ms. Nur Sulyna Lim Abdullah, Acting Senior Director for International Affairs,
Corporate Communications and Legal Division of the Malaysian Communications
and Multimedia Commission, informed the meeting that the TELSOM Leader of
Malaysia (TELSOM Chairman) is unable to attend this Meeting due to an urgent
assignment at home. The TELSOM Chairman conveyed his best regards and
appreciation to ASEAN Member States for their support to Malaysia in leading the
ICT cooperation for this year in ASEAN and wished for a successful Meeting. Ms.
Sulyna assumed the role of Chairman on behalf of the TELSOM Chair. She briefed
the Meeting on the expected outcomes and looked forward to a fruitful discussion.
The Meeting considered and adopted the Agenda which appears as ANNEX
The Meeting was held in plenary.
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The ASEAN Secretariat updated the Meeting on the relevant ICT-related
decisions/actions arising from the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Council and
the ASEAN Coordinating Committee on Connectivity (ACCC) Meetings.
With regards to the AEC ICT Scorecard, the Meeting noted that most of ICT
actions for the period of 2008 - 2011, especially those related to the adoption of
AIM2015, implementation of various actions and agreements on information
infrastructure, network security, e-commerce and other areas, were fully
The ASEAN Secretariat informed the Meeting that there remained only one
action of the AEC ICT Scorecard that needs to be completed by end of 2011, namely
“Facilitation of the High Speed Interconnection among all National Information
Infrastructure (NII) through ASEAN Broadband Initiative”.
The Meeting noted that the Mid-Term Review of the AEC Blueprint will be
carried out to assess whether the measures adopted have been effective and
whether implementation of the AEC Blueprint has contributed to economic growth,
employment, competitiveness and social welfare within ASEAN. The Economic
Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) will be assisting the ASEAN
Secretariat in providing policy analyses and recommendations to the ASEAN
Economic Ministers (AEM) on this Mid-Term Review exercise.
The ASEAN Secretariat also informed the Meeting on the discussions related
to two projects within the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity, i.e. “Establish an
ASEAN Broadband Corridor” and “Develop ICT Skill Standards”. The Meeting noted
that the ASEAN Infrastructure Fund (AIF) with a capital of USD 485.2 million
contributed by the ASEAN Member States and the ADB will be established upon the
final approval of ASEAN Finance Ministers Meeting (AFMM). The ASEAN+3 Finance
Ministers Meeting will also be considering options to enhance the infrastructure in
East Asia in 2012 which can be used by ASEAN in the implementation of the ASEAN
Connectivity. The ASEAN Secretariat will update TELSOM on the operational
procedures and guidelines of the AIF once it has been finalized.
The Meeting is of the view that one measure in the Master Plan on ASEAN
Connectivity namely “Feasibility Study on an ASEAN Telecommunication Single
Market beyond 2015” will involve various sectors, such as trade, investment and ICT.
However, the Meeting agreed that the key elements for the Feasibility Study can be
initiated by TELSOM/ATRC and its further undertaking may be conducted by and/or
jointly with SEOM. The Meeting requested the ASEAN Secretariat to discuss with
Dialogue Partners and/or a third party to find funding support for this Feasibility
The briefing note of the ASEAN Secretariat appears as ANNEX 2 - 4.
Final and Confidential
The Project Proponents of TELSOM Priority Projects presented the status,
outcomes and recommendations of the following projects:
5.1 ASEAN ICT Fund (AICTF) Supported Projects
Tsunami Alert Using VIPO
Indonesia informed the Meeting that all designed milestones and activities of
the project, i.e. the system design, development, Lab Test & Evaluation and field
trials in Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines, had been completed in an effort to
develop a kind of the last mile technology for quick dissemination of Tsunami Early
Warning information system to the nearby population.
The Meeting considered the project updates and accepted the project’s
completion report.
The project presentation appears as ANNEX 5.
Framework for Network Information Centre
As Cambodia was absent, the Meeting agreed to request Cambodia to
present the project’s outcomes at the next TELSOM Meeting.
Setting Up the ASEAN Internet Exchange (AIX) for Internet Working
among ASEAN Member Countries
Indonesia, as the Project Proponent, highlighted the progress and activities
related to two key objectives of the project, i.e. (i) to develop an ASEAN Internet
eXchange (AIX) Master Plan as a guideline or framework to establish AIX, and (ii)
the AIX Implementation Guideline.
The Meeting noted that a Regional Workshop on AIX will be organized in
September 2011 in Bandung, Indonesia to review the ASEAN Infrastructure, the
draft AIX Master Plan and the AIX Implementation Guideline.
The Meeting agreed to encourage participants, especially the major IXs/ISPs
representatives, to attend the workshop in order to receive the policy
recommendations from the IXs/ISPs toward IX business in the region.
