St. Catherine University Course Syllabus Financial Accounting ACCT2110 Fall 2012 Instructor: E-Mail: Office Hours: Class Time: Nancy Johnson, MBA & Masters of Accountancy prior to class, Noon – 1pm in the class room, or by appointment Saturday 1:pm – 4:30, Mendal 101 Required Text: Financial Accounting: Harrison and Horngren, Pearson Prentice Hall 2007, 9th edition ntResources9e.html Getting Started with Excel for Tom’s Wear, Lopez, Prentice Hall COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is an introduction to accounting and will enable the student to achieve a basic working knowledge of accounting and its uses. Emphasis is placed on the need to read and interpret financial statements. Accounting theory and uses of accounting information are integrated with the need to understand the conceptual framework and social role of accounting. Problem solving, ethical issues and computer skills are an integral part of the course. A goal of the course is also to develop student’s critical thinking skills. COURSE OBJECTIVES: The primary objectives of this course are to enable the student to: 1. Understand the objectives of financial reporting. 2. Achieve a basic working knowledge of accounting and its uses. 3. Understand the basic accounting fundamentals. 4. Organize financial data into coherent and meaningful information. 5. Interpret and analyze financial information. 6. Achieve a level of proficiency with excel. DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR ASSIGNMENTS, EXAMS, & GRADING POLICY: Students will be graded on: three examinations covering the text material, 3 short online quizzes, and lecture/discussion topics from the classroom, homework assignments, and discussion boards per the schedule below. Also, classroom participation will significantly enhance the learning experience. Your final grade for the course will be based on total points. (93-100 A, 90-92 A-, 87-89 B+, 83-86 B, 80-82 B-, 77-79 C+, 73-76 C, 70-72 C-, 67-69 D+, 63-66 D, 60-62 D-, under 60 a F) Approx. Points Three exams (each approximately 80) 240 Chapter Quizzes (3) 30 Homework Assignment (3) Michaels – Accounting Cycle 50 Financial Statements 50 Class Participation 50 Discussion Board Participation 60 Tom’s Wear Excel Assignments (approx.) 110 Total Points 610 COLLEGE and INSTRUCTOR POLICIES Disability Statement: Students with disabilities who believe that they may need accommodations in this class are encouraged to contact the Office of Resources for Disabilities 651-690-6563 as soon as possible. If you have a documented disability that requires accommodation, please provide the instructor with the accommodation plan at the first class session. Incompletes: A grade of Incomplete is given only in cases of dire emergency. See Le Guide or the on-line Incomplete Form for information about under what circumstances an incomplete grade can be given. Published deadlines must be adhered to when filing for an Incomplete and when completing the required work. . Academic Integrity: Students will be expected to comply with University policies and procedures regarding academic integrity as spelled out in Le Guide. Independent work is required on all class work, exams and projects without express instructions from the instructor regarding assignments involving collaboration and teamwork. All written work is to be the student’s original work with correct APA citations for all outside sources from which ideas, language or quotations are derived. INSTRUCTOR POLICIES Instructor Expectations: Your success in this course will be greatly improved by: 1. Attending class regularly and actively participate in the class and in the online discussions. 2. Coming to class prepared (do the practice problems and read assigned chapters prior to covering in class) and with all assignments completed with questions on any course material you do not understand. 3. Taking the exams and quizzes on the dates listed and turn in assignments when due. To support you in staying current. To assist you in establishing accountability skills late work will not be considered for credit without instructor approval. Absences: It is expected that all students will attend all classes, yet it may sometimes be necessary to miss a class due to illness, work matter, or family issue, etc. If you will need to miss a class, you are required to email and see the instructor to discuss the situation obtain updates, etc. Additionally scheduled missed classes require students to submit all practice homework via email before 11:59 the day of class per the syllabus schedule below. Technology & Communication: D2L will be leveraged throughout this class to 1) INFORM students of any updates, changes and reminders for requirements; 2) DELIVER shared files and important course documents; 3) ENGAGE in participation of lively discussion, obtain feedback and grade information. The D2L link is found on the top right corner of your Kateway home page. In D2L click on the course link, and review the Home Page News Announcements for how to get started and where to access necessary files. D2L help is available the college help desk. Excel: You are encouraged to leverage technology by doing all homework using the Excel templates provided via D2L, Content, and submitting electronically (see Homework below). This will allow for a substantial reduction in paper/printing along with extreme flexibility for emergency situations when students need to miss class unexpectedly due to illness or crisis. Most all versions of Excel will be sufficient for this course. The instructor will provide support/assistance with Excel and it is expected that all formulas covered in class will be included by students in all Excel work for full credit. MAC users are expected to convert files to and .xlx or .xlxs file format. Files submitted in the incorrect file format risk being deemed as a late submission which will result in a reduced score. Email: Your USC email account will be the primary account for communication in this course. Please check it each day for course updates and important communication. Homework: Practice Homework: Accounting is learned by doing, therefore daily homework is an integral part of understanding the material covered in this course. It is expected that all chapter homework practice problems assigned will be completed before the day covered in class. These problems are not graded but increase your overall understanding and will be leveraged in follow on exams and for credit assignments. Students will be asked to share their solutions in class. Practice homework must be turned in for instructor review for all scheduled and unplanned absences from class before 11:59 on the day of the class missed. Assignments: Two for-credit homework assignments will be completed during this course. The instructions for each are found in D2L, Assignments Module along with companion Excel work papers. 1) Michaels Landscaping – an accounting cycle simulation comprehensive problem. 2) Financial Statement Analysis Submission: The homework will be turned in per the syllabus due dates below, by 11:59pm and will be accepted late, but not for credit. See D2L, Dropbox to locate the drop box for submission. Once you have successfully submitted your file you will receive a confirmation email. This is where you will return to find feedback and grading information. Excel formulas, which will be taught in class, are required for full credit in all homework. Please see the instructor if you have concerns in this area. All submitted files must include student names in the file name: File naming example: njohnsonMichaelsLandscaping. Class & Discussion Participation: In Class: Class participation is based on contributing to classroom discussion and problems done as groups during class. You must be in class to participate. If you are unable attend class (or the full class sessions) participation points may be missed. Online Discussions: Weekly online Discussions will be used to further explore topics. Often we’ll go beyond what the text has to say and collaborate to brainstorm new perspectives on the subject. Discussions Boards are found D2L for weekly topic and for homework questions where you can raise questions about materials. Specific guidelines are outlined in each discussion but will always involve problem solving. Initial student post is due by Thursday immediately following class at 11:59pm and reply postings are due by Saturday immediately following class at 11:59pm. Check back frequently to ensure you answer questions raised by your classmates/instructor for full credit. Late discussion postings are always welcome but will not be include for credit in grading. Quality posts: For each week/module that contains a Discussion forum, you will be expected to post a thoughtful, detailed response (i.e., "yes," "no," "I agree," or "I disagree" answer is not sufficient). You should check back in a while and see what your classmates have posted. Find a posting that interests you, and craft substantial replies to that posting in the Discussion forum. If your opinion differs persuade your classmate with supported theory and examples. Etiquette: Remember to exercise courtesy and proper etiquette when responding to others' posts along with complete sentences and use spell check. (I.e. no texting syntax allows). Supporting your views by including links to articles, videos or attach files is a great way to earn maximum points. Tom’s Wear Excel Homework: Purpose: The ability to create and use Excel spreadsheets is important