The presentation of Indonesia appears as ANNEX 6.
E-Mall Phase II
Viet Nam informed the Meeting that the last deliverable of the e-Mall Project,
i.e. to set up the sub e-Malls in other ASEAN countries, has been completed. Viet
Nam also requested the ASEAN Member States to provide details of the contact
person of each sub e-Mall so that the network of sub e-Malls can discuss the ways to
promote the operation of the E-Mall.
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The Meeting considered the project report and, with all deliverables achieved,
the Meeting agreed that the project is completed.
The presentation of Viet Nam appears as ANNEX 7.
ASEAN ICT Industry Briefing
The Meeting noted the on-going preparation for the ASEAN ICT Industry
Briefing and the outcomes of the Industry Roundtable will be reported to
High Frequency Spectrum Monitoring Coordination in ASEAN
Viet Nam presented the project progress and informed the Meeting that the
project team has drafted the survey questionnaire on HF usage and monitoring, and
will use the survey’s outcomes for the development of Agenda for the 2-day ASEAN
Workshop on HF which will be held tentatively in October/November 2011.
The presentation of Viet Nam appears as ANNEX 8.
ASEAN Cyberkids Camp 2010
Malaysia informed the Meeting that the ASEAN Cyberkids Camp was
successfully organized in 2010. The Meeting noted that several countries are
considering to organize the National Cyberkids Camp.
ASEAN – EU Training for Law Enforcement, Judges and Prosecutors on
Malaysia informed the Meeting on the preparation and activities related to the
development of cybercrime training module for judges, prosecutors and law
enforcement authorities based on international best practices and standard
(Convention on Cybercrime – Budapest Convention).
The Meeting noted that only three ASEAN Member States, namely Malaysia,
Thailand and Viet Nam, were participating in the workshop which was being held in
Malaysia on 4 – 8 July 2011.
Malaysia will complete the workshop report and share the workshop’s
recommendations to other ASEAN Member States in due time.
The presentation of Malaysia appears as ANNEX 9.
Efficient Management for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
Brunei Darussalam informed the Meeting on the preparation for a regional
workshop on EIA which will be organized on 25-26 July 2011 in Brunei Darussalam.
Final and Confidential
The Meeting requested ASEAN Member States to send the appropriate participants
to the workshop.
The presentation of Brunei Darussalam appears as ANNEX 10.
ASEAN e-Government Development Plan
Thailand informed the Meeting that this project is the first attempt to tackle the
regional aspiration as stipulated in the ASEAN ICT Masterplan 2015, i.e. to develop
an e-services roadmap as in the AIM2015.
Thailand, in reference to the outcomes of the ASEAN Workshop on TOR for
ASEAN e-Services Roadmap held from June 9 – 10, 2011 in Koh Samui, reported to
the Meeting the view of ASEAN delegates and the industry’s participants, i.e. IBM,
Oracle and HP, that it is easy to develop the e-Government or e-Services strategy
(or roadmap) but it is much more difficult to implement it.
The Meeting shared the view that e-Government is a cross cutting issue and
involving many other public services agencies. While agreeing that TELSOM can
initiate some ideas, the Meeting views that there is a need to call for a closer
coordination amongst other agencies to promote using ICT as a tool to deliver
services to the public (e-government applications and services).
The presentation of Thailand appears as ANNEX 11.
ASEAN CERTs Incident Drill (ACID) 6
Singapore informed the Meeting that the ASEAN CERTs Incident Drill (ACID)
this year is scheduled to take place in the last week of September 2011. The ACID
2011 will focus on detection and investigation of upcoming malware attacks. The
Meeting noted that SingCERT is finalising the scenarios and is working on the Rules
of Engagement document which will be circulated to ASEAN CERTs in August 2011.
The Meeting also noted that apart from all ASEAN CERTs, Dialogue Partners
will also join the ACID 6, namely Japan, China, Korea, India and Australia.
The presentation of Singapore appears as ANNEX 12.
Dynamics of Women in ICT Sector in ASEAN
Indonesia informed the Meeting on the project progress. The meeting noted
that a regional workshop with a theme on “ICT, Women and Prosperity of the
Nations” will be held on 21-22 September 2011 in Jakarta to share views on the ICT
impacts to women and to provide policy recommendations to address digital divide,
as well as to promote women empowerment through ICT.
ASEAN Member States were requested to send participants to the workshop
in Indonesia.
The presentation of Indonesia appears as ANNEX 13.
Final and Confidential
Workshop for ASEAN ccTLD in the Adoption of IPv6 and DNSSEC in
Domain name System.
Malaysia informed the Meeting that the workshop organised by myDOMAIN
REGISTRY was participated by seven ASEAN Member States and Japan from 29
June – 1 July 2011 in Malaysia, focusing on how DNSSEC work and the internet
engineering innovation to increase the security of Internet infrastructure in the region
through the adoption of DNSSEC in ASEAN ccTLD Domain Name System. The
Meeting noted that the project received funding support of USD 29,970 from the
ASEAN-Japan ICT Cooperation Fund.
The presentation of Malaysia appears as ANNEX 14.
Open Source Software (OSS) 3D Animation Skill Improvement Training
for ASEAN Universities
Malaysia informed the Meeting that ITU-Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM)
Asia-Pacific Centre is working on this project, and that a training program on OSS
3D Animation will tentatively be held on 21 November – 3 December 2011 in
The Meeting noted that this project receives a funding support of USD 40,000
from the ASEAN-Japan ICT Cooperation Fund.
The presentation of Malaysia appears as ANNEX 15.
Engaging ASEAN in the Trial of Security Models for VoIP-based SIP
Indonesia informed the Meeting on activities related to the development and
recommendation on the best models and solution to secure VoIP implementation in
ASEAN countries.
Indonesia also informed the Meeting that, in accordance with the project work
plan, a field trip to Japan to do a comparison study on VoIP security implementation,
i.e. trial and integrate to Softswitch/IMS in NTT Japan, is being organized on 26 – 28
July 2011. The Meeting requested ASEAN Member States to inform Indonesia of
their interest to participate in the field visit.
The Meeting noted that a regional workshop to share the outcomes of the
project will be organized in September 2011.
The presentation of Indonesia appears as ANNEX 16.
ICT Adoption by SMEs
Singapore provided updates on the “ICT Adoption by SMEs” project.
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Singapore informed the Meeting that several dialogue partners are interested
in this project and have committed to provide funding (Japan) and/or organize
workshops in their own countries (China and ROK). To avoid duplication, Singapore
and the ASEAN Secretariat are working with China and ROK to design an alternative
approach and theme for the relevant workshop.
For the first year (in 2011), Singapore, with the funding support of the ASEANJapan ICT Cooperation Fund (of an amount of USD 20,000), suggested to invite
Dialogue Partners, i.e. China, Japan, and ROK, to the workshop which is tentatively
scheduled in Singapore on 13-14 October 2011. Future workshops in China and
ROK will also be organized taking into consideration of recommendations and
outcomes of this year’s workshop in Singapore.
The Meeting considered the suggestion of Singapore and agreed to invite
China, Japan and ROK to the ASEAN workshop in October 2011 in Singapore.
The presentation of Singapore appears as ANNEX 17.
ASEAN Technical Architecture
Interoperability (ASEAN - TAFEGI)
Thailand informed the Meeting that the project has secured funding from the
ASEAN-ROK Special Cooperation Fund (SCF). Thailand also informed the Meeting
that the Implementation Agency has been appointed and the project will be kicked
start soon.
The Meeting noted that Thailand will present the project progress at the next
TELSOM Meeting.
5.2 Cooperation Projects with Dialogue Partners
ASEAN-India ICT Projects
The Meeting noted that the two proposals on “Workshop on Local Content
Development for ASEAN Countries (Indonesia)” and the “Empowering ASEAN
Homeworkers through the Usage of ICT (Thailand)” are being considered by the
Committee of Permanent Representatives (CPR) to ASEAN for the funding support
of the ASEAN-India Cooperation Fund.
The Meeting also noted the progress of another India’s funded project on
“Feasibility Study on e-Network project for CLMV Countries”. The concerned
countries, CLMV countries, will have a side-line meeting to agree on the timeline and
issues to be discussed with the Indian Consulting Team (TCIL).
The ASEAN Secretariat briefed the Meeting on the new Indian proposal to
train 500 participants from ASEAN Member States on five courses, namely
Certificate of Proficiency in Web Design and Development
Certificate of Proficiency in e Governance Application Development
Aptech Certified Network Engineer
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Aptech Certified Enterprise Application Developer
Aptech Certified Open Source Developer
The meeting noted that these training courses will be funded by the ASEANIndia Fund (a budget of USD 1,472,734).
The Meeting agreed that the training courses are beneficial to ASEAN,
especially to increase capacity of the government employees and professionals in
the ASEAN Region. The Meeting approved the project and looked forward to its
timely implementation. The details of the project appear in ANNEX 18.
ASEAN-China ICT Projects
The ASEAN Secretariat briefed the Meeting on the status of the project on
“China-ASEAN Workshop on ICT Applications in Disaster Preparedness and
Response (China)”.
The Meeting noted the request from CPR to consult with SOM-ED on the
educational modules in the “China-ASEAN Seminar on Long Range Education
Cooperation”. The Meeting was of the view that it will be good to promote crosssectoral cooperation, especially in the education sector since the project relates to
distance learning methodology. As such, the Meeting agreed with the suggestion of
CPR and requested the ASEAN Secretariat to consult with SOM-ED to move forward
the project.