in many professions. The Tom’s Wear homework will introduce you to Excel and walk you through a real life example of how basic Excel can be used in the workplace. Creating formulas within each spread sheet is part of the assignment and will contribute to your overall knowledge base and points earned. Assignments will be submitted electronically via the Assignment submission drop box (TW XXX) via D2L per the schedule below. Please include your name in the file name of the work sheet that is submitted via email as follows (example: njohnsonTW1_2) Obtaining Help: Use the D2L Excel Questions Discussion Board to post questions. Also, Formula support will be provided in class and 1 hour prior to each class. Submission: Tom’s assignments are to be placed in the D2L Drop box label for the chapter due by 11:59pm per the date listed in the syllabus. The drop box can also be found in D2L, Content, in the week assigned. Exams & Quizzes: THERE WILL BE NO EXAM MAKEUPS WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL. 3 exams are required for this course which will be held in class. Generally the exams will be multiple choice, short problems, and essay questions. Your overall success is heavily dependent on having completed the practice homework problems, in chapter practice quizzes and class discussions. Quizzes: 3 - 10 point quizzes will be taken at the end of selected chapters/unit to ensure students are able to accurately assess their level of understand and prepare for the exams. Quizzes are found on D2L in the Quiz folder and also via the Content folder and will be made available to students per the schedule below. Feedback on results will be immediate. Each quiz is due to be taken individually by Saturday at 11:59pm immediately following the class session that week. Missed quizzes cannot be made up for credit. COURSE OUTLINE – ACCT2110 Fall 2012 Course Date of Class Chapter and Topic Assignments and Due Dates No previous accounting experience is required for this course. Because of the nature of the course, all readings and problems should be prepared prior to the class session when schedule for review and clarification in class. (i.e. bring completed work to class) D2L: From Kateway, click on the D2L link (upper right corner), click Discussion, select the Welcome & Introduction discussion thread and follow the instructions for creating your self introduction. Return prior to the start of class and reply post to at least 2 classmates. Practice Problems: E1-16, E1-17, E1-20 E1-24 E1-25 E2-18, E2-19, E2-20 Week 0 Welcome and introduction to the course Weeks 1-2 9/89/15 Ch. 1 Financial Statements Ch. 2 Transaction Analysis (Learning objective: 1) Week 3-4 9/229/29 Week 5-6 10/610/13 Tom’s Wear 2 & 3 (TW assignments – if you are unfamiliar with Excel please prepare TW Chp 1 to learn basic concepts) (Learning objective 5) Ch. 3, Accrual Accounting & Income (Learning objective: 2 & 3) Ch 4, Internal Control & Cash Ch. 5 Short-Term Investments/Receivables (Learning objective 2 &3) Tom’s Wear 4 & 7 (Learning objective 5) Week 7-8 10/2010/27 Ch. 6 Inventory & COGS Ch 7 Plant Assets & Intangibles (Learning objective 2& 3) Tom’s Wear 5 & 6 Week 910 11/311/10 Ch. 9 Liabilities Ch. 10 Stockholder’s Equity (Learning objective 4) D2L: Discussion : Week 1, Chp 1 problems Michael’s Landscape: Content, Module, download files and begin problem. T.W. Ch 2 & 3 Due via D2L drop box (9/15) Practice Problems: E3-22, E3-23, E3-25, E3-26, E3-30 D2L: Michael’s Landscape: via D2L drop box (9/29) Discussion: Current Ratio Week 4 Quiz D2L, Due (9/29) Practice Problems: E4-19, E4-20, E4-21, E4-22 E5-21, E5-24, E5-27,E5-29 Exam 1 - in class (1, 2, 3) D2L: Discussion : Small Business Analysis T.W. Ch. 4 & 7 Due via D2L drop box (10/13) Week 6 Quiz (10/13) Practice Problems: E6-19, P6-22, P6-25 E7-15, E7-16, P7-66, E7-69, Ethical Issue D2L: T.W. Ch. 5 &6, due via D2L drop box (10/27) Discussion: Inventory & Assets Practice Problems: E9-24, E9-26, E9-47 E9-70, S10-6, E10-28, E10-36 Exam 2 in class (4, 5, 6, 7) D2L Discussion: Debt versus Equity Week 10 Quiz (11/8) Week 1112 11/1711/24 Week 1314 12/112/8 Week 15 12/1512/20 Ch. 13 Financial Statement Analysis (Learning objective 4) Tom’s Wear 11 (Learning objective 5) Ch. 12 The Statement of Cash Flows (Learning objective 4 & 5) Tom’s Wear Chp 10 (Learning objective 5) Case Scenarios – I n class Sustainability Case Final Exam Practice Problems: E13-16A, E13-17A, E1318A, E13-19A, D2L: T.W. Ch 11, due via D2L drop box (11/24) Financial Statement Analysis Project (details to be provided in class) (11/17) Practice Problems: E12-16A, E12-18A, E12-20A D2L: T.W. Ch. 10, due via D2L drop box (12/8) Discussion Board: Final Exam Prep Comprehensive final exam with focus on Chapter 8,9,12,13) –