The Meeting noted that the project concept of the ASEAN-US cooperation on
“ASEAN Rural Connectivity for Education and Development Conference“ has been
discussed at the working group level. The Meeting was informed by the ASEAN
Secretariat that the TOR for the project has been developed and the regional
conference is scheduled to be organized on 21 – 23 September 2011 in Ha Noi, Viet
The Meeting reviewed the TOR and also approved this TOR in principle
which appears as ANNEX 19.
ASEAN-Japan ICT Cooperation
The ASEAN Secretariat informed the Meeting that Japan, in consideration to
support the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity, has proposed to conduct a
“Feasibility Study of an ASEAN Smart Network”. The Feasibility Study will assist
ASEAN to inspect the current status of ICT infrastructures in and between ASEAN
countries and will support the establishment of necessary guidelines to utilize a new
generation of high speed networks in and between ASEAN and with Japan.
The Meeting exchanged views and agreed that it will be beneficial to ASEAN
in a concerted effort to promote development of information infrastructure in the
region. The Meeting supported the project’s idea and agreed to seek Japan’s
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assistance through the Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF) to conduct the
Feasibility Study on the ASEAN Smart Network.
The presentation of Japan appears as ANNEX 20.
6.1. ASEAN ICT Fund
The Meeting noted that the ASEAN ICT Fund as of 31 May 2011 has a
balance of USD 4,139,982.52.
The Meeting noted that eight (8) Member States have completed their
contribution of USD 500,000 each to the ASEAN ICT Fund. Cambodia and the
Philippines have each contributed a total of USD 400,000 to the Fund. The deadline
for the final contribution is 31 December 2011.
The Meeting also noted that the ASEAN-Japan ICT Cooperation Fund, with
the 2nd contribution from Japan, an amount of USD 150,000 in 2011, has a balance
of USD 219,132.14
The Statement of the Bank Accounts appear as ANNEXES 21 and 22.
6.2. Terms of Reference of TELSOM Working Groups
The ASEAN Secretariat informed the Meeting that the draft TOR of the two
TELSOM WGs, namely i.e. WG 1 on Economic Transformation, People Engagement
& Empowerment, ICT Capacity Development and Innovation; and WG 2 on ICT
Infrastructure and Bridging the Digital Divide, have been discussed at the TELSOM
WG Meeting in April 2011.
The Meeting noted the TELSOM WG suggestions to highlight the need (i) to
synergize the TELSOM WG functions with the ASEAN ICT Masterplan 2015, (ii) to
highlight the role of the ASEAN ICT Centre and the ASEAN Secretariat in supporting
the TELSOM programmes and activities, and (iii) to propose the generic roles of the
Joint WG to address the cross-cutting and common policy matters of both WGs.
The Meeting reviewed the WG discussion and emphasized the possibility to
establish specific sub-WGs if there is a need to do so.
The Meeting also agreed to continue the current practice, i.e. the WG will be
meeting back to back, and to organize the JWG meetings to coordinate the issues of
both WGs. However, the WG Chair will consult with other ASEAN Member States to
organize a separate WG Meeting if there is a need.
The Meeting considered and adopted the TORs of TELSOM WG which appear as
ANNEXES 23 and 24, respectively.
Final and Confidential
6.3. Projects to Implement the AIM2015
Thailand and Brunei Darussalam as the Chair of TELSOM WG 1 and WG 2
briefed the Meeting on the outcomes and recommendations of the WGs Meetings,
held on 4 – 6 April 2011 in Siem Reap, Cambodia.
The Meeting considered and endorsed the Report of WG 1 and WG 2 which
appear as ANNEXES 25 and 26.
The ASEAN ICT Centre presented an overview of all new proposals for 2011
– 2012, and the proposed budget for each project. The presentation of the ASEAN
ICT Centre appears as ANNEX 27.
The Meeting was briefed by Project Proponents on the following projects:
ASEAN ICT Skills Standard Definitions and Certifications/ASEAN –
Thailand presented the ideas on the project which aims to promote
development of ICT Skills Standards for the whole ASEAN. Thailand emphasized
that this project will focus on the strategic skills that are highly sought after and/or will
be in need for ASEAN in near future. As such, the project will work on a possible set
of standards taking into account the industry’s standards such as Microsoft and
Cisco, etc.
The Meeting agreed on the need to hire consultant(s) for this project.
The Meeting was of a the view that this is a good initiative and agreed to use
the ASEAN ICT Fund, at an amount of USD 69,000, to support this project (Phase I).
The ASEAN Secretariat and AICTC are requested to assist Thailand in aligning the
project budget’s items with the allowable expenditures of the ASEAN ICT Fund.
The project proposal and the presentation appear as ANNEXES 28 and 29.
Intra-ASEAN Secure Transaction Framework
Thailand presented the project proposal with an aim to further develop the
outcomes of the Project Phase I (CA-CA Interoperability) e.g. Technical framework
for CA-CA Interoperability between ASEAN Countries and Project Phase II (CA-CA
Interoperability Framework in ASEAN), e.g. PKI situations in ASEAN and Principle
guidelines for CA establishment. and,
Thailand informed the Meeting that this project will aim to develop framework
for intra-ASEAN secure electronic transaction, by updated survey on legal
development for electronic signature and study technical framework supporting
secure electronic transactions.
The Meeting recalled the undertakings and outcomes of the AADCP project
namely “Harmonisation of e-Commerce Legal Infrastructure in ASEAN” (by Galaxia),
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and was of a view that -this project can refer to the AADCP project’s outcomes/
recommendations and utilize the network of in-house experts in ASEAN for its
implementation. (i.e. it is not necessary to hire external consultants at this stage). As
such, the Meeting suggested Thailand to review the project activities re-focusing on
study of the best practices.
The Meeting agreed to set aside a nominal budget of USD 10,000 from the
ASEAN ICT Fund which will be used for data collection and development of best
practices for this project.
The project proposal and the presentation appear as ANNEXES 30 and 31.
ASEAN e-Government Development Action Plan
Thailand presented to the Meeting the need to develop further on the eGovernment Action Plan taking into outcomes of the recommendations of the
ASEAN Workshop on TOR for ASEAN e-Services Roadmap held on June 9 – 10,
2011 in Koh Samui, Thailand.
This project will focus on (i) Study Best Practices & Gap Analysis, and (ii)
Develop Strategic Action Plan which will stocktake and analyse e-government
development and usage in ASEAN and will develop Strategies to promote eServices for all levels from users to service owners
The Meeting exchanged views and agreed that it is necessary to work on
initial steps and find the common areas on e-services which are on high agenda of
ASEAN Member States. As such, the Meeting requested Thailand to narrow the
focus of the project at this stage, e.g. sharing of views on e-Government strategies
and practices in ASEAN countries
The Meeting also agreed to -exclude workshop activity at this stage. The
Meeting agreed to use an amount of USD 40,000 from the ASEAN ICT Fund for this
The presentation and project document appear as ANNEXES 32 and 33.
PPP Model for ICT
The Meeting noted that the study will involve a survey which will outline an
appropriate structure for ICT projects to be implemented through the PPP model.
The study will also engage the business community and stakeholders to solicit views
on the proposed ICT projects, with examples taken from areas like health systems,
energy grids or traffic management systems.
Similar to other project’s recommendation, the Meeting suggested Singapore,
as the project proponent, to utilize the in-house expertise instead of hiring
consultants for this study. As such, the Meeting agreed to take out the consultant
cost from the project and a nominal budget of USD 10,000 will be used if there is a
need to complete the report of this study.
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Information Highway – ASEAN Broadband Corridor
100. Singapore briefed the Meeting on the two phases to promote the ASEAN
Broadband Corridor, which will provide a clear picture of an ASEAN common
definition of broadband and quality broadband connectivity, broadband infrastructure
development for wireless access at strategic locations (e.g. airports).
101. The Meeting noted that the Phase I will be implemented in 2011-2012
focusing on data collection, analysis and recommendations to outline the policy
actions to spur broadband adoption and effective use. The Phase II will be
implemented in 2013-2015 period to identify a common milestone on ASEAN
Broadband Corridor.
102. Singapore proposed an idea to study the feasibility of the Wireless@ASEAN
initiative by 2015. The Meeting noted the WG discussion on this issue and was of
the view that WG will have to revisit this idea once the outcomes of the Phase I are
available. Singapore and other countries will share information on the similar
initiatives, such as the recommended locations for free wireless, the minimum
quality, speed and costs of implementation.
The Meeting agreed to provide an amount of USD 10,000 for the Phase I.
104. The project document and presentation of Singapore appear as ANNEXES 34
and 35.
Promoting Diversity of International Connectivity among ASEAN
Member States
105. The Philippines recalled the decision of the 9th TELMIN Meeting on the need
to update the Study on the Framework on International Connectivity for Disaster
Preparedness and Recovery.
106. The Meeting noted that the update will consider actions to protect submarine
cables as a critical infrastructure, and the need for ASEAN Member States to
cooperate in the undersea cable repair. The Meeting was of the view that it is
necessary to start with stock-taking of the process, procedures and regulations
involved in the undersea cable repair.
The Philippines will be contacting ITU for their available experts on this issue.
The Meeting agreed to budget an amount of USD 10,000 for this project.
109. The project document and presentation of the Philippines appear as ANNEX
36 and 37.
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CIRT Readiness Assessment for Myanmar, Cambodia, Lao PDR and Viet
110. Myanmar presented the necessity to conduct an assessment for cyber
security in CLMV Countries. The Meeting agreed that this is a timely proposal as
many ASEAN Member States are facing cyber threats recently and many cyber
incidents occurred that reduce the seamless and continuity of operation in several
public services websites. The presentation of Myanmar appears as ANNEX 38.
111. The Meeting noted that ITU will be assisting Myanmar to conduct the
assessment and a workshop on this issue will be organized to share information on
ways to strengthen the readiness of national capacity before the cyber threats.
112. The Meeting requested Myanmar to work with ITU for a clear work plan. The
Meeting also encouraged other Dialogue Partners to participate in the workshop.
113. The Meeting agreed to budget an amount of USD 25,000 as a cost-shared
contribution with ITU in implementation of this project.
Bridging the Digital Divide Task Force
114. Malaysia presented the scope and stages to implement several USO
initiatives under the ASEAN ICT Masterplan 2015. The Meeting noted a necessity to
further coordinate with other sectors, for example the education sector to promote
ICT education, and to develop platforms within the ASEAN institutional framework for
collaboration with other ministries, etc.
115. To ensure a maximum impact and minimum duplication on the USO activities,
the Meeting agreed to establish a Task Force on Bridging the Digital Divide which
will be discussing issues and projects related to Strategic Thrust 6 of the AIM2015.
The Task Force meetings, if any, will be held back-to-back to with TELSOM
116. The Meeting exchanged view on the TOR of the Task Force and agreed that
the Task Force will oversee the USO programs and activities over the next 5 years.
The Meeting requested AMS to provide comments on the TOR of the Task Force.
117. For a quick kick start, the Meeting agreed to set aside a budget of USD
10,000 for the Task Force in 2011-2012. The budget of the following years will be
discussed based on the Task Force’s work programmes and activities.
118. The draft TOR and presentation of Malaysia on the Task Force appear as
ANNEXES 39 and 40.
ASEAN ICT Innovation Award
119. Brunei Darussalam presented the overall plan and 5 categories for the
ASEAN ICT Awards programme.
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120. The Meeting agreed that it is important to prepare a good background and
detailed work plan to ensure the first success and meaningful impact of the ASEAN
ICT Awards.
121. The Meeting exchanged views on the categories of awards and suggested to
start with a generic award such as ICT for public sector, private sector (SMEs), ICT
innovations to help bridge digital divide, and ICT products. The Meeting requested
Brunei Darussalam to consider this idea and narrow the categories of awards for
further consideration of TELSOM in Myanmar.
122. The project document and presentation of Brunei Darussalam appear as
ANNEX 41 and 42.
123. The Meeting agreed to recommend TELMIN to announce the plan to conduct
the ASEAN ICT Innovation Award at the 11th TELMIN in Myanmar. The first award
will be judged and conferred at the 12th TELMIN in 2012.
124. The Meeting agreed to set aside a budget of USD 10,000 for development of
the business plan for the 1st ASEAN ICT Innovation Award programme.
125. Brunei Darussalam presented an idea to organize a 2-days forum for all the
ASEAN CIOs from both Government sector and private sector in order for them to
have a platform to promote sharing of best practices and to establish meaningful
collaboration. The Meeting noted that the ASEAN CIO Forum can be carried out on a
yearly basis and its results can be documented on the ASEAN website for public
126. The Meeting shared the view that this (CIO) has become increasingly an
important issue and it is necessary to organize such Forum in ASEAN.
127. Noting that Thailand’s event namely “ASEAN - CIO Conference2011 @
Bangkok will be organized in November 2011. 2011 -, The Meeting agreed to work
with this Conference’s organizer to convene the 1st ASEAN CIO Forum during this
time to synergize the efforts and learn the best organizing model for the regional CIO
Forum. The Meeting requested Brunei Darussalam to work with Thailand on the
agenda and arrangement for the first ASEAN CIO Forum during CIO Conference in
Bangkok, Thailand.
128. The Meeting agreed to set aside a budget of USD 20,000 to bring in the
government CIOs to the 1st ASEAN CIO Forum.
129. The project document and presentation of Brunei Darussalam appear as
ANNEX 43 and 44.
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130. Indonesia presented the ideas for the AIX Phase II project (ANNEX 45). The
Meeting noted that Indonesia will be inviting ASEAN participants, especially the
major IXs/ISPs representatives, to the Regional Workshop on AIX in September
2011 to review the ASEAN Infrastructure and propose policy recommendations to
support the business of the region’s internet exchanges in future.
131. The Meeting agreed that there is a need to have the outcomes and
recommendations of the Workshop, especially the IXs/ISPs policy recommendations
to TELSOM on how the policy changes/updates can assist them in the regional IX
business. While waiting for the recommendations of the AIX Phase I Project, the
Meeting noted the necessary to coordinate all issues related to information
infrastructure, such as the AIX, AIG, international diversity and connectivity, etc. The
Meeting agreed to form a “Task Force on Infrastructure” which will be led by the
relevant proponents of other project, namely Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand.
Other interested countries are encouraged to join the Task Force.
132. The Meeting agreed to set aside a budget of USD 20,000 for the Task Force if
it needs to convene a Meeting and/or technical workshop in 2011-2012.
ASEAN Internet Gateway (AIG)
133. The Meeting recalled the discussion on AIX and shared the same view that
this issue may be of more interest by the private sector. However, the Meeting
agreed that ASEAN can work together to facilitate this initiative as it can have
greater benefits for the region. The Meeting requested Thailand to further lead the
discussion on this matter under Task Force of Infrastructure and recognising the
synergies between the AIX and AIG projects, to coordinate and work closely with
Indonesia as project proponent of the ASEAN IX project in order to minimise
The presentation of Thailand appears as ANNEX 46.
Training Course on ICT Strategic Planning for ASEAN Countries
135. Viet Nam presented a proposal to organize 5-day training course on ICT
strategic planning which aims at increasing the capacity of ASEAN officials on the
skills to forecast, analysis, visioning, prioritise ICT strategic planning. The Meeting
agreed with Viet Nam’s proposal to submit this project for cost sharing with Dialogue
Partners and was of view that it will be best beneficial in cooperation especially with
136. As such, the Meeting agreed to implement the project and agreed to use an
amount of USD 20,000 from the ASEAN ICT Fund for this project. The ASEAN
Secretariat is requested to transmit this project to Japan for their consideration of
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137. The project document and presentation of Viet Nam appear as ANNEXES 47
and 48.
Facilitating the Provision of Broadband
Strengthening the USO Policy in ASEAN
138. Viet Nam informed the Meeting that this is a joint project between ICT and
Education Sector.
139. The Meeting noted that amongst other activities, Viet Nam will assess the
current USO policy regarding broadband access universalization in school in ASEAN
Member States. As the work on reviewing USO policies will be coordinated by the
Task Force on Bridging the Digital Divide (Malaysia), the Meeting suggested Viet
Nam to work with Malaysia to highlight the demarcation between this project and the
overall USO review.
140. The Meeting agreed on the budget of USD 40,000 from the AICTF to support
this project.
141. The project document and presentation of Viet Nam appear as ANNEXES 49
and 50.
142. The Meeting agreed to expedite the implementation of AIM 2015 by allowing
projects which have been approved to get budget allocation from AICTF begin their
implementation process prior to TELMIN’s approval.
143. The Meeting requested the concerned Project Proponents to send to the
ASEAN Secretariat the final project documents which request funding consideration
of Dialogue Partners and ITU so that the ASEAN Secretariat can communicate
immediately with external parties for the funding and technical support.
144. The projects that will need cost-shared contribution or technical support of
external parties are:
CIRT Readiness Assessment for CLMV (Myanmar)
Sub Marine Cable Protection (the Philippines)
Training course on ICT strategic planning for ASEAN (Viet Nam) and
Facilitating the provision of Broadband to Every School by strengthening USO
Policy in ASEAN (Review of USO Policy not only school (Viet Nam)
145. In summary, the Meeting agreed on the attached funding arrangement for the
2011-2012 ICT projects (ANNEX 51).
6.4. The 2011-2012 New Projects for Dialogue Partners’ Support
146. The Meeting exchanged views on other projects proposed to seek Dialogue
Partners’ support. The Meeting agreed that the first priority will be to seek Dialogue
Partners and ITU’s support for the projects that have a direct relation to the
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AIM2015. Other projects will also be sent to seek external funding support once
approved by TELSOM.
147. The Meeting requested the ASEAN Secretariat to inform the following project
proponent if there is a funding source:
Centre of Excellence for Research and Development Using Business
Processing Model/BPM (Brunei Darussalam)
Policy Research for Government Roles on ICT Sectors: A Measure for
Addressing Digital Divide and Accelerating ASEAN Economic
Transformation/GRETr ASEAN Project (Indonesia)
ICT Solutions and Recommendations on Policy for Assisting Disable People in
ASEAN Member Countries (Viet Nam)
Train-the Trainer Course on Information and Communication Technologies
Essentials for Local Government leader Capacity Building for ASEAN Countries
(Viet Nam)
These project documents appear as ANNEXES 52 – 55.
149. The Meeting noted that the ASEAN Secretariat has contacted with ASEAN
Business Advisory Council (ASEAN-BAC) and the ASEAN Chamber of Commerce
and Industry on how to promote the AIM2015 with the Private Sectors and Industry
Associations. The Meeting noted that it is unlikely the event be. The Meeting agreed
with the JWG Chair that the ASEAN Secretariat will discuss this issue at the WG on
the best method to promote the AIM2015 to the private sectors and industry
150. The Meeting noted that the AICTC Governing Council (AGC) has met and
agreed with the suggestion to revise the TELSOM Project Management Manual,
notably on the budget planning process, the cut-off deadline for the kick off and
completion of the project, new range of DSA (per diem), fellowship arrangement, the
fluctuation of currency exchange in case of using of local currency for the contract,
the government levies and other taxes on the project money, among others. The
ASEAN Secretariat will coordinate with the ASEAN ICT Centre and will work with
the WG/JWG to revise the Project Management Manual.
151. With the specific issue on the GST applied to the project on “Study of
International Roaming Charges in ASEAN”, the AGC agreed to cover the GST on top
of the project budget and noted that this will not be the precedence for other cases.
152. The Meeting noted that there are many projects using consultants and
[organizing physical workshops]. In many case, the participation rate to the workshop
is low. As such, the Meeting agreed to minimize using the external consultants and
encourage to use in-house experts, and to reduce the number of physical
workshops. The Meeting shared a view that it may be more efficient for the project
proponent to present the outcomes of their studies and to discuss the policy
recommendations directly to JWG/WGs Meeting. The Meeting noted that this
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arrangement would make the WG/JWG Meeting longer. As such, the Meeting tasked
JWG/WG to discuss this matter and submit the solutions for further guidance of
153. The Meeting discusses and agreed to submit the List of Indicative Projects
and Estimated Budget for 2012-2013 for the 11th TELMIN consideration/approval.
154. The Meeting agreed to convene a 2-day TELSOM Retreat in early October
2011 to propose activities and estimated budget for 2012-2013, review the progress
of ICT cooperation and select the issues that will be brought for attention/decision of
TELMIN. This will facilitate the project implementation process and bring forward the
budget approval process in order for the projects to be carried out expeditiously. The
ASEAN Secretariat is requested to consult with ATRC if they will be joining TELSOM
in the Retreat. The Meeting also agreed to provide a budget of USD 25,000 for the
155. The Meeting also was of the view that it is necessary to conduct a Mid-Term
Review on the AIM2015 Implementation. The Meeting noted that the ASEAN
Secretariat will develop a proposal on this issue. The Meeting agreed that a third
party or consultant may need to be hired to conduct the Review in 2012.
156. The Meeting noted that the draft ASEAN-ITU MOU has been discussed at
WG Meetings. The Meeting further requested ASEAN Member States to provide
comments and inputs, if any, to the ASEAN Secretariat by 30 July 2011. After that,
the ASEAN Secretariat will consult with ITU and the ASEC Legal Division to finalize
the draft MOU so that ASEAN Member States can conduct the internal process to
endorse the MOU.
157. The Meeting also considered and agreed to authorize the ASEAN SecretaryGeneral to sign it on ASEAN behalf. The ASEAN Secretariat requested TELSOM
Leaders to facilitate expeditious consideration by the CPR, given the target of
signing the MOU during the 11th TELMIN in early December 2011 in Myanmar.
158. Myanmar, as the Host Country, briefed the Meeting on preparation for the 11th
TELMIN/12th TELSOM and its associated meetings with Dialogue Partners and ITU.
The Meeting noted that the 11th TELMIN is scheduled on 5 – 9 December in Nay Pyi
159. The Meeting noted the theme of the 11th TELMIN is “ICT: Engine for Growth
in ASEAN”. The presentation of Myanmar on the 11th TELMIN/12th TELSOM
appears as ANNEX 56. Myanmar expressed their invitation to all TELSOM Leaders
and looked forward to meeting TELSOM in Myanmar in December 2011.
160. The Meeting agreed to convene TELSOM Meetings with China, Japan, ROK,
European Union and India. With regards to ITU and EU, the Meeting discussed and
requested the ASEAN Secretariat to confirm the proper rank of their heads of
delegation. The Meeting expected EU DG (of his/her deputy) of Information Society
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and Digital Agenda and an ITU elected Director to have respective dialogues with
161. As for TELMIN Meeting with Dialogue Partners, the Meeting agreed to
recommend TELMIN to have dialogue with China, Japan, ROK, India and also to
invite Secretary General of ITU.
162. The ASEAN Secretariat will send details on date and venue of TELSOM
Retreat in early October 2011 in due time.
The next Special TELSOM Meeting will be held in Viet Nam in 2012.
164. The Meeting considered and adopted the Report of the Special TELSOM on
ad-referendum basis.
Delegations from Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia,
Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore and Viet Nam expressed their sincere
appreciation to the Government and people of Thailand for their warm hospitality
accorded to them and the excellent arrangements of the Meeting.
The delegations also expressed their appreciation to the ASEAN Secretariat
and the ASEAN ICT Centre for their technical assistance for the Meeting.
The Meeting was held in the traditional spirit of ASEAN cordiality and